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Posts posted by Grover

  1. They are supposedly a 'respectable' international company that has or should have some moral responsibility.

    It is their reason for doing what they did that is sick in my opinion. yes im vegetarian for health reasons not that it has much to do with this topic because sony didnt kill the goat to eat it but for exploitation as a shock marketing tactic (lame).

    Lets not forget they have strongly supported restrictive digital rights protection in their products (to prevent digital theft and to help their revenue) but dont mind killing to help their marketing and revenue. Theft bad for revenue but killing good for revenue. :o

  2. the 2nd Gen nano has got very good sound quality. I am reasonably sure it is on par with the new shuffle.

    I can pick up faint hiss with my ER4ps but minimal.

    You will notice on audiophile forums, most members have chosen ipods of some description (paired up with a good set of headphones) for their portable rig.

  3. Alternatively, don't make lists. Lists are bad bad bad things.

    unless you are going to Tesco's.

    In which case, I think it would be really weird to make a list in a forum post.

    Grovey babe, you're weird.


    lists are good KO! so much easier to read.

    wierd? I just hope i am not weirder than chownah, :o

  4. sure, totster, that will work.

    But the problem still remains for the unsuspecting poster who innocently does up a list - a b c etc... and gets an unnanounced :o popping out of his/her post. Then he/she will thinking <deleted> and scratching his/her head and probably will his/her readers. It may not be apparent as to why this is happening, unless they work it out themselves or stumble across this thread.


  5. Just a small thing but it crops up from time to time and produces confusion.

    when entering a list, eg




    it is ok but when you use )




    you can see the unintentional effect.

    You can just disable the emoticons for that particular post:


    ok appreciate that, but that doesnt really fix the problem (its more of a workaround), and denies the poster of smilies for the rest of his or her post.

    I was thinking admin could simply change the bb code and do a search and replace to update the forum posts....

  6. But you, being staunch Aussie, used to sheep and such, will know more about those sort of things. wink.gif

    You're thinking of kiwis mate :o

    The same - both live on the other side of the world and brutalize the English language :D

    We are masters of the english language, brutish masters perhaps.

    Not too many spelling errors in your posts lately colpyat. well done :D

  7. It could have, but then again it was probably a very dissapointing experience for the pig as it probably couldnt identify the target :D

    And no, I am aussie :D

    Well, then there are definite advantages in not being built like John Holmes, one would be not having to satisfy Indonesian wildlife. :o

    But you, being staunch Aussie, used to sheep and such, will know more about those sort of things. :D

    ouch. :D

  8. Anyhow, my worst squat experience was in a village in Nias island. Went to the loo in that wooden building, squatted down, and suddenly a huge pig nose appeared 10 cm under my dangling parts waiting to be fed... :D

    and I thought Jasreeve17s ex pig grunt avatar was dead and buried. :o

    That was in '89.

    Glad to hear that the thing is dead now. Gave me bit of a shock. But then, it could have saved me from lotsa trouble with one bite... :D

    It could have, but then again it was probably a very dissapointing experience for the pig as it probably couldnt identify the target :D

    And no, I am aussie :D

  9. Anyhow, my worst squat experience was in a village in Nias island. Went to the loo in that wooden building, squatted down, and suddenly a huge pig nose appeared 10 cm under my dangling parts waiting to be fed... :D

    and I thought Jasreeve17s ex pig grunt avatar was dead and buried. :o

    That was in '89.

    Glad to hear that the thing is dead now. Gave me bit of a shock. But then, it could have saved me from lotsa trouble with one bite... :D

    two meatballs and a small sausage wouldnt satisfy a wild beast like that.

  10. Anyhow, my worst squat experience was in a village in Nias island. Went to the loo in that wooden building, squatted down, and suddenly a huge pig nose appeared 10 cm under my dangling parts waiting to be fed... :D

    and I thought Jasreeve17s ex pig grunt avatar was dead and buried. :o

  11. Stepping aside from the heated debating going on here; what sort of a person would shoot an unarmed woman. And then set her on fire, to die the most agonizing death imaginable? :D

    The same sort of person who sits in an airplane and pulls the trigger that releases bombs onto cities and villages, leaving "collateral damage".

    Reminds me of Thaksins "war on drugs" where 2000+ people (many innocent :D) were basically murdered. :o

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