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Posts posted by Grover

  1. I was bored and have nothing to do so heres how it works.

    I post a letter Banned for Having a long sig.

    You post something like : Banned for Saying a Sig is too long.

    The Next person Writes why you are banned an so on and so on.

    this should be fun once we get going

    Now the next person writes why you are banned you can write as many times as you want but you Can Ban your self.

  2. thaksin behind it ( what a load of rubbish )

    dont be so sure. there is so much at stake for him. there is no proof but nevertheless he would have a lot to gain by causing the people (locals and international) to lose hope in the government.

    more condemnation and less denial would be nice from Thaksin. but then again, he was never really interested in looking out for Thailand, just himself and his family.

  3. Thanks Dr PP and astral. I will contact the Thai embassy, and when I get some official info ill post it on this thread as this seems like a good visa.

    Astral, your response has made me a little nervous. I'd like to double check a few things.

    Once the visa has been issued you are wasting it's validity if you do not enter Thailand,

    Don't really understand what you mean by this. I thought the visa "begins" from the day it is utilized (not from when it is issued), so i dont see how its its validity is wasted. I intend to make use of the visa (ie enter Thailand on it) but I would like to delay my trip if possible by taking advantage of the 90 day window in order to save up some more money.

    You must be under 30 when the visa is issued.

    you mean inclusive, right? from the website,

    1.2 Must be aged between 18-30 years inclusive at the time of application and not accompanied by children or dependents;
    Therefore I satisfy this requirement as long as the visa is issued before I turn 31. I hope im reading this right !

    But the website still doesnt seem to answer my question which is this:

    My question is do I have to enter Thailand (and utilize the visa) before my 31st birthday, or now that the visa has been issued, can I now enter the country anytime within the next 90 days?
  4. I'd going to apply for a "working holiday visa" from the Thai embassy in Australia withing the next few months. One of the conditions is that the applicant must be 30 years old or less. I meet all the requirements including this one, but I turn 31 at the end of July.

    A few other bits of info before I ask my question:

    1. I'd like to delay my trip to Thailand for as many months as possible and still be eligible for this visa.

    2. I understand that after a visa is issued, it must be utilized within a period of time (three months or therabouts).

    3. I'll submit my application a few weeks before my 31st birthday.

    So, lets fast forward and suppose the application is successful and I have my visa in hand which must be utilized within 90 days.

    My question is do I have to enter Thailand (and utilize the visa) before my 31st birthday, or now that the visa has been issued, can I now enter the country anytime within the next 90 days?

    I think I know the answer but would like some clarification.


    more details can be found at the Sydney embassy webpage (it didn't seem to answer this specific question):


  5. An unbalanced and one sided article but does highlight some important issues that the Sangha needs to address.

    To counter the dramatic "many monks are ... " theme of the article,

    I would like to add that many monks are genuine, sincere and spiritually advanced and inspiring and make a valuable contribution to the community.

  6. Quote JR: I don't believe i have bashed anyone on this thread............

    Yes you did! You bashed old people in general and that is IMO outright intolerant ageism.

    No i didn't, you are finding what you want to find in my posts. I don't agree with you, therefore you and others are attempting to attribute negative characteristics to me in order to discredit my argument and help you justify your stance. I merely pointed out an unfortunate reality and gave my opinion on it.

    In fact i have stated on this thread that i have no aversion to ageing or problem with old people in general. But i don't have to support every action that an old person does, they are not above critical comment.

    It's not even that i am campaigning against your right to have young partners if you can and wish to do so, that's up to you, i'm just sorry for the women who are forced to see this as their best option. But don't exepect me to play along with your fabricated reality in which arriving in Thailand has suddenly turned you all into highly desirable partners for young women, with money not being the issue. Most of you are quite clearly taking advantage of the economic situation here in a way that you cannot do in your home countries. I prefer to live in the real world, and i hope i retain that attitude as i enter old age. I'm confident i will.

    Spoken Like a true Septic,

    aye, and nignoy should know, being a pom n all.

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