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Posts posted by Grover

  1. The military dictatorship is handling this very poorly....it is showing how truly politically inept they are. The only good I can see coming out of their actions is the eventual collapse of the baht which will give me a better exchange rate.


    Well, I see light at the end of the tunnel. I'm hoping that the recent speech by the PM will be taken to heart by all Thais.

  2. Jimi Hendrix - Fire Lyrics


    now listen, THAKSIN

    You don't care for me :o

    I don'-a care about that

    Gotta new fool, ha!

    I like it like that

    I have only one burning desire

    Let me stand next to your fire

    Let me stand next to your fire [Repeat 4 times]

    Listen here, THAKSIN

    and stop acting so crazy :D

    You say your miss your home,

    it ain't my concern,

    Just play with me and I won't burn myself

    I have only one itching desire

    Let me stand next to your fire

    Let me stand next to your fire [Repeat 4 times]

    Oh! Move over, gRover

    and let Jimi take over

    Yeah, you know what I'm talking 'bout

    Yeah, get on with it, baby

    That's what I'm talking 'bout

    Now dig this!


    Now listen, THAKSIN

    You try to gimme your money :D

    you better save it, THAKSIN

    Save it for your rainy day

    I have only one burning desire

    Let me stand next to your fire

    Let me stand next to your fire

  3. No. I agree.

    Whilst it might be funny to theorise about a pack of dickheads self immolating, I hope it doesn't (and don't think it has) any chance of happening. No one (apart from Manson crowd) could honestly be that stupid. Could they?

    Well, they are Thaksin supporters :o

    just joking lads :D

    seriously, they are either liars or need to seek a mental health professional ASAP. Otherwise their chances of surviving might go up in smoke :D

  4. However my question to you given that the "universal acclaim that greeted the CNS takeover" spoke louder than vote counting (I'll ignore the patronising and arrogant way some foreigners take the Thai people's views for granted), what do the voices in your head say now given that most Thais would like this wretched government to disapear as soon as possible?

    more fluff words and giddy frills by yh. :o

    most according to who or what ? voices in your head ?

  5. Thaksin is/was nothing but a product of a system.

    What system are you referring to ?

    If you were to define this system very generally as say "Thai System", then I think Thaksin was more than a product, he was very close to being the Sole Manager of the system, the 'undisputed' CEO, or more simply a smooth dictator.

    He was far from simply being a product because of the enormous power and control he exerted over 'the system'.

  6. Seems to me a piece of paper being signed in HuaHin made it legal.... and the previous constitution became a piece of paper :o

    Retroactive application of the law does not make the action of the coup legal. At the time of the coup it was an illegal action. Anyhow, this is a topic matter that we should keep out of the discussion. There is much that could be said, but whatever it is, it is against board rules.

    ok, can we can restrict the topic matter to this simple question: Was the retroactive application of the law legal ? Y or N ?

  7. It depends on how they choose to exercise their preference.

    If they prefer to use premeditated, violent measures, then the answer to all these questions IMO would be an unhesitating YES.

    Tanks and troops, armed with M16s, in the streets wasn't a violent measure.? It sure was.

    I suppose you think police are being violent when they stroll the streets with guns in their holsters.

    Well, police is legally permitted to carry guns. Show me any law under the then valid constitution that allowed a military coup?

    I am not aware of any such law.

  8. It depends on how they choose to exercise their preference.

    If they prefer to use premeditated, violent measures, then the answer to all these questions IMO would be an unhesitating YES.

    Tanks and troops, armed with M16s, in the streets wasn't a violent measure.? It sure was.

    I suppose you think police are being violent when they stroll the streets with guns in their holsters.

  9. If some people actually would prefer Toxin as PM should they refrain from all political activity?

    If some people actually would prefer Toxin as PM should they be banned from attending rallies?

    If some people actually would prefer Toxin as PM should they be banned from ALL political activity?

    If some people actually would prefer Toxin as PM should they be put under house arrest and not be allowed to leave their homes?

    It depends on how they choose to exercise their preference.

    If they prefer to use premeditated, violent measures, then the answer to all these questions IMO would be an unhesitating YES.

  10. terrence, would you be so kind to describe the look on the Thai ladys face as she walked with the big fella ? Was it a neutral look, a look of shame, a look of happiness, etc ?

    And what about the Thai onlookers ? What do you think was behind the laughter ? Was it a cover-up for disgust or something else, or was it "just a funny spectacle" and a mai pen rai ?

    out of interest.

