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  1. And isn't it the case that the auto will give a reading on the battery's current capacity?
  2. Did you mean the entire driving population of EV owners will be charging their EVs? Do ICE vehicle owners put petrol in their car every day? Moreover, there is such a thing as delayed charging. When demand dies down in the evening that would be the time to charge an EV. I don't know about Thailand, but in many countries, rates are lower at night.
  3. That is a genuine issue. Much of the problem has to do with the weight of the battery. As time goes by and batteries become more and more efficient, this should be less of a concern.
  4. As for Giuliani being a hero... 9/11 Commissioners Say They Went Easy on Giuliani to Avoid Publics Anger The independent federal commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks did not pursue a tough enough line of questioning with former Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani during a hearing two years ago because its members feared public anger if they challenged him, according to a new book written by the panel's leaders. "It proved difficult, if not impossible, to raise hard questions about 9/11 in New York without it being perceived as criticism of the individual police and firefighters or of Mayor Giuliani," wrote the chairman and vice chairman, Thomas H. Kean, a Republican, and Lee H. Hamilton, a Democrat, in their book, "Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission." "We did not ask tough questions, nor did we get all of the information we needed to put on the public record," they wrote. https://archive.ph/60ZWm https://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/06/nyregion/911-commissioners-say-they-went-easy-on-giuliani-to-avoid-publics.html
  5. Thanks for proving my point. Such characterizations as "The Hateful 8" or accusing poster of "screaming racist at everyone they disagree with" (screaming? really?)only show how little of substance you have to offer.
  6. I didn't have to. JonnyF showed he had nothing by refusing to engage with the points that RayC raised. Given his inclination to make persona comments, it was especially amusing to see him claim that his reason for retiring from the field was that he took offense.
  7. This Ted Oakley. From sept 19, 2022. He predicts a deep recession is about to begin. Last quarter the economy grew at a rate of 5.2%. The Bear Market Has Only Just Begun | Ted Oakley https://www.google.com/search?q=ted+oakley+predicts+recession&sca_esv=591374717&sxsrf=AM9HkKngMtoTQrOZIp3R3wlaePlLrxkB8w%3A1702686103619&source=lnt&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A%2Ccd_max%3Ajan+1_2+2023&tbm=#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:4d6f9638,vid:BJ3IGQLI444,st:664
  8. Fox News Host Drops The Mic On James Comer's Biden Hypocrisy Fox News’ Jessica Tarlov went after House Oversight Committee chair James Comer (R-Ky.) for his hypocrisy over the GOP’s impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden. The liberal commentator, on Thursday, pointed her “The Five” co-hosts to a report by the Associated Press that describes a shell company that Comer co-owns with his wife – Farm Team Properties – as functioning “in a similarly opaque way as the companies used by the Bidens.” “So he’s been going on for months about the fact that people who are innocent of these things don’t have shell companies,” Tarlov said. https://news.yahoo.com/fox-news-host-drops-mic-083058447.html
  9. So, all opinions are of equal value, no matter how poorly or well reasoned they are? No matter what evidence is brought to bear upon a question?
  10. The stork will bring them? I actually don't understand what is the problem. They'll be manufactured. And when they can no longer hold enough charge they will be recycled. If you're worried about reserves of lithium, you can rest easy. It turns out that there is a lot more about than was previously reckoned. For example: "The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced results of the most comprehensive analysis to date quantifying the domestic lithium resources in California’s Salton Sea region. Conducted by DOE's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the analysis found that with expected technology advances, the Salton Sea region's total resources could produce more than 3,400 kilotons of lithium, enough to support over 375 million batteries for electric vehicles (EV)—more than the total number of vehicles ." https://www.energy.gov/eere/articles/us-department-energy-analysis-confirms-californias-salton-sea-region-be-rich-domestic#:~:text=Conducted by DOE's Lawrence Berkeley,the total number of vehicles And as batteries get better and increase their charging capacity, they can be made smaller, too. Lithium sulfur batteries that can hold more more than the best current litihium carbonate are now being manufactured in a pilot plant in the USA. Down the road aluminium sulfur batteries are being researched. Given that aluminium and sulfur are abundant and cheap. they should cost a lot less than lithium batteries. And sodium batteries are currently being used in some autos in china.
  11. Mainly because the bout of inflation was scary and people still haven't gotten over it. Given that it's gone down rapidly and the fed is now saying it will lower rates, 6 months from now folks may be feeling differently.
