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  1. They do? Really, can you back up that generality with some actual evidence. Or are you just another amateur gerontologist?
  2. Twitter's decline: gradual, then sudden First, Twitter set a policy requiring that web users log in to view tweets—immediately limiting the potential audience for any given post to people who have Twitter—and later, Musk announced limits to how many tweets users can consume in a day, purportedly to counter "extreme levels of data scraping & system manipulation." Although these measures will supposedly be reversed, as others have been during Musk's tenure, they amount to a sledgehammering of a platform that's been quietly wasting away for months: Twitter is now literally unusable if you don't have an account, or if you do have an account and access it a lot. https://boingboing.net/2023/07/04/twitters-decline-gradual-then-sudden.html
  3. It so bizarre. Right wingers routinely denounce the death of 10 of thousands of Americans from drug overdoses and even call for action to be taken against Mexico. Interesting which "degenerates" they have sympathy for.
  4. This is your idea of an authority on this issue? A guy who now makes his living from on you tube by talking about true crime and assessing the mental health of celebrities? It is to laugh. "Dr. Grande is a professional counselor, counselor educator, and content creator who specializes in personality disorders, addiction, recovery from trauma, psychopathology, and assessment. He operates a YouTube channel in which he covers a wide range of topics including mental health disorders, personality theory, true crime, relationships, and narcissism. He is a Licensed Professional Counselor of Mental Health (LPCMH) and Licensed Chemical Dependency Professional (LCDP) in the State of Delaware and is a National Certified Counselor (NCC). He holds a Master’s of Science in Community Counseling from Wilmington University and a Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision from Regent University." https://www.unhookedmedia.com/todd-grande
  5. A straight shooter who needs his arm held by a committee headed by Republicans to fire his gun.
  6. Biden has chosen an excellent team. The mark of a good executive is how well they are able to delegate authority to well-chosen people.
  7. Well, Twitter delayed the story by about 36 hours. James 105's claim that Twitter delayed the ban until after the election was utterly false. Happily, he openly acknowledged his error...just kidding.
  8. Please, before Biden became President, right wingers started making these accusations. I don’t think there’s any doubt (Joe) Biden’s senile.” Geriatrics experts say Brit Hume’s claim that Joe Biden is ‘senile’ is wrong https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/oct/01/brit-hume/geriatrics-experts-say-brit-humes-claim-joe-biden-/
  9. This is your idea of a rational rebuttal? It is to laugh.
  10. The issue was about him wandering on stage. I pointed out that the fox headline was a lie. james015 produces a link to another incident that was also falsely framed as a lie about Biden wandering on state.
  11. Here's the actual video in question. At about 25 seconds it goes utterly nuts. It says something about the quality of the voters Desantis is looking for that his people believe this will actually help recruit them to his cause.
  12. Wow. Well, if outkick.com says so, it must be true...but wait a minute. Here's Agence France Press with actual evidence to give that claim the lie https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32MC8LZ
  13. Given the Supreme Courts stance on 2nd Amendment issues, that this kind of restriction is going to be allowed.? Remember, Mexico gets it guns from private parties in the U.S. So it would also be politically suicidal for any Republicans. You think the party that has made it a basic plank that you can't trust government is going to support severe government restrictions on gun sales to private parties? As for a quick assassination of top guys, ya think top guys haven't been repeatedly assassinated by their rivals. You think there aren't a whole bunch of psychopaths waiting to take their place? Thanks for the mind-reading assertions about Putin. If he wanted stability and survivability above all else, he would never have invaded Ukraine in the first place. And you seem to be utterly without information about how much the Russian economly depends on China. And not just petroleum and gas. But all sorts of natural resources. You really should look up the doctrine of "economic gravity". Your take on this subject is in complete denial of economic reality.
  14. It's created by a catalytic process that naturally occurs between water and iron. https://www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/content/science/highlight/2013-06-28/water-rock-reactions-produce-hydrogen-gas-temperatures-within-limits
  15. Actually, he called for a serious conversation and then cast himself as an amateur gerontologist. We can see how dishonest he is when he claimed that on TV Biden does "wander around stages and TV sets as if he is lost." First off the author of this piece channeled the dishonest Fox headline which claimed that Biden wandered. I saw the video. Biden get up and left quite purposely towards some point off-camera. No evidence of wandering or divagation in the video. And to make it worse, the author multiplies one falsely characterized event into many:viz.."stages and TV sets".
