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  1. Thanks for show us that ignorance of the US system of government isn't confined only to foreigners. The US is a Constitutional Republic. It's also a Representative Democracy. The 2 aren't mutually exclusive. But the claim that the US isn't a democracy has become a rightwing talking pointing point in the last few years. As for non-citizens joining in, US nationality is no proof of knowledge. Lack of it not a proof of ignorance.
  2. You forgot to mention the historically low unemployment rate. And the current high rate of GDP growth Or the fact that fuel prices have come way down Or that the US is now producing petroleum at the highest rate ever and that it's exporting more oil than ever before. And what's the nonsense on your meme about the "Return to Energy Dependence"? ANd the US strategic reserve is being refilled after helping to reduce oil prices. And the US sold the oil when its price was high and is buying when the price is low And the whole developed world suffered from inflation. Why is this the Biden administration's fault? And how exactly is the Biden administration responsible for supply chain shortages? As for record credit card debt, that was also the case in the 3rd quarter of 2019. Was Biden President then? As for record high gasoline prices? Once again, was this unique to the USA?
  3. Did you know that Israel was encouraging Qatar to make those payments long before it became actively involved in their distribution? And even defending Qatar's aid to Hamas in Washington? https://archive.ph/1J248 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html
  4. And of course you iknow that Israel actively participated in helping Qatar send funds to Gaza in order to help prop up Hamas. In fact, Qatar asked Israel's permission to do so.
  5. Thanks for another rant. Actually if you knew anything about supreme Court's decisions on the powers of state courts, you'd know that the conservatives on the court find themselves in quite a bind. Their decisions I've tended to support federalism and find that States supreme Court's have a lot of leeway in making decisions. Still, given the obvious proRepublican prejudices which animate so many of their decisions, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the supreme Court found in favor of trump.
  6. Despite which, the polls show the race as being very close. Real Clear Politics, hardly a friend to the left, gives Trump a 2.3% advantage now. What do you think that says about Trump? And, as I pointed out, voter perceptions of the economy are changing for the better. And there's still almost a year to go. As opposed to you, a person whose thinking is so addled that he can barely manage to ever post a civil sentence, but instead offers empty taunts. Here's what an expert says. A Year Out, Ignore General Election Polls They have little relationship to the final outcome. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/a-year-out-ignore-general-election-polls/ There's also the issue of Democrats outperforming the the predictions of the pollsters. Remember the huge red tidal wave that was supposed to wash away the Democrats? What happened? Was that election stolen, too? And since then, there have been several by-elections, and Democrats have done better than predicted in them? Were those stolen also?
  7. It is true that Democrats aren't enthusiastic about Biden. But they are enthusiastic about stopping Trump. Voting against can be just as powerful a motivation as voting for. And voter perception about the state of the economy is rapidly changing: US Consumer Confidence Increased Again in December https://www.conference-board.org/topics/consumer-confidence/press/CCI-Dec-2023
  8. I didn't write that stocks make the baht go down. Rather that the rise and fall of the interest rates on bonds has the tendency to make stocks & bonds go react inversely.
  9. I would say it's amazing that you're a fan of Donald Trump, given that you don't ever seem to know what he's been up to. At any rate: Trump says he was not watching live TV coverage of Capitol Hill riot Former President Donald Trump on Sunday night denied that he was watching live television coverage of the deadly Capitol Hill riot. Trump was responding to a Washington Post story that claimed he was “watching it all unfold” on Jan. 6 in the White House as chaos erupted at the Capitol. “That’s incorrect reporting,” Trump told Fox News’ Steve Hilton. https://nypost.com/2021/03/01/trump-says-he-was-not-watching-live-tv-coverage-of-capital-hill-riot/
  10. Among that half was Trump. Even though he denied it and claimed to be in meetings.
  11. You've already been definitively answered on this ridiculous covid claim before. It only deserves a ridiculous answer. Here it is: if you average out the number of deaths Trump served since the first Covid mortality, and the number of days Biden has been in office, you'll find that the average for Biden is considerably less.
  12. All the way to Mexico. At least, she wants to send military forces there to put a stop to the drug trade. That will work out well. Nikki Haley doubles down on promise to send special ops to 'eliminate' drug cartels across US-Mexico border 'We should treat them like the terrorists that they are,' Haley told Fox News Digital https://www.foxnews.com/politics/nikki-haley-doubles-down-promise-send-special-ops-eliminate-drug-cartels-mexico-border Most likely, the cartels will launch terrorist reprisals if this loon does, in fact, become President and authorize such attacks on Mexico.
