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  1. You seem to have forgotten that the previous administration also cost taxpayers a lot of money? Double standards much? And it's pretty easy to diagnose what kind of sources you get your news from if you don't know about the resurgence of manufacturing in the US under Biden Biden’s massive manufacturing push is working and U.S. companies have already committed $200 billion to new projects The Biden administration’s efforts to revive U.S. manufacturing appear to be succeeding, with some business sectors plowing in almost 20 times the investment in new U.S. manufacturing projects versus only a few years ago. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/biden-massive-manufacturing-push-working-221328463.html And the US did give crucial aid to Ukraine during the Trump adminstration. Granted that Trump tried to break the law by not sending the second wave of weaponry as authorized by a bill he signed into law. He tried to coerce Zelensky into investigating Biden in exchange for those weapons. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/01/16/trump-administration-broke-law-in-withholding-ukraine-aid.html
  2. For a strict constitutionalist, you seem guilty of some pretty loose thinking, Who is proposing that Supreme Court Justices run for office? How would restricting a Supreme Court Justice to one term suggest that they would be elected? And for someone who claims to be an authority on the Constitution, you seem unaware, or at least unconcerned, that the number of seats on the Supreme Court is dictated by legislation, not the Constitution. So the Senate could change the law and put more Justices on the Supreme Court and any other Federal court. Given the Supreme Court's recent decision to largely exempt Presidents from prosecution for any criminal acts he may commit as long as they are committed on the pretext that they were part of their official duties, and Trump's explicit statement that the President should enjoy absolute immunity for any criminal acts he or she may commit, you really want to claim that the crisis is a manufactured one? And once again, I note the point raised by no one other than John Roberts himself, that when the Constitution was written, people, including Supreme Court justices, tended to enjoy a much shorter life span and a much shorter term in office.
  3. You sure about that? https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/approval/supreme-court/ https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/
  4. Deflecting much? The proper question to raise in this thread is this why are Chinese armed forces present in such far-flung locations?
  5. Apparently, to your way of thinking, Chief Justice John Robert was, at least once upon a time, a Democratic leftist seeking openly to "Communize" and "Stalinize" the Republic and turn it into their vision of a Leftist Totalitarian Hell." Here's the quote from this Communist As now Chief Justice John Roberts once acknowledged while working as a White House attorney, “The Framers adopted life tenure at a time when people simply did not live as long as they do now. A judge insulated from the normal currents of life for twenty-five or thirty years was a rarity then, but is becoming commonplace today. The trend toward lengthening terms also heightens the risk that justices will stay on the Court after their capacity as jurists begins to decline.' https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/policy-solutions/supreme-court-term-limits
  6. Are Senators elected for life? If the electorate doesn't approve of what a Senator does, it has a chance every 6 years to vote them out. Does the electorate ever get a guaranteed opportunity to vote a Supreme Court Justice out of office? "Chief Justice John Roberts, Oct. 3, 1983: “There is much to be said for changing life tenure to a term of years, without possibility of reappointment. The Framers adopted life tenure at a time when people simply did not live as long as they do now. A judge insulated from the normal currents of life for 25 or 30 years was a rarity then, but is becoming commonplace today. Setting a term of, say, 15 years would ensure that federal judges would not lose all touch with reality through decades of ivory tower existence. It would also provide a more regular and greater degree of turnover among the judges. Both developments would, in my view, be healthy ones.” https://fixthecourt.com/termlimits/
  7. Well, for one thing, there's a candidate who believes that the President should have unconditional immunity for any criminal acts without exception that he commits while in office.
  8. Joining BRICS is a kind of virtue signaling, so to speak, that has little actual economic or strategic significance For instance, there's been a lot of talk about the threat it poses to the supremacy of the dollar. But as this passage from the article points out, it doesn't pose much of a threat at all The BRICS Is Not a Strategic Threat to the United States "It’s important to highlight that capital does not only look for markets, and investors do not only seek to make profits. They seek, among other things, the rule of law, protection of intellectual property rights, a stable currency, a sound banking system, limits on state intervention, and political stability. Unlike Beijing, Washington fulfils all these criteria with flying colors." https://www.geopoliticalmonitor.com/the-brics-is-not-a-strategic-threat-to-the-united-states/
  9. Sure. It's all about America...oh wait a minute... "VIENTIANE, Laos (AP) — Top diplomats from Southeast Asia met Friday in Laos with China’s foreign minister for talks that come as friction escalates over Beijing’s growing effort to press its sweeping maritime claims in the South China Sea. Several members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations have territorial disputes with China, which have led to direct confrontations that many worry could lead to broader conflict. “One wrong step in the South China Sea will turn a small fire into a terrible firestorm,” Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said ahead of the talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi." https://apnews.com/article/asean-laos-china-america-south-china-sea-9f51f4e931ca34c859113a4d7da79267
  10. Whereas millions of Israelis really referred to him as a low life criminal.
  11. And the millions of Israelis who wanted Netanyahu removed from office are they anti-semitic too?
  12. You've answered them with more of the same deflections aimed at the person rather than at the issues..
  13. Once more, instead of addressing the issues you deflect by making it personal.
  14. Do I really have to explain to you why this is another personal comment? And on top of that you post a video which has no probative value at all. Just another nasty way to be personal.
  15. Instead of addressing the facts raised, you go to a personal comment instead.
  16. First off, let's see if it survives on appeal. The Sullivan doctrine is long established law. That doesn't mean the Supreme Court won't overturn it. I know that Clarence Thomas, at least, would love to see the rich and powerful able to silence their critics through fear of financial disaster.
  17. No, I asked you what does the name Biden Crime Family signify? You seem to think that this is some kind of Rorschach test in which anything you say is not to be challenged because it's subjective. If your thought process is irrational, which in this case it clearly is, then it deserves to be called out as such. Hypocrisy and dishonesty are not in themselves crimes. But if you want words to have meanings peculiar to themselves, then you don't belong in a forum where a common language is the medium of communication.
  18. What many have been saying is that right from the start of his administration Biden was suffering from dementia. I posted a link pointing out that in February, some European diplomats noticed a recent decline. George Clooney noticed a sharp decline on Jun 15 from a few months earlier.
  19. Stop trying to deflect. You claimed that hypocrisy and dishonesty were the reasons you called the Bidens a crime family. I asked you if hypocrisy and dishonesty are crimes and all you did was revert to referencing the crimes of Hunter Biden and the crime of Joe Biden's niece. What have their crimes got to do with the rest of Joe Biden's large extended family? It should also be pointed out that if, In fact, if hypocrisy and dishonesty are crimes, it's a fair bet that most of humanity are criminals. And that would certainly include quite a few ex-Presidents.
  20. Even if your characterization was true of all or most of the Bidens, is dishonesty a crime? Is hypocrisy a crime? More nonsense from you.
  21. Because I stated that there's a big difference between Biden formerly and Biden now. And that accusations that for all of his presidency Biden was mentally impaired are false. And the evidence that you offered does nothing to disprove that.
  22. I'm not going to get into your track record of making personal comments. The mods frown on that. The relevant point is that vaccines don't have to provide 100% immunity to be of great therapeutic value.
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