  11. Dhamma verified from experience.

    There are many instances in the suttas.

    All mythology until experienced or observed. Are there no examples since then?

    I'm happy to answer your questions as best as I can, but behind this line of questions, what is it you really want to know ?

  12. How can I pursue what is real when I'm just doing what I'm told to do according to third hand reports of what someone who may have existed said, rather than look at real truths revealed to my own eyes?

    If the teachings of the Dhamma are consistent with the truths revealed to your own eyes, then it seems perfectly reasonable to follow this line, or path, for as far as it will take you.

    Countless people have succeeded with and verified the truth of the Dhamma for themselves. Surely they all can't be making up stories.

    Tell me of one of them, and how this was verified?

    Dhamma verified from experience.

    There are many instances in the suttas.

  13. How can I pursue what is real when I'm just doing what I'm told to do according to third hand reports of what someone who may have existed said, rather than look at real truths revealed to my own eyes?

    If the teachings of the Dhamma are consistent with the truths revealed to your own eyes, then it seems perfectly reasonable to follow this line, or path, for as far as it will take you.

    Countless people have succeeded with and verified the truth of the Dhamma for themselves. Surely they all can't be making up stories.

  14. Orthodoxy is boring :o

    There's more to the discovery of one's soul than reciting verses.

    It is odd that Buddhism puts so many people to sleep although its real purpose is to awaken people. :D


  15. There's no score card that tells you you've passed all the requirements to be a Buddhist. A monk maybe, but real Buddhism is as individual as your fingerprints.

    The score card goes as follows:

    Do you take refuge in the Buddha ? tick

    Do you take refuge in the Dhamma ? tick

    Do you take refuge in the Sangha ? tick

    which is called the triple gem and from what I know it constitutes the basic "requirements to be a Buddhist".

    I don't see how anyone who does not implicitly or otherwise take refuge in the triple gem can call themselves Buddhist. :o

  16. Well, in theory all of the dictionaries are available, at least by special order from Kinokuniya (if not actually on the shelves). I don't have a favourite personal dictionary; of course the OED is pretty good. Were you asking what is available at Asia Books or the other chains that are more likely to be outside Bangkok?

    Most "college" dictionaries are a good balance between detail and brevity- try Webster's.


    I'm interested in something for a Thai (intermediate to high level English student) audience, and something available (preferably) inside or outside Bangkok. Something that English teachers might recommend for students.


  17. The Democrats behaviour was fairly disgraceful,sabotaging elections they knew they would lose, and was widely condemned by international opinion at the time.

    Would you happen to have some examples where the Democrats actions were widely condemned by international opinion? I'm having difficulty locating any references that state that.

    It's a meaningless request since the main international journals of record simply express their own view and do not obviously summarise those of others.You have spent the last year posting hundreds of articles supporting your anti-Thaksin preoccupation and not once to my knowledge have you posted an article not reflecting, if I may say so, your rather one dimensional position.Never mind that's in the past and Thaksin's gone.You have obviously plenty of time on your hands so for the next week please carefully research the New York Times, Economist,Times of London, Asian Wall Street Journal etc.If you haven't by the end of that time found at least 2-3 articles touching on the Democrats' irresponsibility pm me and I will steer you in the right direction.

    2-3 articles in the international press would be considered 'widely condemned'? LOL

    yes, another sufferer of the fluff phrase syndrome

  18. The one track mind anti-Thaksin mob miss the point on the amnesty proposal and Khun Surayud's recent speech for the usual reason that they are unable to consider politics in a broad context.There is no suggestion that those directly responsible for electoral fraud will be pardoned,but there is a growing view that the dissolution of the whole TRT party was an absurdly excessive response, and carries a number of dangers since it is manifestly unjust.

    Not sure where you get your information from regarding the "growing view", but yesterdays article in the Nation reads "The verdict has received mixed reactions from political scientists and law professors."

    Hardly growing.

    It is also becoming clear that the CNS may have misinterpreted or even ignored HM's remarks to the Supreme Administrative Court judges.We also know that General Sondhi was in cahoots with the Court President the day before the judgement, suggesting a degree of meddling.Anyway all very murky and it is true that there is a bone headed element to the junta's thinking so possibly they will just blunder on.But it's perhaps significant that General Sondhi is talking at the the moment by a "certain individual" who is recommending an amnesty.Watch this space and ignore the ranting from the usual suspects.


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