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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Russian intelligence knew that Ukrainians would not welcome Russia, but still told the Kremlin they would, report says Multiple reports say that Russia expected to seize Ukraine quickly, and that a major factor in Russia's failure to do so was the unexpectedly high level of resistance by Ukrainians. https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-intel-knew-but-didnt-tell-kremlin-ukraine-would-fight-ussia-report-2022-8 First you claim it was part of their long term reasons for starting the war and now you're saying it's a byproduct. Contradicting yourself much?
  2. What has this got to do with your claim that creating refugees was part of Putin's long term plan for Ukraine. Putin's plan for Ukraine was a quick takeover. He had been assured by his intelligence people that his takeover would be supported by most Ukrainians. Not exactly a recipe for creating refugees.
  3. Wow. We at aseannow should feel flattered to have as a member a diagnostician who can also read minds.
  4. The quote was about Syrian refugees and the general didn't say that one of the reasons behind the war was to create a refugee crisis.
  5. Here's what you originally wrote: "Do you believe it is a coincidence there is so many refugees coming to europe, and there is no long term strategy behind it?" Clearly, in the case of Syria, it was, at least in part, a way to break Europe's resolve to support the rebellion. . As for the Ukraine invasion, really? Russia decided to risk its economic dependence on Europe by unleashing refugees on it? There is zero evidence that the war in Ukraine was started to create a refugee crisis.
  6. It's a good thing that those terms are so precise and useful in evaluating the policies that their standard bearers subscribe to. Otherwise, they could be invoked by anybody to support just about anything. Oh wait a minute... There is that famous quote from Samuel Johnson which is applicable here about using certain words to support dubious policies: "On the evening of 7 April 1775, he made a famous statement: "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel."[8] The line was not, as is widely believed, about patriotism in general but rather what Johnson saw as the false use of the term "patriotism" by William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham (the patriot minister) and his supporters." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_views_of_Samuel_Johnson#:~:text=On the evening of 7,the patriot minister) and his
  7. So, you're not claiming that the purpose of each of these 2 conflicts was to create refugee crises?
  8. You badly misunderstand General Breedlove's claim. He didn't say that the purpose of the war was to create a refugee crisis. He said that a refugee crisis was created to break Europe's resolve. In other words, to put an end to European support of the rebellion. “Together, Russia and the Assad regime are deliberately weaponizing migration in an attempt to overwhelm European structures and break European resolve,” he told the committee.
  9. A huge boost for the UK economy. Post-Brexit US trade deal: 0.16% economic boost predicted The government has estimated a post-Brexit trade deal with the United States would boost the UK economy by 0.16% over the next 15 years. The figure is included in a 180-page document setting out the UK's negotiating position for talks, expected to begin later this month. The document pledges to maintain maintain food standards and stresses that the NHS is "not on the table". https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-51706802 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-uks-approach-to-trade-negotiations-with-the-us
  10. This shouldn't be surprising. When DNA evidence exonerated the Central Park Five and they were released from prison, Trump continued to insist that they were guilty. Apparently, he didn't want all the energy he had put into calling for severe punishment in their case to go to waste. Why let a little thing like innocence get in the way of that?
  11. From the persistent way he's asking for aid, you'd think Ukraine was at war and not just hosting a special military operation.
  12. Actually it's who is he afraid of and it's those mean, nasty anchors. Why can't they be more friendly and supportive like Putin or Kim? You know, folks he likes to hang out with.
  13. Apparently, it's unclear whether or not Trump will join the Republican debates. . “I see that everybody is talking about the Republican Debates, but nobody got my approval, or the approval of the Trump Campaign, before announcing them,” he wrote. “When you’re leading by seemingly insurmountable numbers, and you have hostile Networks with angry, TRUMP & MAGA hating anchors asking the ‘questions,’ why subject yourself to being libeled and abused?” https://www.vox.com/politics/2023/4/27/23700848/donald-trump-joe-biden-presidential-debates-2024-election He's such a delicate flower.
  14. Just because a consequence of these wars is mass exodus of refugees doesn't mean what you're claiming isn't nonsense. The Assad regime, a strong ally of Russia, was threatened with being overthrown. Putin's obsession with restoring Russia's glorious past and empire is clearly the explanation for the war in Ukraine. Just because one of the benefits from Russia's point of view of these wars is mass emigration doesn't prove that was the motive for them.
  15. So, it's not only God who knows, but anyone who reads this article at NPR and wherever else this info was reported.
  16. Really? Just substitute "I don't know" for "God knows". That would you you don't know what he is taking but he's taking something. "God knows whether he is taking" would mean what you claim you meant.
  17. Nonsense. Of course you alleged it. When you wrote "God knows what he is taking" means that he is taking something. You may not know what it is, but it definitely can't mean that he is taking nothing.
  18. Thank you for your report from the future. I've noticed that issues mean little or nothing to you in your analysis of various candidates' strengths.
  19. My retort was "aptly domineering"? Thanks, I guess. And there's this: What Secret Russian State Polling Tells Us About Support for the War https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/12/06/what-secret-russian-state-polling-tells-us-about-support-for-the-war-a79596 This, too. https://www.levada.ru/en/2023/04/24/are-meaningful-public-opinion-polls-possible-in-today-s-russia/
  20. Biden is gaffe prone and has always made garbled statements.. He blames the Iraq War and his son's exposure to toxic chemicals that were incinerated. According to the press secretary is "God save the Queen" remark was directed as a joke at someone in the audience. Given the Elizabeth had been queen since forever that was an understandable slip of the tongue. You know, force of habit. What we do know is that he took part in long negotiations with the Republicans over their debt limit threats. Negotiations the most observers believe had an outcome that favored the Democrats. As for your allegations that he's taking some sort of medication on special occasions, this is from the landing page of the World Forum. By now it should look familiar to you: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." Stop making things up.
  21. Because the people of Ukraine are the best judges of whether or not they are being used and whether or not what is being done is in their self interest.
  22. I guess you know better than the Ukrainians whether or not they are being used. Even ethnic Russian Ukrainians have overwhelmingly turned against Russia.
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