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Posts posted by Grover

  1. How would you use

    อีกแลว ?


    = he/she wants it again

    he is doing it again


    เอาอีกแลว ruuuu ? (sorry I cant spell it)

    = huh :D do you want it again ? :o

  2. this thread has inspired me to go and buy a new digital camera. Yesterday I did the research, read the reviews and advice and i've decided to get a Fuji F30 compact. It was a tossup between the IXUS 65 (beautiful color IMO) and the F30, but after seeing the 65's ISO400 noise I decided on the F30. So, thanks for helping me do the damage, and thanks again. :o

  3. i learned a "stripper's trick" which was ironically taught to me by an ex boyfriend, but if after you shave your bikini line you put roll-on deodorant over the area you won't get bumps. i do that now, and the only time i get bumps at all is if i use a really dull razor.

    I guess you could try that if you wanted. It could also help with the bad odors. :o

  4. I have only ever usually heard that "lay the bike down" in the transitive mode, by big Harley dudes whose Harleys weigh over 697 pounds. So, I checked in my best dictionary, which said "lay" means to CAREFULLY put something (like a live baby) onto a flat surface. Now, I'm no fair weather biker (9 years year-round, no car), and there's nothing careful about the way gravity lets me down when I fall.

    Your an english teacher, not a physics teacher, right ? :o

  5. I do not know how one actively decides to "lay the bike down."

    I doubt there would be time for an active decision. It would be something closer to an instinctual reaction.

    Seriously, does one take a few thousand milliseconds out of their busy crash to grab ahold of the motorcycle and literally throw it down, or to throw it atop the nearest tuk-tuk?

    throwing it atop of a tuk-tuk? you can't be serious. :o

  6. Also we make oversea's uni students pay like 6 times more then the local.

    That is because they - and their parents - haven't been paying taxes to the government for most of their lives! :D

    Whats your point?

    Tourist who go to Thailand dont pay them taxes all there lives either? :D

    The taxes that they have paid for years were helping support the University and the education system- amongst other things - but overseas students have contributed nothing in the past, so they have to pay a higher fee now. :o

    I understand the point, and it makes sense, but with this principle whats the difference between what you said and the tourist who has to pay double ? :D

  7. Back to the dogs...I once heard a suggestion to mix 90% water with 10% cleaning ammonia and fill a small squirt gun. Keep it handy (bike basket? top of your boot? in your teeth?) for normal places/encounters with the local aggressive canine(s).

    The proponent of this idea said that it doesn't injure them, but an ammonia mixture up a dog's sensitive nose and in their eyes will make them remember you for a very long time. (As in "avoid this guy--he's a sadist.")

    Haven't tried it myself, but I am actively looking for one of those small squirt guns they sell in the west. So far, all I can find are one of those pump-action water cannons they use at Songkran. Hmmm....not a bad idea either.... :o

    Perhaps one could rip a windscreen washer system out of an old car and install it on the bike, filling it up with this ammonia fluid. Then, just like in a James bond film, when a dog launches an attack, press a button and a powerful spray (located near the foot) squirts the dog in the eye.

    Much easier than clumsily reaching for the squirt gun as the dog proceeds to rip your leg off.

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