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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Allow me to explain. When people like you make these posts, you don't even provide any evidence that you've bothered to view it. After all, you extracted 0 talking points from the video. In fact, given the video narrators bizarre praise of Elon Musk/Tesla in how it sources and uses lithium, I'd be surprised if you did actually view the whole thing. But what using videos does allow you to do is require exorbitant amounts of time be spent viewing and extracting the points raised. In the future, if you want a reply to the video, extract the points yourself. Show that you've put in the work and time that you expect from others.
  2. Another conspiracy theorist. I bet you've had a lot of theorizing practice.
  3. Still evading the issue of the cr#ppiness of the video you posted.
  4. Or maybe Biden will lose because of this? U.S. unemployment has been under 4% for the longest streak since the Vietnam War https://www.npr.org/2024/01/05/1222714145/jobs-report-december-labor-wages
  5. I apologize for what you construe to be an insult. I'm particularly repentant because you're using it to point out the massive deficiencies of the video you posted. Got any specific defenses for its failures?
  6. So why did you rule out making a comparison? Is less harmful not a crucial point?
  7. It's not my fault if the written word poses challenges for you. Still, I decided to give it a go, this once. First fault: The narrator called lithium 'non renewable". What does that even mean? The fact is that it's 99% recyclable. Later in the video he talks about the need for recycling these batteries as though it isn't already a fact. He also nowhere offers a comparison of magnitude of the pollution effects of lithium extraction vs fossil fuel extraction. He makes a very outdated reference to possible replacements for lithium. He does, however, praise Tesla, for having solved the problems of pollution associated with lithium. Go figure. I thought, maybe, because the creator of this video doesn't include progress that's been made with regards to these issues, that this video was created a long time ago. But according to Youtube, it was posted only a year ago. So the creator doesn't even have the passage of time as an excuse. There's a reason that the mods delete videos like this that come from sources that can offer no proof of their crediblity. I hope the mods don't delete this one since it's typical of the kind of junk that ACC denialists get their info from.
  8. Well, it's better than defending the fact that little help would forthcoming for that 20 million if the other major political party had its way . Of course, in most developed nations, all citizens are eligible for government supported health care. Their incomes have nothing to do with it.
  9. I ignore videos because they are time consuming and much more difficult to refute given the necissity of transcribing the points they make.. There's plenty of written material out there. Why not use that? But given that it's a lot easier to refute something that's put in writing, I suspect you won't. Tell you what. You post the specific times in that video where points gets made and I'll look at them.
  10. Like most, if not all, anthropogenic climate change denialists, you don't seem to appreciate the concept of rates. It is true that Milankovitch cycles which have to do with the Earth's orbit, do play a big role in climate change. However, a cycle takes about 41000 years to complete. So the rate of change due to the Milankovitch cycles takes place very slowly. To put it another way, where would you put your money given 2 investments of equal risk: one that pays 1% interest and another that pays 10% interest? Rates matter. And the relatively rapid rise that is occurring now has little to do with Milankovitch cycles.
  11. First off, what you ignore is the issue of comparative harm. How much harm does extraction of fossil fuel and the burning of it cause vs. extraction of lithium. Also, there are now coming online new and less polluting ways to extract lithium. https://www.cleantech.com/direct-lithium-extraction/ Also, lithium batteries are recyclable. Fossil fuels not. In addition, sodium based batteries are beginning to supplant lithium in some vehicles: https://cleantechnica.com/2023/12/29/electric-cars-powered-by-sodium-ion-batteries-go-on-sale-in-china/ And there are other technologies like aluminium sulfide batteries in the works: https://www.euronews.com/green/2022/08/29/battery-breakthrough-scientists-invent-cheap-aluminium-sulphur-alternative-to-lithium-ion- And for power storage on the grid, cheap and low polluting technologies like iron oxide based batteries are easly outcompeting gas peaker plants. https://www.311institute.com/grid-scale-iron-battery-storage-helps-utilities-eliminate-gas-peaker-plants/
  12. Congratulations. You're only almost 200 years behind the times. In the 19th century, the great Irish physicist john tindall, reported on the heat trapping power of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2020/jul/opinion-john-tyndall-forgotten-co-discoverer-climate-science#:~:text=In 1859%2C Tyndall showed that,emanating from the Earth's surface. Or was he an agent of Big Green, too?
  13. Because the US medical system has been such a resounding success? https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/fund-reports/2021/aug/mirror-mirror-2021-reflecting-poorly
  14. Right. It's a case of Big Green vs. tiny oil. As for the rest of your claims...got any quantifiable facts to compare the damage caused by renewables as opposed to the damage caused by burning fossil fuels? Yours is just another Pavlovian response.