  13. 2 people definitively said they saw Trump watching the TV broadcast of the Capitol invasion. No one has confirmed Trump's claim that by saying that they saw him in meetings during the invasion of the Capitol.
  14. Can you please share with us the specifics of the bill proposed to Congress about the infrastructure. Because I haven't been able to find anything. He made some noises about it, including offering huge tax breaks to private developers (surprise! surprise) but only vague stuff. Anyway, I'm sure you wouldn't have brought this up unless you have some specific information to share with the rest of us.
  15. Specifically Biden launched IRA which is resulting in huge investments to make America genuinely energy independent. He also made Obamacare much more affordable. Record numbers this year have bought insurance on the exchange. He also gave the IRS adequate funding so that, among other things, it would have the resort to go after tax evasion by the wealthy. Not surprisingly, Republicans particularly hate this.
  16. Slight exaggeration of pay? Morris claimed he was getting 1 million per year. He was paid $371,159 in 2017 and $540,484 in 2018 and 2019. Joe Biden never taught classes https://www.wionews.com/world/professor-joe-biden-was-paid-1-million-for-never-teaching-a-class-by-university-of-pennsylvania-report-551892
  17. Trump spent most of the January 6 attack watching TV in the White House dining room, according to new video from House committee https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-watching-tv-during-jan6-white-house-dining-room-video-2022-7
  18. It is definitely a great idea for Biden to submit to a cognitive test. Because we know that Trump supporters will portray the same openmindedness in the face of evidence that show's Biden's mental state is healthy as they did to the overwhelming evidence that the 2020 elections were stolen. OK. Maybe they weren't so openminded despite overwhelming evidence. I want to add that I'm not accusing you of believing that the 2020 election was stolen. I'm sure you accepted the conclusions of genuine forensic experts that that those elections were free and fair and that you would bring the same rational mindset to any test results. But you are a rarity among Trump supporters.
  19. How much did it cost to buy a house or a hamburger on Dec 27, 2019. Simple answer: More than it did in January, 2017. If prices start going down on a mass scale, that means you've got deflation, which is rarely, if ever, a good thing for an economy. Right now, China is experiencing that and the Chinese govt is not happy about it. You forget to note that wages have also gone up. Wage gains have been outpacing inflation since February of 2023. Yes, housing prices have gone up. But that's largely because housing wasn't being built much during the covid pandemic. So there's a backlog of demand. And, of course, the Fed has raised interest rates.
  20. Well, in this case that makes sense. If the Feds look like they're going to lower the interest rates, then stock should go up and so should the Baht because that makes the dollar a less attractive currency. If US stocks go down and the Baht go down, that's because the Feds might not be lowering it as fast as some hoped. Also, correlation doesn't necessarily mean causation. Just now, the Feds change in attitude is big news. Tomorrow it could be something else.
  21. First off, the most important thing he said was the Trump watched the rioters invade the Capitol for hours rather than call in the National Guard. This is widely known and supported by people present at the White House on January 6. The only errors are your in understanding the paragraph. He said Trump fired up the crowd. Not that he called for violence. That said, de did call on them to fight. And so what if the violence began before he ended his speech. Did it begin before he started his speech? "At the rally, Donald Trump Jr., Rudy Giuliani, and several Republican members of Congress addressed the crowd and repeated Donald Trump's false claims that electoral fraud affected the 2020 election outcome. In his hour-long speech, President Trump suggested marching towards the Capitol, assuring his audience he would be with them, to demand that Congress "only count the electors who have been lawfully slated", and "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard". Towards his conclusion, he said "we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore."[4][5][6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack You don't think "we fight We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore." constitutes firing up the crowd?
  22. What's nutty about that chart is that the underlying assumption that the price of stocks should keep on increasing at a rate faster than earnings. Do you think that as the ration grows they won't be tethered at all to reality?. Are you familiar with the concept of the ratio of stock price to earnings? Do ya think that ratio should go increasing forever?
  23. .If someone's posts annoy one too much, then just go ahead and put them on ignore. There's no need to make an announcement. It's a passive-aggressive tactic. A sad way to get to get in the last word.
  24. You mean this Steven Sund? He says in the book that former President Donald J. Trump behaved irresponsibly when he fired up a crowd, directed it to the Capitol and watched the violence for hours without trying to intervene. https://archive.ph/QYSvo https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/03/us/politics/steven-sund-jan-6-attack.html Or is it some other Steven Sund you're referring to? It's true Sund blamed others but Trump didn't escape his criticism. So even if Sund's version of events was accurate, how does that absolve Trump?
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