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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. The problem is going to be that even if Hamas agrees to release hostages, Israel's idea of a pause probably isn't going to be long enough to address the humanitarian disaster that is developing in Gaza. And there is a report, unconfirmed by Western media, that Israel has killed the head of the border crossing operation at Karem Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) as well as three others. That was the crossing recently opened to allow for more humanitarian aid to enter Gaza.
  2. Because there was no such thing as huge amounts of money being awarded in court cases before Biden? Ya really want to go with that?
  3. A Times Investigation Tracked Israel’s Use of One of Its Most Destructive Bombs in South Gaza During the first six weeks of the war in Gaza, Israel routinely used one of its biggest and most destructive bombs in areas it designated safe for civilians, according to an analysis of visual evidence by The New York Times. The video investigation focuses on the use of 2,000-pound bombs in an area of southern Gaza where Israel had ordered civilians to move for safety. While bombs of that size are used by several Western militaries, munitions experts say they are almost never dropped by U.S. forces in densely populated areas anymore. https://archive.ph/DBMy7#selection-699.0-707.291 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/21/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-bomb-investigation.html
  4. I think it's you who should read your post again. Given that I raised a new point against a new one you raisied, I have to conclude that "yawn", is just a piece of evasion on your part. And this comment will probably be met with more of the same from you. So, in the spirit of anticipation...
  5. Will you be posting without comment any articles that argue, say, that Israel is committing war crimes? Your alleged reason for posting that article is disingenuous to say the least. And I don't think it's incumbent upon anyone participating in the thread, with the exception of scholars of it, should there prove to be any, to be au courant with comments that were made weeks and many, many pages ago.
  6. Homesteading laws would only apply to property in Florida. Does Giuliani have a residence there?
  7. If you are fully aware of the unlikelihood, then why did you post such a dubious article? Because you disagreed with it? And what Hamas official are you referring to?
  8. When Trump denounced people whom he was opposed to as criminals and called for prosecution of them, he was clearly out of line. So was Biden's. Granted, unlike Trump's many, many claims, Biden's was not made vociferously or repeatedly. But, nonetheless, he shouldn't have done it.
  9. I agree. The author's chief point seems to be how could Hamas have planned unaided this operation.
  10. Got any new ones from Israeli or American Intelligence which say differently? Here's something from a little later on: "Several U.S. officials said Washington has “compelling” intelligence indicating that Iranian leaders were surprised by the Hamas assault." https://archive.ph/HhIXi https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/hamas-fighters-trained-in-iran-before-oct-7-attacks-e2a8dbb9
  11. Funny. I haven't found anything from the Israelis or the U.S. that corroborates this person's claim. No evidence yet of Iran link to Hamas attack, says Israeli military https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/09/no-evidence-yet-of-iran-link-to-hamas-attack-says-israeli-military#:~:text=The Israeli military has said,by the Iranian foreign ministry. U.S. intelligence indicates Iranian leaders were surprised by Hamas attack https://www.nbcnews.com/news/investigations/us-intelligence-indicates-iranian-leaders-surprised-hamas-attack-rcna119946
  12. I'm not surprised that you think this is a serious indictment of Biden. But I've noticed about right wingers is the predilection for using videos instead of text to advance their views. While dyslexia may be a contributing factor. The fact is it's a lot harder to fact check videos that it is to fact check text. Get back to me when you got something writing. If you even know what that looks like.
  13. What powers the pumps at gas stations? Steam? In fact, now that the price of battery backup is plummeting, there are already plans to install batteries at EV charging stations.
  14. Obamacare Marketplaces On Track To Break Sign-Up Records The Affordable Care Act health insurance marketplaces appear set to break a record for the number of Americans enrolled, for the third year in a row. More than 19 million people have signed up for the insurance plans often called Obamacare, and there are still three more weeks of enrollment, federal health officials said Wednesday. ... "Four out of five people who are shopping are ending up getting a plan on the marketplace website for $10 or less a month in premiums," Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra tells NPR. (Webber and Kelly, 12/20) https://kffhealthnews.org/morning-breakout/obamacare-marketplaces-on-track-to-break-sign-up-records/
  15. And the original post is about Gogoro. Its system is open to anyone who wants to adopt it.
  16. Really? Can you identify a problem related to supply that has been overlooked? Or, is this a case of, as usual, you've got nothing.
  17. One takeaway from this is that the true cost of fossil fuels should include the cost of building and maintaining military forces to protect the supply. Bad actors in the middle east, Russia, and elsewhere are going to be able to get up to less and less mischief as renewables increasingly power the world economy.
  18. First off, there is a strong positive correlation between how parties perform in local elections and how they perform in general elections. Second there is a strong positive correlation between how parties perform in by-elections and how they perform in general elections.
  19. Actually, that they didn't get a briefing makes the case worse. Had they received the briefing they would have been told that there might be hostages in the area. In other words, had they known that, would have been less likely to shoot someone waving a white flag.
  20. Yes well in this case they really had no choice. That wasn't the kind of incident the news of which could be counted on to be suppressed or could be greeted with indifference by the Israeli public.
  21. What you are not addressing here is the question raised about whether this incident was an anomaly or, in fact, reflected, at best, an indifference to war crimes committed against Palestinians by the troops. Previously, the IDF has not exactly covered itself in glory when it comes to investigating the conduct of its troops. For example, the assassination of an American reporter by an Israeli soldier in the West Bank. Despite the fact that there were multiple independent observers who claimed that the shots came from Israeli, the IDF persisted in attempting to cast doubt on the claim. Finally the evidence proved to be so overwhelming that the IDF conceded that in fact one of their soldiers had killed the reporter. But even then claimed it was unintentional despite the fact that the reporter was wearing a distinctive media vest and there was no ongoing violence when they were shot. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63871856
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