  16. "Sorry the content of my posted link upsets you" It's an obvious ploy when a falsehood of theirs is exposed, to try and deflect by making it personal. Send my your mind-reading credentials that allow you to diagnose my emotional state. Until then, stop making things up about what I feel or don't. What exactly are the word games and semantics that Garland and Weiss are engaged in? And if Shapley is such a straight shooter why did he renege on his agreement to appear before the Senate Finance Committee? Is he a sensitive wallflower who can only bear to be questioned by a committee chaired by Republicans?
  17. The only person who's telling untruths here is you. Garland testified that he Weiss never asked him for special powers. Weiss confirms this. Stop making things up.
  18. First off, you've managed to deflect the conversation away from your original attempt to ask me to produce proof that Biden differed from GOP candidates on the issues. And to anyone reasonably au courant on the issue of China, it's clear that Biden has been very tough on the Chinese. Are you really going to deny that? I look forward to your attempt to do so since I will bury it with evidence. And exactly how would anyone pull Russia away from the Chinese? The Chinese are by far the leading manufacturing nation in the world. Russia has huge natural resources. Kind of a good fit there, no? What's more, as a basic acquaintance with economics would tell you, the geographically closer nations are, the more likely they are to trade with each other. Now what nation does Russia share a 4209.3 kilometer land border with? I'll give you a hint: it's not the USA As for Americans dying from drug overdoses? Are there candidates out there who aren't offering more of what's been tried before? Apart from invading Mexico, that is. Which hasn't been tried lately.
  19. Because you raised the issue of exploiting personal data.
  20. Nor did you criticize Musk for lack of originality. As for this comment of yours... "Twitter briefly suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story until just after the closely fought election, which I am sure was just a coincidence." ...it's just another proof that some people live in an alternative information universe: The date of the following story is Oct 17, 2020: "After initially blocking people from sharing links to the story Wednesday, on Friday Twitter was letting its users to post the link. It served as demonstration of how quickly things can change when it comes to social media, misinformation and the coming U.S. election as companies try to navigate unprecedented times." https://apnews.com/article/business-media-social-media-censorship-ec529ef85c1e72cefe0ae9450e118b9c
  21. Well, I have a facebook account I hardly use, so I guess Facebook poses no problem, too. Anyone can cite their peculiar circumstances lessen or heighten a particular problem. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2021/feb/01/facebook-youtube-twitter-anti-conservative-claims-baseless-report-finds Musk was being innovative when he bought Twitter? And of course, you persist with the right wing falsehood like that dissenting views on Twitter weren't allowed. Twitter briefly suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story. And the nonsense that it did so at the behest of government remains unsupported by any genuine evidence. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/02/08/politics/twitter-hearing-house-oversight/index.html As for other issues: https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/facebook-twitter-don-t-censor-conservatives-they-hire-promote-them-ncna1245308 https://www.theguardian.com/media/2021/feb/01/facebook-youtube-twitter-anti-conservative-claims-baseless-report-finds
  22. Here is the subject of this thread: "Facebook owner Meta set to launch Twitter rival on Thursday" I've taken the liberty of putting one word in boldface.
  23. But you can trust Twitter not to use your personal data?
  24. While carrying out work to check the risk of firedamp pockets in the abandoned mines of the Lorraine region in May, La Française d’Énergie (FDE) discovered a large deposit of natural hydrogen, igniting hopes that it could be a game changer in Europe’s energy transition. For years, researchers and businesses in the private sector have been looking for rare natural hydrogen, otherwise known as native or white hydrogen, due to its potential as a clean and renewable energy source. “If confirmed, this would be the largest potential natural hydrogen discovered to date in Europe,” Philippe de Donato, co-director of research at the GeoRessouces laboratory at the University of Lorraine, told France 3 Grand-Est at the end of May. https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy-environment/news/excitement-grows-about-natural-hydrogen-as-huge-reserves-found-in-france/
  25. Nonsense. You got any evidence for this? Common sense should tell you that sources like the Wall St. Journal, The NY Times, and The Washington Post are being watched like hawks by right wingers looking to pounce on their every mistake. They're very infrequently called out. The NY Times actually has a webpage where retractions and corrections are posted. Corrections "The Times recognizes an ethical responsibility to promptly correct all factual errors, large and small. We encourage you to contact us if you think you see a mistake. Messages about news coverage can be sent to [email protected]; comments about the opinion section should go to [email protected]. Learn more about how we handle corrections here..For other questions, including subscription issues, visit our help center." https://www.nytimes.com/international/section/corrections
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