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Posts posted by Grover

  1. When I get asked what religion I am, without hesitation I say Buddhist.

    I never formally made a decision to become Buddhist, I didn't wake up one morning and decided to become Buddhist, and although I was extremely impressed with the teachings of the Buddha when I first encountered them, my confidence in them, the practice and the triple gem grew over time to the point where I felt I could comfortably and sincerely call myself Buddhist.

    His teachings are, after all, the best :o

  2. It looks like the original youtube video has been removed but it's probably all for nothing now because the damage has been done. This thing has truly gone international with the mainstream media hubbub and blogs talking about it.

    removed by the user apparently.

  3. Not only that the internet is full of people just trying to get a rise out of others (like the trolls on here). I expect more insulting videos just because of the reaction to this one.

    Sad :o but true.

  4. the eight fold path is authorative and practical.

    as far as practicing it goes, it can be divided into sila (morality - precepts) and meditation (concentration and mindfulness).

    IMO anyone who sincerely practices the eightfold path can be called a "practicing Buddhist".

    //edit: and "takes refuge in the triple gem".

  5. I think a layperson can fairly call themselves a practicing Buddhist if they

    * take refuge in the triple gem (which includes supporting the community of monks/temple. This is significant)

    * stick with the five precepts

    * regularly practice meditation

    All relative to their individual (karmic?) development.

  6. mig I have a similar problem as you.

    The pic I wanted to upload was about 700k in size, and it just seemed to get nowhere. So I tried to resized the image to about 80k and it attached fine. So in my case, the size seemed to matter.

    Maybe try a really small pic (like a smiley) and see if it attaches ok.

  7. The other day my nine year old daughter asked me who 'designed' us, e.g. our hands, our feet, etc., which I found quite touching. Although raised a Christian, I have never been able to believe in that story so I told her that Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc. believe there is a god, while Buddhists seem to skirt that issue. Actually I am not sure what their position is on that. I cannot tell her something that I do not believe in. My girls do get the Buddhist input from their Mom and school, and I don't have an issue with that, although I would like them to understand at some point that Buddhism as it is practiced here and elsewhere is not very close at all to what Gautama Buddha was talking about. I would be interested in hearing how others have handled this issue.

    I recall the story of a man who came and asked the buddha a series of philosophical questions, such as "is there a god", "is there not a god", etc.

    The Buddha replied with silence. Later he explained to his followers that he replied this way because asking/discussing these types of questions did not lead to enlightenment, thus he dismissed them as irrelevant.

    In other words, questions concerning creation and "god" are irrelevant to enlightenment and therefore buddhism.

  8. 30030577-01.jpg

    Sondhi Limthongkul, owner of Manager newspaper, makes a gesture in a detention room in the Criminal Court on Thursday after being sentenced to two years in jail on a libel suit. He is submiting a bail request.

    Source: The Nation - 29 March 2007

    Just looking at the pic, he doesnt appear to be too concerned about it.

  9. If you want to see something really morbid and ghoulish, visit the medical museum at one of the Hospitals in BKK, forgot the name.

    Inside they have preserved specimens of dead people, and all sorts of freakishly disturbing exhibits. I was walking around almost :o but the Thais were strolling around with curious expressions on their face, as if it were nothing much.

    You will likely find one of these in every Western city. I regulary visited the one in Whitechapel London. It had plenty of dead babies and even the skeleton of the elephant man. There were freaks there of every discription. I didn't notice any upset people getting sick there though.

    the thing that stuck in my mind the most was the preserved newborn babies/fetus with some type of deformity. There was one eyed babies, twins joined in every possible way, heads growing off the wrong place...

    Floating in old, discoloured preservative fluid.

    stuff like this Im sure you cant find in western hospitals.

  10. If you want to see something really morbid and ghoulish, visit the medical museum at one of the Hospitals in BKK, forgot the name.

    Inside they have preserved specimens of dead people, and all sorts of freakishly disturbing exhibits. I was walking around almost :o but the Thais were strolling around with curious expressions on their face, as if it were nothing much.

  11. Pixies - Blown Away

    Pixies - Hey

    BoB Dylan - Hurricane

    Jimi Hendrix - All along the Watchtower

    Pink Floyd - High Hopes

    Pink Floyd - Pigs (Three Different Ones)

    Dire Straits - So far away

    Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Californication

    The Master Song - Lenard Cohen

    Tom Waits - Crossroads

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