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  1. And somehow this "horrible little man" has managed to convince the majority of Ukrainians to go along with him. And I'm sure you can explain why his popularity with the Ukrainians shot up when he made clear in no uncertain terms that Ukraine was going to fight back against Russia. If you want to find the actual "horrible little man" in this war, try looking a bit further east.
  2. Well, even if that's the case, it's a control that the Ukrainian people are overwhelmingly in favor of. https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/news/ukraine-92-want-eu-membership-by-2030/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/1284801/ukraine-opinion-on-eu-accession/
  3. I would use the word "chauvinism" in it's original sense before it was co-opted into the battle against sex discrimination "the strong and unreasonable belief that your own country or race is the best or most important" https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/chauvinism
  4. You are seriously crediting Donald Trump or his adminstration with the low inflation rate? Ever hear of the logical fallacy post hoc ergo propter hoc? After this therefore because of this? Actually, the inflation rate under Obama was lower. https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/inflation-cpi In fact the inflation rate of the EU was lower than America's during the time of the Trump administration https://tradingeconomics.com/euro-area/inflation-cpi The post covid inflation problem was one that affected most of the industrialized world, Japan has staved it off for a while because it hugely subsidizes consumer goods. But even there it climbed about 5 percentage points at its peak. https://tradingeconomics.com/japan/inflation-cpi What you're indulging in is the same kind of selective amnesia. that right wingers engaged in against the Obama administration. He inherited an economy in the worst shape it had been since the Great Depression. Biden inherited an economy that was badly disrupted by supply chain issues that led to inflation and a war that compounded the problem. Anyway, the good news, and I'm sure you'll be delighted by this, is that the latest inflation figure for the US is now 3%. Down from 9%. Japan's inflation figures for June aren't in yet, but it's possible that the USA will have the lowest June inflation figures out of all the G7 nations. And the trends look good to keep it going down. Actually, Germany and other nations weren't in violation of their commitments. And by the way, Trump was very late to the party when it comes to warning about overdependence on Russian gas. Obama and Biden beat him to it by years. And you repeat the nonsense about Putin waiting for Trump to be out of office. What in Trump's conduct would lead Putin to fear him? As you clearly don't recall, Congress had to threaten Trump with legal action to force him to release military aid to the Ukrainians. Not everything that happens in the world has to do with America. And the polls didn't say that Americans thought Biden was putting the country on the wrong track. They thought that the country was on the wrong track. That said, inflation is rapidly declining and unemployment is very low. Let's see what the public thinks a year from now if present trends continue.
  5. And then there are those who use words like patriotism freedom Liberty etc to justify programs that have nothing to do with any of them.
  6. I don't know if it's wrong, but in this case it certainly makes no sense. If not to the EU, where is Ukraine going to hitch its economic future to? The Eurasian Economic Union?
  7. That's why they've applied to the EU. So if they get accepted, then they can give it the finger. You got nothing.
  8. Sure, The 2nd amendment loving, vaccine-hating, all-around conspiracy theorist.
  9. I think Zelensky is doing a great job, but I didn't know that he was singlehandedly battling the Russians. Does he wear a cape when he's fighting?
  10. Apart from any other consideration, elections aren't only about who voters are for, but also about who they';re against. The likely GOP nominee is a distinctly unappetizing prospect.
  11. Even if your argument made sense that it is undemocratic to run again because he won't complete his term and Harris will replace him, you know this how?
  12. I miscopied the integer in JohnyF's example and put in period in place of the 2nd comma. In the example JonnyF used, it was an integer.
  13. Actually referring to JohnnyF's post where it is an integer. Not to my miscopied version.
  14. No one denied that Biden takes medications. What's that got to do with your allegation that he's taking psychoactive medication?
  15. Yes you have no idea what it is but I hope you don't doubt that the square root of that integer exists. Had you said only God knows what drugs Biden may be on, you'd have a point.
  16. That doesn't exactly support your case that Kiev was the capital of the USSR. Kievan Rus at its largest was only a fraction of the size of the USSR.
  17. The example you gave says it all. Try as you might to put it behind you. Unless, of course, you're claiming that it's debatable whether or not 123,876.876 has a square root.
  18. It would be a lesson about an alternative universe because Kiev was never the capital of the USSR.
  19. Where exactly did Earlincalifornia claim that the plan was for Biden to run for a second term and then resign from the Presidency. Here is earlincalifornia's comment in full: "Not complicated situation. Biden will win against Trump. After that we have no more threat from Trump. Why risk putting someone else in the election process when after this Trump loss America will chose wisely." All earlincalifornia claimed was that Biden would be a strong opponent aganst Trump. The rest is just your imagination. It's like that old saying, ask a hungry man how much is 1 +1 and he'll answer 2 loaves of bread.
  20. What's clear is that the Turks took advantage of the situation to use it to their benefit.
  21. Good to see you're no longer denying that's what you claimed in the first place.
  22. So you're claiming you know for a fact that Biden won't be able to complete his term and there's a plan to replace him with someone else? Do you have a crystal ball and some sort of spy surveillance device that allows you to listen in on the machinations of certain unnamed parties who are in control of Joe Biden? Or are you just reading the minds of these sinister characters?
  23. Really bad example. Well, bad for you. The fact is what that "God knows" indicates is that you know there's a square root of that number but you don't know what it is. Just like you know that Biden's on medication but you don't know what it is.
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