  15. January 10, 2024 / 5:15 PM EST / CBS News Twenty million Americans signed up for affordable health insurance for 2024, breaking an enrollment record under the Affordable Care Act for the third consecutive year, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced Wednesday. "With six days left to still get covered, 8 million more Americans have signed up for ACA coverage than when I took office," President Biden said in a statement on Wednesday, adding that most enrollees will be eligible to select a plan that could cost just $10 a month — or even less. Mr. Biden also slammed Republicans who have blocked efforts to "build upon this progress and make these lower health care premiums permanent," alleging that the GOP's healthcare plan would raise healthcare costs for millions — specifically for elderly Americans and small business owners. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/affordable-care-act-record-enrollment-20-million-americans-2024/
  16. Voter data expert hired by Trump campaign says 2020 election was not stolen Ken Block, whom the Trump campaign hired in 2020 to find voter fraud in the election, penned an op-ed Tuesday stating unequivocally that the 2020 presidential election was not stolen and that there was no evidence of voter fraud sufficient to change the outcome of the election. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4385239-voter-data-expert-trump-campaign-2020-election-not-stolen/ Trump paid me to find voter fraud. Then he lied after I found 2020 election wasn't stolen. The findings of my company’s in-depth analysis are detailed in the depositions taken by the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. The transcripts show that the campaign found no evidence of voter fraud sufficient to change the outcome of any election. That message was communicated directly to White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. https://eu.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2024/01/02/trump-lies-voter-fraud-2020-impact-2024-election/72057016007/
  17. If it was the Guardian that was responsible for the 1.48 figure you might have a point. It is only reporting on it. Any evidence that there has been an increase in volcanic activity or earthquake activity to account for this rise in average temperature. Actually, insofar as the climate can be changed due to the rise in greenhouse gasses, the frequency of different weather conditions will change too. And it's been costed our frequently. Apart from costs of climate change, the IMF reckons that fossil fuels are directly and indirectly subsidized at a cost of about 5 percent of global GDP. Most of that cost comes from the effects of pollution on health.
  18. He's got lots of company. CNN Poll: Percentage of Republicans who think Biden’s 2020 win was illegitimate ticks back up near 70% https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/03/politics/cnn-poll-republicans-think-2020-election-illegitimate/index.html
  19. How Experts Believe Starvation Is Being Utilized in Gaza "Murdoch also says circumstantial evidence is sufficient to prove starvation as a war crime—if information exists that if a course of conduct is continued, it will lead to civilians starving, then those in charge can be held responsible. Starvation as a war crime has never been prosecuted, she says, but her organization has produced a report arguing it is happening in South Sudan and she wants her group to be allowed to conduct an independent investigation in Gaza." https://time.com/6552740/gaza-israel-starvation-hunger/
  20. He's taking his cue from Trump. As I read somewhere this approach can be summarized as "I'm rubber, you're glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you." It can be cute when little kids say it. Not so much in the case of an adult.
  21. Rising hunger in Gaza ‘turning children into skeletons’ With malnutrition rocketing across the enclave, experts fear an entire generation could be at risk of stunting https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/children-skeletons-rising-hunger-gaza-famine/
  22. Clearly, Trump believes he has the right to be a dictator. His legal team is arguing that a President should be immune from prosecution for any acts he commits while in the White House unless he is impeached for them first. Fortunately, so far the courts aren't buying his legal lunacy. US president could have a rival assassinated and not be criminally prosecuted, Trump’s lawyer argues Former president Donald Trump’s lawyer argued that presidential immunity would cover the U.S. president ordering political rivals to be assassinated by SEAL Team Six... One of the judges asked Sauer: “Could a president who ordered SEAL Team 6 to assassinate a political rival, and is not impeached, would he be subject to criminal prosecution?” Sauer responded: “If he were impeached and convicted first... there is a political process that would have to occur.” https://www.semafor.com/article/01/09/2024/trump-immunity-hearing-president-assassinate-rival-not-prosecuted Trump hearing: Judges sound sceptical of Trump's immunity defence Judges expressed scepticism on Tuesday, as lawyers for Donald Trump presented a landmark case that ex-presidents should get immunity from criminal prosecution. Mr Trump's lawyers claimed his time in office protects him from charges connected to his alleged effort to overturn the 2020 election. The justice department argued the presidency was not "above the law". https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-67920129
  23. More right wing cliches. The people threatening to shut down renewables are mostly right wingers who spread all sorts of misinformation. How Fossil Fuel Lobbyists Used “Astroturf” Front Groups to Confuse the Public https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/how-fossil-fuel-lobbyists-used-astroturf-front-groups-confuse-public OIL-BACKED GROUP OPPOSES OFFSHORE WIND — FOR ENVIRONMENTAL REASONS Local think tanks that previously supported offshore drilling have engaged in a wide-ranging campaign to stop the expansion of offshore wind farms. https://theintercept.com/2021/12/08/oil-industry-wind-farm-prevent/ The right-wing groups behind renewable energy misinformation https://www.volts.wtf/p/the-right-wing-groups-behind-renewable
  24. Basically, you made all sorts of generalizations without providing any evidence to back them up. What's more, there were plenty of eyewitness reports to back up what they were claiming. I haven't seen any eyewitness reports that say starvation isn't a huge problem in Gaza. And, now, in the face of overwhelming evidence, you offer nothing. It's obvious that mass starvation is a real thing in Gaza. And that it's obviously relevant to the issue of genocide.
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