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  1. It gets worse. They're not just invading, they're working, too. Springfield sees influx of 15,000 Haitian immigrants seeking job opportunities Around 15,000 Haitian immigrants are now living in the Springfield area and, with this dramatic influx in population, many are wondering why they have chosen to live here. Governor Dewine and the Haitian community say that one of the biggest reasons is job opportunities. “They are kind of looking for a safe place where they can raise their family and get a job,” says Viles Dorsainvil, President of the Haitian Community Help and Support Center in Springfield. https://dayton247now.com/news/local/springfield-sees-influx-of-15000-haitian-immigrants-seeking-job-opportunities
  2. Taylor Swift's post leads to uptick in visits to voter registration website, federal agency says Taylor Swift’s call to encourage people to register to vote may be having an impact, according to the General Services Administration (GSA), a federal agency that provides government services. “As of 2:00 P.M. on Wednesday, September 11, there have been 337,826 visitors to vote.gov referred from the custom URL created and shared by Ms. Swift,” a spokesperson for the GSA, told CNN. It was not immediately clear how many of those visitors registered to vote. https://edition.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-harris-debate-election-09-11-24#h_285e56e714414f7932b12abb081b2aaf
  3. Thanks for making 2 assertions that don't support your claim that Churchill's motivation was primarily due to his attachment to the British Empire. Churchill was also willing to die in WW1 in the trenches. As Martin Gilbert pointed out, he was vociferously opposing Hitler's Aryan ubermensch ideology when it was not an issue being addressed by most. And now you seem to be contradicting yourself. On the one hand, you claim that Churchill had no rational reason to oppose Germany but on the other you posit an awareness that eventually Germany would pose such a threat. Make up your mind.
  4. That's a good question: Trump has a history of falsely claiming that Democrats support killing babies after birth. At a recent rally in Charlotte, Trump said Harris supports abortion "right up until birth, and even after birth." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-falsely-claims-democrats-support-abortions-after-birth/
  5. You sure about that? https://www.statista.com/statistics/1372971/taylor-swift-fans-by-generation/
  6. The odds are that these are Canada Geese. Which are a pest. (The spelling of which is close to "pets".) Canada geese causing problems for cities as experts struggle to reduce populations While Canada geese are a national symbol(opens in a new tab), the animals can cause a lot of problems for the cities they reside in, leaving officials grappling to find solutions to mitigate their populations. In recent decades, B.C.-based urban biodiversity planner Jennifer Rae Pierce says Canada geese have been derided as urban pests, overrunning new habitats across North America, especially in cities. Pierce told CTV's Your Morning on Wednesday that the issue is not the migrating geese, but rather the "resident geese" that have, in some cases, taken up residence in urban areas year-round. https://www.ctvnews.ca/climate-and-environment/2022/5/4/canada-geese-causing-problems-for-cities-as-experts-struggle-to-.html More people should be eating them.
  7. Thanks for what's called a contrary-to-fact-statement. Or maybe you come from an alternate reality where this really happened?
  8. Thanks for the enlightenment. As for the swastika, I remember being briefly shocked when I saw the covers of the collected works of Rudyard Kipling decorated with elephants and swastikas. As for Hitler's adoption of it... "The icon was chosen by the party to represent its goal of racial purification in Europe. Hitler and his Nazi Party believed that a line of pure Germanic ancestry originating in the Aryan race—a grouping used to describe Indo-European, Germanic, and Nordic peoples—was superior and that other, less-superior races should be ousted from Europe. Ancient Indian artifacts once owned by Aryan nomads were found to frequently feature the swastika, and the symbol was co-opted from its ambiguous historical context in the region to exert the dominance of so-called Aryan heritage." https://www.britannica.com/story/how-the-symbolism-of-the-swastika-was-ruined
  9. A transcript here of a great conversation analyzing how what Ezra Klein calls Kamala Harris' theory of Trump paid off big time. Essentially the theory is that he's so insecure and ego driven that he's easily baited. Think of what happened when Harris was given a tough question about immigration. She closed with a completely irrelevant and clunky digression about the size of Trump's crowds. Any moderately rational person would have brushed this off with a sharp criticism noting its irrelevance. It should have been a huge win for Trump. Instead Trump launched into a denunciation of the size of crowds drawn by the Harris campaign and boasted about the size of his crowds, And when he did revert to the immigration issue he talked about immigrants eating cats and dogs. https://archive.ph/86WCG https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/11/podcasts/transcript-ezra-klein-harris-trump-debate-reaction.html Can America really afford to have such an easily manipulated person as President?
