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Posts posted by Grover

  1. how about setting up a pinned RSS feeder page where all the news available is in one place, maybe with links to the discussion threads? I don't know if it is possible but if so it would be handy.

    ok, I saw the RSS button at the bottom... :D:o

  2. Please read word for word, I said it would not put it past him to do that. Meaning it is not happening but Thaksin if desperate enough would suggest it. It could be as simple as asking the Chinese to provide weapons. Take a look at his track record at some of the absurd things he has done in power plays, it follows the constant.

    I cautiously and warily concede that it is a possibility.

    Thaksin has lost face in a huge way; hero to zero. He is a proud man with a huge ego, a shameless pursuer of power, very little moral fiber, ruthless, and ultimately & most sadly little regard for the people of Thailand.

    We all know what type of person he is and what he is capable of. He wields a huge financial power which can be translated into almost anything he wishes, as long as he proceeds carefully & indirectly. He lost face in a huge way & how will he react ? Taking into account his vain ego & his track record, IMO he wants payback.

    IMO I think this is what the military are thinking.

  3. how about setting up a pinned RSS feeder page where all the news available is in one place, maybe with links to the discussion threads? I don't know if it is possible but if so it would be handy.

  4. There is mafia's all over the world, you walk down a wrong st anywhere in the world its a good chance you will get farked up.

    I heard the taxi's at Chang Mai train station are a small time mafia and will beat up any taxi's who try to pick up and passengers.

    I know there is a big Mafia in Patong in Phuket as my friend who owns a business right on Bangla Rd has to pay them money every month.

    I know Bangkok has a few mafia's who own different parts of the city and businesses in the busy parts need to pay them protection money etc.

    I'm sure all mafioso will run for their lives if they see the GREAT DONZ coming..... :o


    no one likes to be raped by a monster

  5. Just wondering, all those that think this is a tasteless joke and shouldnt be published, whats your views on the Cartoons of Mohammed, should they have been published?

    Definitely not, jokes are suppose to be funny not offensive..

    I agree. if a 'joke' is not funny and is offensive, why do we call it a joke? It would be common sense to call it a bad taste comment or something... no ? :o

  6. Strong words from a.... sheep shagger, no less! :D:o

    If you cannot respect another member(me) you breach the forum rules..... :bah:

    Respect all starts with the sheep, mate. :D:D

    Mr. Chuchok is very kind and gentle with the sheep. :D

    In that case, ill be advising the Graceless Fawn to start wearing a woolen jacket from now on. :bah:

  7. Are there any good websites or books that help one know the vowel sounds that are not written? Or am I just going to have to “mmrz” one word at a time?

    There is a lot of good info in Rikkers post. As for books, the best and by far the most comprehensive I came across regarding reading Thai was a small booklet published by the Australian National University, about 20 or 30 pages long about reading Thai. It covered this whole topic very well, succinct and all sorts of great info. Unfortunately I don't have a copy anymore. but you might want to try the ANU website if your interested in it.

    This same booklet is in electronic format in a multimedia CDROM they published about reading Thai, which is also quite good.

  8. Sorry mate.I cannot respect a teacher that does this.If she was a hairy ar$ed bloke, I bet we would not be having this conversation now....in fact, I bet you a pound to a pinch that most blokes here would not even care...

    And all because she has a hairy cheque book. :D

    Strong words from a.... sheep shagger, no less! :D:o

  9. Hope she has brought her pepper spray.

    I think she is a he.

    Ever read her blog?

    Yep, and rather good reading I must say, and pictures - but I just read the articles. :o (At her website)

    Yes. She has a way with words, and can express herself quite well in her own style :D

  10. Two gays were sitting in their apartment on a cold, rainy Sunday afternoon. The only programs on the tube were re-runs. Finally one of the gays let out a long sigh and declared, "I'm bored"!

    His partner exclaimed, "Me Too".

    After a few more minutes of silence, the first gay said, "I've got an idea. Let's play a game of hide and seek".

    "Oh Fun", squeaked the other one, "tell me how to play".

    "Well, you close your eyes and count to 25. I will hide and you will try to find me. If you find me, you can have your way with me in any manner you want."

    "Oh joy", his partner responded as his face lit up with excitement.

    Then the excitement faded and was replaced by a worried look. "But what if I can't find you?", he asked.

    The other gay cupped his hands around his mouth and whispered, "I'll be behind the sofa"!!!!!!

    That's funny. But why gays???? Don't you straight people ever have fun?!

    I thought he'd hide in the fridge so he could slip into something Cool... :o

    Maybe he was worried about becoming frigid and a brass monkey

    More likely worried about making a mess of the brown choc chip custard. :D

  11. Labia Majora - From scrotal skin

    Vaginal Wall - From scrotal skin (and groin skin if necessary)

    I can understand the LM being fabricated from scrotal skin, but I'm surprised that the vaginal wall would be made from it... what about the hair follicles?


    Just curious...

    :o:D :D

    That comment evoked some pretty strange visuals...

  12. I went to a Thai restaurant at Xmas, and the tom yam was a bit iffy.

    Its my belief that Thaksin supporters in the kitchens were wee-weeing in the soup saucepan.


    well, it doesn't surprise me that the fanatical Thaksin supporters have stooped to this low act.

    I thought revenge was sweet, not sour. :D

    Besides, if they can bash old people and plant hoax bombs, surely they are capable of spitting in your soup :D

  13. You have not been reading the news on TV have you? Thaxin came out and said it had nothing to do with him (The orig bombs).He then said that it was amazing how the powers that be can blame him just hours after the event,yet they can not find one single bomber in the south over the last 3 years......

    smoke mirrors etc etc....

    Thats a different story. My comment referred to confessed or identified Thaksin supporters who are involved in low acts (bashing old people, planting hoax bombs for intimidation), and where Thaksin did not publicly condemn the actions of his supporters.

  14. :o Toxin should come clean and make a broadcast from Bejing saying that he emphatically discourages any action by his former supporters that will lead to instability in the Kingdom...he has not done so and thus is under a cloud of suspicion IMHO...Dukkha

    I agree, but I am not holding my breath.

    His consistent pattern of silence reveals his true intent, that is, he is happy to let his minions take revenge and intimidate on his behalf :D while giving his silent approval on the matter and refusing to condemn the thuggery.

  15. Take her to a temple for a week or so as often as time permits and give the monks food everyday, do plenty of chanting with her, do some meditation maybe, make some small donations everyday. Increase the intensity and duration, building up her "merit" might help her combat the witchcraft thoughts.

    Even if she temporarily ordains as a nun for 7 days (dont need to shave her head) it can help greatly, especially if she immerses herself in the temple activities.

    Visit a good Astrologer or 2, he might help too.

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