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Posts posted by Grover

  1. Yes it is. A commitment to another person rests in each other's hearts and not on a piece of paper.

    Sounds nice but not accurate IMO. Imagine if the world rested on 'handshake agreements'. It would fall apart very quickly. mates screw over mates more often with handshake agreements than with paper commitments.

    Ok, it is only a piece of paper, but the piece of paper has a symbolic meaning of 'commitment' behind it which does not change over time (unless formally & legally broken) unlike the heart which is easily deceived by the illusion of romantic love & can flip 180 on hearing just one bad word. Commitment is a weak sounding word for the heart, but fits better on a piece of paper.

  2. no. just a comment on your first sentence. Did you check out the website for international dealer locations? just an idea.

    good luck, your troubles will be worth it. pay the extra postage costs if all else fails, i guess...

  3. Is marriage just a piece of paper? Is it some form of public commitment? Is it really commitment?

    What do you all think?

    I think your next question should be: what is love? :D:o this is the apex of mushy questions. without involving emotional responses its a good question too.

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