  10. Statins are overprescribed for primary prevention, study suggests The 10 year risk levels at which guidelines recommend initiating statins for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) are too low, a modelling study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine suggests.1 The study found that statins provided net benefits in primary prevention only at a substantially higher 10 year risk of cardiovascular disease than the 7.5%-10.0% cut-offs recommended by guidelines. The findings support the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence’s (NICE) decision in 2014, when it revised its recommendations, not to follow recommendations by the American College of … https://www.bmj.com/content/363/bmj.k5110.full Fewer people may need statins to prevent heart disease, new study suggests A new way of determining heart disease risk may result in millions fewer people getting prescriptions for statins, according to new research. Heart doctors warned, however, that more information is needed and patients shouldn’t stop taking their medications. .. Doctors prescribe the daily pills based on 2013 guidelines from the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology, which estimate risk based on a patient’s age, diabetes, blood pressure and other factors. For the new study, Dr. Tim Anderson, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Pittsburgh, and colleagues analyzed the potential impact of a new heart disease risk calculator, dubbed PREVENT, that was released by the American Heart Association last year. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/heart-health/need-statin-new-study-suggests-prescription-may-not-rcna155908
  11. Maybe Springfield should have planned better for the influx of workers that accompanied the expanded manufacturing facilities. It invested millions in creating business parks and other infrastructure to attract business but apparently offered no incentives to build additional housing for new workers. Three companies investing nearly $100 million in Springfield Three companies that are looking to expand in Springfield say construction on their respective manufacturing facilities — representing nearly $100 million in investments and about1,000 jobs, combined — are scheduled to be complete at various times this fall... The millions of dollars in new investment in the area and hundreds of new jobs that will crop up as result is seen by local officials as a byproduct of years of hard work to generate more economic development and attract outside interest... Millions of dollars have also been invested over the decade in the creation of business parks and other infrastructure needed to attract companies and encourage economic growth. https://archive.ph/uDEaq#selection-943.0-943.60 Navistar to Staff Up at Ohio Plant Navistar is planning to hire up to 350 additional people at its Springfield, Ohio, assembly plant as it increases production this summer. https://www.ttnews.com/authors/hasan-karim
  12. Rove's expertise lay in electoral politics. His egomania led him into making policy decisions he was clueless about. So on electoral issues, he's quite reliable. On other issues, not so much.
  13. Studies show that even walking just a few minutes a day helps. And of course, smoking tobacco is heavily implicated. And alcohol consumption most likely.
  14. Why is it that rightwinger consistently post long videos instead of text. Is that to emulate Trump who is notorious for preferring images over text?
  15. Churchill had huge flaws, no doubt. Huge blind spots. His attitude towards Indians and middle easterners was disgraceful.. But what I said was that he opposed the Nazi's racism. The Nazis racism treated people that Churchill regarded as white, Jews and Slavs, amongst others, as subhuman. Nothing in the quotes you have provided establishes that Churchill prized empire over or even equally to his repugnance at Nazism. Just an assertion from some author. And if Churchill prized empire so highly why is it that he endangered the UK's grasp on it by continuing to oppose Hitler once Japan attacked the Singapore, Hong Kong, etc?
  16. Nice try at deflection. How exactly was Melania Trump courageous for making this post? Was it because she posted on X instead of Truth Social and risked incurring the wrath of her husband?
  17. Yes. If there's one thing we know, it's that nothing stands in the way of the beautiful Melania Trump fighting for her husband. (Would it be less admirable if she were homely?) She actually showed up for the last night of the Republican convention! And she has courageously not appeared alongside him at any of his public campaign events before that. And after he was shot, she courageously didn't rush to be with him. But what's really admirable is the courageous stand she took on the attempted assassination. "I can't help but wonder why didn't law enforcement officials arrest the shooter before the speech. There is definitely more to this story. And we need to uncover the truth." So courageous. Imagine the risks she's running by making that statement. Well, I can't actually imagine the risks she's running by making that statement but I'm sure that they are plentiful and even multifarious.
  18. Here is a rather more balanced assay of the pros and cons of statin therapy: https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/MediaLibraries/URMCMedia/medicine/geriatrics/images/GER-E-NEWS-Statins-July-2018.pdf
  19. Unemployment by itself doesn't give a full picture. More people in the US are employed than ever before https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/PAYEMS
  20. Calling something a "deflection" is easy. Anyone can do it. Actually demonstrating why it's a deflection is apparently too difficult for some. I'm sure your comment about Bush and Obama means something to you. Maybe not so much to the rest of us.
  21. I don't know about that. But it has been decisively show that the best way to keep cholesterol down is to avoid eating foods that cause inflammation. Like sugar. That and mild exercise like walking.
  22. Is he claiming that under Trump, the government will fund his Mars mission?
  23. You don't understand. If a Democrat had been President when Covid hit, the economic consequences would have been their fault.
  24. Typical right wing double standard. Obama inherited the worst world financial crisis since the Great Depression, economic consequences are his fault. Trump gets slammed with the Covid epidemic, economic consequences not his fault. Biden inherits Covid epidemic, economic consequences his fault. Unemployment low during Biden administration, doesn't count.
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