  12. It's always entertaining to see how Trump supporters hold contrary opinions about trends. For example, here's a graphing showing unemployment levels in the USA. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/UNRATE No change in trend from the Obama administration for Trump's first 3 years in office but Trumpsters enthusiastically bestow on him the credit. Here's the trend for GDP https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GDP Actually, GDP growth accelerated after Biden took office. Yet "Bidenomics" is a term of reproach among Republicans.
  13. Really, that's how long it took to top the average when Trump was around? So Trump wasn't President on March 20th, 2020? That's when the Dow Jones average was 19,173.98. https://www.google.com/search?q=dow+jones+average&oq=dow+jones+average&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDQzNThqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  14. Well, since double standards do explain lots of human conduct, I'm inclined to agree with you.
  15. Kushner was born into a very wealthy family and nearly ruined it with a spectacularly bad investment. His family was bailed out by an investment group that was at least partially backed by Qatar. The deal that was signed made no financial sense for the people who signed it. Kushner only has experience in the real estate industry yet Saudi Arabia sent him 2 billion dollars to underwrite whatever investments he chose to make. This may not be illegal, but it sure is sleazy. Not even James Comer thought that Kushner's acceptance of Saudi funding was ethical: Comer says Kushner ‘crossed the line of ethics’ with Saudi deal House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) said Thursday that Jared Kushner, former President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser while in office, “crossed the line of ethics” by accepting a $2 billion investment from the Saudi government in his private investment firm six months after he left the White House. In an interview on CNN’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper,” Comer acknowledged an argument made by 2024 GOP presidential candidate Chris Christie, who noted Kushner’s extensive work in the Middle East on behalf of the Trump White House and claimed in an earlier interview “the Trump family has been involved in grifting for quite some time.” https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/4148951-comer-says-kushner-crossed-the-line-of-ethics-with-saudi-deal/
  16. I wasn't defending the idea. Just pointing out, that, as per usual, thaibeachlovers was unacquainted with the facts. Obviously, if it was a good idea to build EV's on an ICE chassis, why wouldn't the major auto manufacturers be doing that instead of dropping billions on creating entirely new vehicles.
  17. There have been some polls done like the consumer confidence survey. And what it shows is that more people consider their personal economic prospects to be good. But when asked about the economly in general, they tend to give it the thumbs down. This reminds of polls concerning the American educational system. When asked, Americans tended to say that the educational system in America is bad. But when asked about the educational system where they live, they tended to say that it was good.
  18. Once again here's what you wrote: "Where is the infrastructure to swap batteries on a large scale? NOWHERE." Obviously that is a false statement. The article I cited, said there were 1975 swapping stations in China. But instead of being honorable and acknowledging that you were wrong, you offer an irrelevant deflection. You've got nothing. Well, make that you've got nothing except dishonesty.
  19. There's a reason that the rules forbid deceptive editing of other members' post. Here again is the quote you deceptivetly truncated: Nio built 2,000 battery swap stations globally, leaving Geely, CATL, and GAC far behind Nio surpassed the 2000 swap station milestone. The company operates 1,975 swap stations in China and 27 in Europe, bringing the total number to 2002 as of today. The Hefei-based EV maker is getting faster: The first 1,000 took Nio four years, and adding the second 1,000 took them a year and three months. https://carnewschina.com/2023/10/20/nio-built-2000-battery-swap-stations-globally-leaving-geely-catl-and-gac-far-behind/ That's 1975 stations. And they're still building more. And here is your ridiculously false claim. "Where is the infrastructure to swap batteries on a large scale? NOWHERE." Clearly, there's nothing to your latest post except flagrant deception.
  20. No, he means the amrs that were authorized to be sent to Ukraine in a bill passed by Congress and signed by Trump which Trump then refused to deliver. It took Congressional threats of taking Trump to court before he relented.
  21. The biggest reason housing prices have gone up so much is the same kind of bottleneck that caused high prices in goods. During the covid pandemic, housing construction fell creating a shortage in the pipeline. High interest rates imposed by the feds to fight inflation have also contributed.. Because mortgage rates have gone up, people are reluctant to let go of their 30 year mortgages at low fixed rates. https://www.bankrate.com/real-estate/expensive-housing/#payment
  22. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1351276/wage-growth-vs-inflation-us/
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