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Posts posted by Grover

  1. It seems to me that the point at which one can no longer be lead along the path by another is variable for each person. Some can be taken to the gate so to speak, while others can not find or do not need a guide.

    Admittedly, the first case seems to be the exception rather than the rule.

  2. all these things are ultimately worthless....

    if you had the real live buddha standing before you... and held onto him.... it still wouldn't assist you any to get to nirvana

    we can only reach enlightenment through our own effort

    Buddhas and their monks can only point the way...

    Yes, even a real living Buddha can only show you so much. I'm thoroughly convinced that it's impossible to learn how to reach enlightenment. After a certain point it's all up to you.

    There are several stories in the suttas where a sermon or short teaching phrase given by the Buddha triggered a spontaneous enlightenment.

    No doubt, these people had already laid the groundwork earlier, and their minds were fully receptive and fertile for the teachings.

  3. In light of the recent happenings, I think the question should be "why on earth would anyone support Thaksin?"

    Some possible answers:

    1. Ignorance or "follow the herd" syndrome

    2. Owe him a debt of some sort - vote buying as one small example,

    3. Blinded love and emotional investment, a parting to face truth would cause too much pain :o

    for farangs,

    4. Do not wish to be ostracized from spouses family and village; acceding, justifying etc as it is just easier that way. understandable :D


  4. Among the many things taught by Buddha Gautama was not to take his word as a gospel, but to pursue your own path to enlightenment. Orthodoxy would go against this it seems.

    He prescribed the 8 fold path as the path to enlightenment, and emphisised one must traverse the path by oneself.

  5. TRT's tactics where a bit too obvious and the had a maniac leader, but apart from that...

    their leader participated in the extra judicial killings of some 2000 people,


    and nobody in the current government had anything to do with this either? :o

    probably. But the leader is ultimately responsible, especially for something that happened over a long period of time and involving so many deaths.

  6. The present governments hysteria regarding everything to do with Thaksin, is a sign of moral, political and practical weakness on their part, they know they can not defend their position in an enviroment of free debate, so they outlaw free speech.

    Thaksin isn't exactly a paragon of the free speech ideal, or free debate for that matter.

    He never accepted the challenge of a live debate, and at at least one press conference he had a funny little cross symbol he used to dismiss questions he didn't want to answer :D

    Not to mention the way he unfairly controlled the media giving himself maximum exposure and his opponents virtually nothing. This is a subtle and powerful form of censorship.

    yet we have people throwing their hands up in the air at the censorship "outrage" of this pathetic bastion of self-propaganda. :o

  7. Why exclude studies on Thailand?

    It would be wrong to assume I 'exclude studies on Thailand'.

    If you are referring to Thai Political history, it is because I am more interested in other subjects and there is only 24 hours in a day. This is not to say the subject disinterests me or is not worthy of study.

    Well, why then all the rubbishing of the books i recommend?

    I never "rubbished" the books you recommended, I simply discounted their importance, relative to a very specific context.

    :o for your analysis and predictions, there is a lot of food for thought although I may not always agree with some of your conclusions.

  8. you haven't the honor of being on my shit list. :D
    C'mon guys, no flames,


    Another non-reader then (please, prove me wrong).

    The second one.

    I am an avid reader but having only read one introductory book on Thai history, I cant really comment on this topic. I am interested in the posts of those who are have a broad perspective/overview of the subject though.

    What I am particularly interested in is the cunning, tragic, and slightly comic ego character of Thaksin. I've actually learned a lot just by observing him and through the repercussions of his behavior.

    I have no idea what will happen over the next few weeks. Perhaps you can offer your analysis and predictions.

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