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Posts posted by Grover

  1. Thai generals ask former assassin to be security adviser

    Pallop, a retired general who turned 71 on Friday, speaks about his days as an army-appointed assassin in a casual, matter-of-fact tone and offers little to dispel his tough-guy reputation. He was the leader of what he called the "killer team," a secret seven-man unit of the army in 1970 that carried out extrajudicial killings. "The assignment was to kill the leaders of communist groups all over Thailand," Pallop said.

    Pallop also served as a guerrilla mercenary for the CIA along the Ho Chi Minh Trail in the 1960s.

    Pallop declined to reveal exactly how many suspected communists he and his six fellow assassins killed in 1970 - "many, many," he said - but he lamented one particular rebel who got away: Payom Chulanont, the father of the current military-appointed prime minister, Surayud.

    "We almost got him," Pallop said dryly.

    He did not want to name the people he assassinated because it would upset too many relatives still alive today, he said.

    So the army has appointed a murdering criminal to help them.nice.

    well, Thaksin takes the cake for that unenviable title, so got to give them a bit of credit for that. :o

  2. Inspired by libyas dramatic news headline skills, and the weird goings on in pattaya...

    topic title says it all: make your own fictional pattaya news headlines.


    gorilla escapes from pattaya zoo and runs along the beach, brutally and savagely attacking 3 helpless Japaneses tourists.


  3. After a long five years its finally been released, and it looks good.


    We are very pleased to announce the availability of the phpBB3 RC1 package. This is the first release candidate which is meant to become the Gold release if no more bugs or problems arise. Of course there may be more than one release candidate.

    With this release we will give full support, allow uploading language packs as well as modifications and styles.

    the announcement is continued here:


    congrats and thanks to the developers and the community who made this happen

  4. I was on my way to a friend's house when I figured in an accident. I was on the back of one of those motorcyles for hire that you see in every soi when the accident happened. I unknowingly hop into one of those motorcycles driven by a very drunk driver. At first, I couldn't quiet tell that he was drunk to be honest because he was wearing his helmet. It was only after he rammed the bike against a wall and I flew-off the bike and landed on my hands, chest and legs - at least, still in one piece, and when he spoke to me after the incident.... that I noticed he was drunk. I can't believe he tried to over-charge me for the fare when I got to my destinition. The nerve! I was in a state of shock, so I did end up paying him more than what I should have. Now, that thought really pisses me off. It's not about the money, but the principle and the situation behind it!

    Has this happened to you in LOS?

    rammed the bike against a wall? flew of the bike? shhheeesh.

    i've had a similar experience upcountry. night time, needed to get to a phone booth, went into a shop, stumbled across a local who assured me he can take me to a phone, drove around back and forth for about 10 minutes (it was then I realised he was drunk), he couldnt find the phone booth, then wants some ridiculous amount of baht, ended up paying him more than I should of just to get rid of the creep. :o

    learned my lesson.

  5. The first lesson in psychology is that you can't make distance analyzes - that would be highly unprofessional.

    Again, I don't agree.

    Usually a definition of the subject matter followed by historical developments are the basis for the first few lessons. Analysis and therapy is normally considered an intermediate/advanced subject one reason is because of the responsibilities involved, and thus is introduced later.

    sorry to go slightly off topic, just wanted to clear that up.

  6. And when someone makes pseudo evaluations on one particular person he has never even met, that being on Thaksin, and extrapolating from that to the whole political situation as sole source, refusing to even consider reading up on history, etc. - than this is considered amateur psychology.

    meeting someone is not a prerequisite for understanding them.

  7. So the short answer is no.

    Nobody can.

    What you can understand from history though is the wider context in which the present situation is played out. Ignoring this will end up in a load of useless waffle.

    I might give some importance to your opinions and "predictions" based on your "expertise" if Thaksin would be part of your client base. Which though for more than a few obvious reasons he isn't. Therefore, quid erat demonstrandum... :D

    If you are talking about Thaksins personal history, then yes, you might be able to get some possibilities and probabilities on his next moves. Examining his personal history to understand his next move would be more revealing and fruitful than turning to "national history", obvious stuff .... :o

  8. Psychology is the science that deals with mental processes and behavior, and not with political, anthropological and economical contexts.

    wrong once again :o

    The political context in which people find themselves can have an influence on how they perceive and relate to their environment (threatening, uncomfortable, safe, etc) - and subsequently their mental processes and behavior. It is not beyond the scope of psychology to consider these influences (political or otherwise), in fact I believe we have seen at least one act of self violence (suicide?) linked to the current political problems - a taxi driver.

  9. hi steffi, I also use OSx primarily, great OS, probably about 95% of the time compared to parallels. I will have a look at VMware fusion but since ive already paid for my parallels license i guess ill stick with it for a while.

    the applecare warranty seems expensive at AU$419 compared to the entry level macbook at AU$1600.... dunno seems a bit expensive, hmmm reckon it is still worth it ?

    bugger! they just released a new model macbook, quicker and cheaper than the one I bought only a few weeks ago ! :o

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