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  1. And you're still not providing evidence for your assertion that Americans are giving up well paying jobs to flip burgers. If your statement were correct than average wages should decline. But in fact they rose. And, by the way, it's been several years since Walmart employed greeters. You really are out of touch with reality.
  2. Not many people want these alleged jobs yet the total employment figure rose by 336,000? Can you share with the rest of us the source of your information about most of these jobs being "low wage service jobs"?
  3. Had you to read even the paragraphs quoted at the opening of this article,e you would know that for July and August of 2023, the estimates have been revised upwards. I also did a search for how estimates were revised in the June 2023 report. "The change in total nonfarm payroll employment for March was revised up by 52,000, from +165,000 to +217,000, and the change for April was revised up by 41,000, from +253,000 to +294,000. With these revisions, employment in March and April combined is 93,000 higher than previously reported." https://www2.staffingindustry.com/Research/Research-Reports/Americas/June-2023-US-Jobs-Report
  4. I did find this in this in the latest report from the BLS The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons, at 4.1 million, changed little in September. These individuals, who would have preferred full-time employment, were working part time because their hours had been reduced or they were unable to find full-time jobs. (See table A-8.) https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm
  5. Is the USA losing full time jobs? As for part time jobs... Why Americans Want Part-Time Jobs Again Despite the downsides of foregoing a traditional 40-hour-a-week job, more Americans are embracing part-time and freelance work as they emerge from the pandemic era seeking more flexibility in a job market where workers still have the upper hand. The number of people who say they’re working part-time for non-economic reasons—in other words, by choice—reached 21.8 million in May, according to government data released June 2, which is up 5% from a year ago and 15% from a decade ago. The number of people working part-time for economic reasons—3.7 million—has declined over the past year. The ratio of people working part-time voluntarily to those who want more work is nearly six to one, the highest it’s been in two decades, a sign of a strong labor market that is enabling workers to set more flexible hours. https://time.com/6284414/part-time-jobs-report/
  6. False: Does 1930s record heat undermine the science of man-made climate change? A common talking point aimed at refuting human-caused climate change is that the 1930s was the hottest decade in recorded history. This is true, but only for the United States during the era known as the Dust Bowl. It was far from true for the planet as a whole. What’s more, it may surprise you to hear that the super hot U.S. summers of that decade were partially man-made, and the reason why is fascinating. https://www.wfla.com/weather/climate-classroom/does-1930s-record-heat-undermine-the-science-of-man-made-climate-change/#:~:text=(WFLA) — A common talking,the planet as a whole.
  7. MONEYWATCH U.S. added 336,000 jobs in September, blowing past forecasts moneywatch BY KATE GIBSON UPDATED ON: OCTOBER 6, 2023 / 7:51 PM / MONEYWATCH The U.S. economy created 336,000 jobs last month, with the surprisingly hefty increase showing a willingness by employers to continue hiring in the face of high interest rates and uncertain economic outlook. The blowout number proved nearly double economists' expectations of 170,000 new jobs in September, according to a survey by FactSet. The strong payrolls number was also coupled with upward revisions to prior months, with July and August combined adding 119,000 more jobs than last reported, the U.S. Labor Department said Friday. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/u-s-jobs-report-additional-336000-workers-and-3-8-unemployment/
  8. You do have a penchant for getting things wrong. Just recently, you repeatedly claimed that Viktor Shokin was a low level prosecutor in Ukraine when, actually, his position in the Ukrainian government was equivalent to that of the Attorney General of the United Sates. As for this: "Is it true that most are prosecuted for what Hillary did. Yes." Once again, false. Past cases suggest Hillary won’t be indicted "A POLITICO review of dozens of recent federal investigations for mishandling of classified records suggests that it’s highly unlikely — but not impossible. The examination, which included cases spanning the past two decades, found some with parallels to Clinton’s use of a private server for her emails, but — in nearly all instances that were prosecuted — aggravating circumstances that don’t appear to be present in Clinton’s case. The relatively few cases that drew prosecution almost always involved a deliberate intent to violate classification rules as well as some add-on element: An FBI agent who took home highly sensitive agency records while having an affair with a Chinese agent; a Boeing engineer who brought home 2000 classified documents and whose travel to Israel raised suspicions; a National Security Agency official who removed boxes of classified documents and also lied on a job application form." https://www.politico.com/story/2016/04/hillary-clinton-prosecution-past-cases-221744
  9. "The Chinese are a pragmatic race..." What century are you living in? Certainly not the current one.
