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  1. Maybe you should do more than read the headlines. Childhood poverty more than doubled from record lows because... We cut child poverty to historic lows, then let it rebound faster than ever before The expanded child tax credit was a well-tested solution to child poverty. Bring it back. Child poverty hits record low in 2021, then more than doubles in 2022 after federal programs expire. "Which is what makes this frustrating: policymakers saw this coming, watched it happen, and were able to do nothing about it. It wasn’t for lack of effort: Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) was the swing vote that blocked the rest of the Democratic Party’s effort to make the program permanent, on the empirically refuted idea that unconditional cash to low-income families will get spent on drugs. The data shows that for the year the program was in effect, parents spent most of the money on food, clothes, utilities, rent, and education costs." https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2023/9/21/23882353/child-poverty-expanded-child-tax-credit-census-welfare-inflation-economy-data
  2. Don't you mean Too Much Supper Don? https://twitter.com/kgrandia/status/1299750312920584194
  3. Not enough voices berating Israel for actively supporting Hamas to the detriment of Gazans, though. Sure, Israelis are angry about that support for the consequences to them but as for what the Gazans are suffering, not so much, if at all. In fact, more like the opposite is widely the case.
  4. Did Russia withdraw in fear from various territories when Trump became president? Isn't it the case that Trump was unconvinced that Russia didn't have a right to invade Crimea? Isn't it a fact that Trump withheld aid authorized by law that was supposed to be sent to Ukraine. In fact he ignored Ukraine's entreaties for months. Only when Congress threatened to sue Trump, did he relent. And even then, lowlife that he is, he tried to sue that to instigate an investigation of his leading political opponent.
  5. Remember how Trump got China to purchase x amount of US goods? And how spectacularly that agreement flamed out?
  6. Another party who clearly has no knowledge of the strong steps Biden has taken against China. Far stronger than anything undertaken by the previous administration.
  7. I wonder if a certain party might be having second thoughts... Elon Musk says he won’t vote for Biden over Trump Elon Musk said Wednesday that he won’t vote for President Joe Biden in the 2024 election, even if former president Donald Trump is the Republican nominee. “I would not vote for Biden,” Musk said during a wide-ranging interview with Andrew Ross Sorkin at the DealBook Summit in New York. “I’m not saying I’d vote for Trump.” https://www.cnbc.com/2023/11/29/elon-musk-says-he-wont-vote-for-biden-over-trump.html
  8. In a Christmas message to his followers Monday, former President Donald Trump said he hopes supporters of "Electric Car Lunacy" would "ROT IN HELL."... ...In September, he called them a "hoax" and said President Joe Biden's tax credits for electric cars and trucks made in the United States amounted to "a transition to hell." Trump on Monday also attacked the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, and promised to "come up with a much better, and less expensive, alternative," something he failed to do during his four years as president. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-wishes-electric-car-supporters-215004894.html
  9. Got some evidence to share with the rest of us that this is the case in the UK?
  10. On the other hand there's this: Iran-Backed Forces Widen Their Attacks on Commercial Shipping "But other companies that have stopped voyages through the waterway, including BP PLC of the U.K. and Equinor of Norway, have yet to return." https://archive.ph/oQfMI#selection-4575.0-4581.61 https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/iran-backed-forces-widen-their-attacks-on-commercial-shipping-3121ae62?mod=hp_lead_pos1
  11. And of course, Trump was so upset about the not so peaceful conduct of the crowds that stormed the Capitol, that he couldn't manage to call in the National Guard as he watched events unfold on TV.
  12. Apparently, aseannow.com has a huge contingent of gerontologists. That you, Doctor, for sharing with us your diagnosis.
  13. Improve? That Republican bill was a fiasco. Paul Ryan Failed Because His Bill Was a Dumpster Fire https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/03/paul-ryan-failed-because-his-bill-was-a-dumpster-fire-214952/
  14. Before 1997, the government of British Hong Kong introduced the Crimes (Amendment)(No. 2) Bill 1996 in an attempt to concretize the concepts of "subversion" and secession" by confining them to actual violent conduct but it failed as it was strongly opposed by the PRC government. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_(Legislative_Provisions)_Bill_2003#cite_note-wong-4
  15. You mean the corruption that even Comer's witnesses say there's no proof of? And what do your comments on Biden's prepresidential conduct have to to with what he's done as President? As I noted before, since the US and China established relations, no President has been nearly as tough on China as Biden has been. How ill-informed do you have to be to say otherrwise? Spewing much?
  16. True. But it's been the guiding rule for a while now. Which is why when defenders of Trump claim that Mueller found nothing including no evidence of Russian involvement with the Trump campaign or even Trump himself, they're clearly clueless.
  17. Most of the citizens of New Jersey would disagree with you. He ended up being loathed by most of its citizens. It's Chris Christie's last day in office — here's how he became the least popular governor in New Jersey history New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, once a star in the Republican Party with a nearly 80% approval rating, will leave office on Tuesday as the least popular governor in his state's history... After several scandals, including the criminal convictions of two of his top aides, and a failed 2016 presidential bid, Christie has just a 14% approval rating and is widely disliked in his own state and party. https://archive.ph/g7X3g https://www.businessinsider.com/how-chris-christie-became-least-popular-governor-in-new-jersey-history-2018-1
  18. Well, actually, the Justice Dept has ruled that President can't be prosecuted for crimes while they are in office. That's why Mueller didn't bring charges against Trump. But that's only while they're in office. Once they're out of office, they're fair game. The argument Trump's people are making is that while Presidents are in office they are above the law and can't be prosecuted subsequently for any acts they committed while in office. That stance seems to be nuts and would have horrified the founding fathers.
  19. Shipping giant Maersk prepares to resume operations in Red Sea Denmark’s Maersk is preparing to resume shipping operations in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, the company said on Sunday, citing the deployment of a U.S.-led military operation designed to ensure the safety of commerce in the area. The shipping giant paused sending vessels through the Bab el-Mandeb strait earlier in December due to attacks against its ships. That rendered the Suez Canal, which is key to global commerce, unusable for most routes. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/12/24/shipping-giant-maersk-prepares-to-resume-operations-in-red-sea.html
  20. Someone else operating via Pavlovian reflex. You clearly are utterly unacquainted with the facts. Biden has pushed far harder against China than any previous since Nixon's opening to that country.
  21. Is that a reference to this? ‘Trump smells’, ‘Trump stinks’ trends on X after former Republican member’s dig on ex-president After former Republican member Adam Kinzinger mentioning about Donald Trump’s body odour, #TrumpSmells and #TrumpStinks has started to trend on social media platform X. https://www.wionews.com/world/trump-smells-trump-stinks-trends-on-x-after-former-republican-members-dig-on-donald-trump-673124
  22. Can you share with us exactly what the policies of this dotard are that are "destroying everything their forefathers died to protect, solely because they hate the other guy!" Do you think it might be possible that if they hate the other guy, it might be because they believe that his conduct and the policies he supports are "destroying everything their forefathers died to protect, solely because they hate the other guy!" And given how free of facts your jeremiad is, have you considered that maybe it's people like you who are the problem?
  23. Ya think that one day there will be only a few and the next day millions? Can you share with us how much capacity will have to increase to accommodate EV's? And at what rate? Surely you wouldn't just offer an opinion without having any idea of what those figures might be.
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