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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Seriously? Estonia is culturally/historically pro-Russian?
  2. And who is that oligarch? The same one that Manafort sent confidential campaign info to via a Russian agent.
  3. More falsehoods from you. No, "we" are not at 28.4% of GDP. The federal government spent $6.27 trillion in FY 2022. This means federal spending was equal to 25% of the total gross domestic product (GDP), or economic activity, of the United States that year. https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/federal-spending/#:~:text=The federal government spent %246.27,the United States that year. And next year federal spending is expect to decline sharply. The Biden Administration proposed a budget of about 5.8 trillion which would bring the federal deficit down to about 23% of GDP. But since the Republicans hold the House it will most likely be less. What's more, the deficit would have been more had Biden not managed to get some tax increases passed over the unanimous objections of Republicans. If only 2 Republicans in the Senate had supported his tax cuts, the deficit reduction would have been even greater.
  4. So simplistic as to be ridiculous. If, in fact, all or most of the money that the wealthy earned was spent on productive investment you would have a point. But in fact, the money acquired by the wealthy is so unbalanced that they were actually willing to park it in govt bonds that paid negative interests. That's because they had nowhere productive to put it. The amount of money they have is so unbalanced that top end real estate and artworks have massively escalated in price. They have so much money that they invest in fake stuff like cryptocurrency.
  5. More nonsense. Money that is taxed once, shouldn't be taxed again. So the money I earn that has been subject to income tax shouldn't be subject to excise tax or sales tax or gasoline tax? Governments ordinarily tax money when it changes hands. When someone inherits money that's a change of hands. As for it being conficatory...confiscatory from whom? A corpse? Really?
  6. Of course it's not irrelevant. As the wealthy engross a greater and greater percentage of national wealth, naturally, they are going to be paying a higher percentage of the total. And it's absolutely FALE that Actually the richest Americans pay at a far lower tax rate than do average Americans. America’s richest 400 families pay a lower tax rate than average taxpayer https://www.cnbc.com/2021/09/23/americas-richest-400-families-pay-a-lower-tax-rate-than-average-taxpayer.html The average American family pays 13.3%. The average superrich familyl pays 8.2%
  7. As the author notes, the Japanese generally aren't too fond of mixed race children.
  8. You claimed that "Japan gets a free pass" because its people are nonwhite. Obviously, it didn't in this article. Far, far from it. It certainly did not trivialize these problems. Just the opposite.
  9. Japanese culture has been getting "diluted" ever since Japan opened up to the west in the 19th century. If that hadn't happened, Western tourists to Japan would likely be met with a fatal reception.
  10. You on right-wing automatic pilot much? You link to an article from the BBC no less, one of the media bugbears of the right. An article that is very critical of Japanese culture. Yet you claim that Japanese culture gets a pass. Obsessed much?
  11. As I've noted I've provided independent evidence to back up what I say, you provide nothing but empty words.
  12. Someone like Jordan Peterson whose blatant errors on the issue of climate science have been repeatedly exposed by climatologists entitles him to zero credence on the subject. Whereas what Thunberg says aligns with the science. If one goes by what they say and claim it's clear that Peterson is far inferior on the issue than Thunberg..
  13. Oh really? I've expressed an opinion of Jordan Petersen unbacked by independent evidence?
  14. And you still offer no evidence. You've got nothing.
  15. I provided a link to evidence on a approved credible source. You offer no evidence at all just an empty retort. You've got nothing.
  16. It was George Bush's tax cuts, the ones that Republicans would pay for themselves because of the economic stimulus they would provide, that were responsible for being a one-off.
  17. We are not allowed to judge moderation or moderators in an open forum. And as I've already the rules of this forum require that statements of alleged fact be backed up by links to credible approved sources. I've done that. And that's all I owe you. If you don't want to take the opportunity to educate yourself by following a link, there's nothing that I can do about that.
  18. Maybe you should take up your problem with the mods. I'm offering easy access to information to back up what I say. There are plenty of other forums here which don't rule out uninformed chat. So you can get your social needs met there. Or join a knitting circle.
  19. Your belief is incorrect https://www.livescience.com/dinosaur-killing-asteroid-struck-earth As for the ice ages, think Milankovitch cycles How Variations in Earth’s Orbit Triggered the Ice Ages Researchers pinpoint how Milankovitch cycles have driven ice growth and influenced the timing of glacial periods. https://eos.org/research-spotlights/how-variations-in-earths-orbit-triggered-the-ice-ages
  20. Forum rules require members to back up statements with links to approved credible sources. Which I did. They don't require us to write essays for the benefits of less knowledgeable members.
  21. The dinosaurs had the assist of a giant asteroid that slammed into planet earth. Humans are doing it all by themselves.
  22. Maybe if you ask Thunberg very nicely, she might explain the difference to you between climate and weather.
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