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Posts posted by Grover

  1. Great post, Grover. Informative and compelling. Food for thought. Don't worry I'm not going to do a compilation of Sri's posts, it might shut down the entire bandwidth!

    Just having a bit of a chuckle at you repeating your cut and paste mantra in several threads throughout TV. :o

    carry on.

  2. my solution for the no hook problem is to wrap my belongings (small size) into my shirt, rolling the shirt up to my chin, holding it all in place with the chin. This may sound strange and awkward, but this method is secure, and it is much safer than trying to dangle things off the door latch.

  3. I assure you that the 19 million supporters of Mr. Thaksin are not all crawling and slithery and that many who oppose TRT and the Democrats are exactly that. The important thing is this:

    The words of anti-Thaksin free speech activist Supinya say it best - "The junta is far more dangerous than Thaksin ever was."

    Should TRT and the Democrat Party be dissolved? Perhaps, but best wait until the junta is boxed up and shipped off. Otherwise, it reeks of a complete farce.

    From 7 posts before the above one in this "TRT Targeted For Dissolution" thread:

    The words of anti-Thaksin free speech activist Supinya say it best - "The junta is far more dangerous than Thaksin ever was."

    Should TRT and the Democrat Party be dissolved? Perhaps, but best wait until the junta is boxed up and shipped off. Otherwise, it reeks of a complete farce.

    From "Thaksin's Wife Guilty Of Tax Evasion" thread:

    The words of anti-Thaksin free speech activist Supinya say it best - "The junta is far more dangerous than Thaksin ever was."

    Let's hope any action against any of the junta's political adversaries is delayed until the junta is boxed up and shipped off. Anything less than that is a farce.

    From "Media Requested To Focus On Constructive News" thread:

    The words of anti-Thaksin free speech activist Supinya say it best - "The junta is far more dangerous than Thaksin ever was."


    :D unbelievable stuff :o

  4. what about the toilets without the bum guns? the ones with a tub of water and the round plasic bowl ?

    how do those work? I assume you pour it down your lower back, hoping some of it trickles its way down under... unless one is meant to somehow reach under and project it upwards in a splash, risking a slip & possible contamination.

    At least the challenge of balancing, cleaning and escaping without slipping, falling and contaminating my clothing etc gives a warm sense of accomplishment.

  5. There are a number of Buddhist books with dual language. (english one page thai the next page).

    Check out the buddhist bookshops in BKK - the one near wat mahatat and near wat bovoriwet.

    The one I have in mind is called something like

    "consitution for life" or

    "a guide for living"

    its good because it has simple sentences and point form phrases with accurate translations.

    regards, grover.

  6. I'm a Christian pacifist who hasn't studied Buddhism, but is this the place to ask about that first precept? If the first precept is "He should not kill a living being, nor cause it to be killed, nor should he incite another to kill. Do not injure any being, either strong or weak, in the world," then why do Buddhists participate in warfare? I have a quote from the Vietnamese spiritual leader, Thich Quang Do, that makes me thinks the anwer is "No, Buddhist should not support war." He says the Vietnamese Buddhists allowed their nationalism to come first.

    nationalism coming first before religion seems to be the case here.

    From what I know regarding the 1st precept, there is a range of negitive karmic effects from very bad to slightly bad...

    Killing an Arahant - Killing ones parents - killing a "normal" person - killing an "evil" person, killing an animal, hurting a person, hurting an animal, killing a tree, etc...

    If someone was involved in a war, and their job was to man an anti missile defense system - then I would think it does not break the first precept because they are simply involved in destroying machinery.

    however, working for the military breaks the 8fold paths "right occupation"... I would think.

  7. However, you might hear some women say "krap" when they talk to a boy or some men say "kha" to a girl. You do not need to know why they say that. In these two cases, they can speak it that way but it is not really correct.

    When I was first learning Thai, a female would often say "krup" at the end of her sentences. I found it annoying and confusing; like she was making fun of me. :D:o

    But now I am guessing that was not her intention. My guess is that it was more like how a mother might speak to her infant son to train him to use krup and not copy the "ka".

  8. when you are trapped in a corner, follow these simple steps to escape: :D

    1. increase emotional tone of your retort and toss in a smokescreen or two... (dont focus on the accusation - now its time to get away!)

    2. brace for a spanking and the subsequent stalemate...

    3. lie low for a while until the heat has died down...

    4. pat yourself on the back for a job well done.

    :o:D :D

  9. breaking the precepts arises out of mind states unconductive to nirvarna, eg. desire/lust/greed and hate. they are rules that can be observed at the ground level to help control ones mind.

  10. Let's get real. Poverty sucks, and the proposition of poor people being happier than rich people is patronising at worst, foolish at best.

    Ask a poor person if they'd be happier if they were rich. I think you know the response.

    the Buddha had almost no possessions but was probably the happiest and most satisfied person to walk this earth.

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