  10. How a Big Pharma Company Stalled a Potentially Lifesaving Vaccine in Pursuit of Bigger Profits A vaccine against tuberculosis, the world’s deadliest infectious disease, has never been closer to reality, with the potential to save millions of lives. But its development slowed after its corporate owner focused on more profitable vaccines. https://www.propublica.org/article/how-big-pharma-company-stalled-tuberculosis-vaccine-to-pursue-bigger-profits
  11. Trump's policy was to build a wall that was 1954 miles long. Are you claiming that is Biden's plan as well?
  12. I just want to thank everyone for chiming in here - even those who may have got it wrong. This has been extremely useful.
  13. Apart from the fact that despite all the digging, there is no good evidence that implicates Joe Biden in Hunter's activities, your assertion that the only charge the Feds will pursue against Hunter Biden is most likely false. The gun charges were only one of a number of charges that were part of the negotiation.
  14. Once again, the video clip left out an important explanatory sentence. From the article: "But anyway — (laughter) — this woman helped me get an awful lot done. Anyway. (Applause.)"
  15. This is the problem with running a health system primarily on a for-profit basis. Public health investment suffers.
  16. Actually, you make an excellent point. Neo-Nazi groups like Rusich that are in their army providing convincing evidence that that denazification is needed...in Russia Who Are The Neo-Nazis Fighting For Russia In Ukraine? Along with members of the Russian Imperial Movement, a white supremacist group that was designated a "global terrorist" organization by the United States two years ago, Rusich is one of several right-wing groups that are actively fighting in Ukraine, in conjunction with Russia’s regular armed forces or allied separatist units. According to a confidential report by Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service, which was obtained by Der Spiegel and excerpted on May 22, numerous Russian right-wing extremists and neo-Nazis are fighting in Ukraine. German analysts wrote that the fact that Russian military and political leaders have welcomed neo-Nazi groups undermines the claim by Putin and his government that one of the principal motives behind the invasion is the desire to “de-Nazify” Ukraine, Spiegel said. https://www.rferl.org/a/russian-neo-nazis-fighting-ukraine/31871760.html
  17. There's a certain irony in the fact that the technique used to extract petroleum and gas, can also be used to replace them.
  18. Huff 'n' puff geothermal fracking: Earth batteries at 200% efficiency Sage Geosystems has pioneered a new form of cheap energy storage that uses the Earth as a giant bellows, pumping water into underground fractures, then letting it squirt back up at 70% efficiency – or 200% efficiency if you also harvest heat energy. The "huff & puff" method, as it's known, is adapted here from a similar technique that's used in oil production, where a fluid – often steam – is injected into a shale oil deposit and left there for several hours to heat the oil, reducing its viscosity and making it easier to pump out. Sage, however, uses dense drilling mud, forced at high pressure into rock deep underground at disused oil wells, to push slim fractures apart, then pumps water in, again at high pressure, to keep the fractures "inflated." This is done using excess renewable energy collected during daylight hours, and then a valve is closed to lock the water in. When it's time to recover the energy, it's as simple as opening the valve; the pressure from the earth all around the fracture squeezes it back together and the water is forced back up the pipes, where it can be run through a turbine to harvest electricity. Indeed, the same electric motor and pump that forced it down there in the first place become the turbine and generator that get the energy back out when the system runs in reverse. https://newatlas.com/energy/sage-geosystems-huff-puff/
  19. Actually, what you claim is the opposite of the truth. It's justices who follow the rulings of the right Supreme Court who think that. It's clear you haven't read the entire article which cites the precedent set by a judge appointed by Reagan. In his comment Judge Smith used the criteria newly established by conservative members of the Supreme Court to judge the constitutionality of a law From the article: Judge Jerry Smith ruled: "At no point in the 18th or 19th Century did the government disarm individuals who used drugs or alcohol at one time from possessing guns at another. Other cases involving the same prohibition against drug users possessing firearms - 18 USC 922 - have gone in favour of defendants after judges questioned whether the charges were constitutionally valid."
  20. No. But, for one thing, that video excluded a follow-up explanatory sentence.
  21. So, now you're claiming that the guy who offered a massive amnesty to undocumented aliens has valid credibility on this issue. After you claimed that it was more about the sentiment rather than the person who said it?
  22. Once again from you, an empty comment without any reasoning or evidence to support it.
  23. Really? And what do you offer as proof of that? During the previous Congress, she got Biden's bill through the House largely unscathed. Can you cite any evidence that supports a precipitous decline in her abilities over the last year?
  24. Actually, a lot more petulant babies than just those 8. All the Republicans who preferred to shut down the government deserve to be primaried.
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