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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. It's blazingly obvious what the difference in those 2 cases is. Eric Holder and William Barr were in office when they were held in contempt. So executive privilege was held to apply. Bannon and Navarro were subpoenaed after they were out of office,
  2. That's all you've got? An appeal to a crystal ball? Trump is also very unpopular. You can't even bring yourself to acknowledge that obvious fact. . Let's wait and see who the Democrats come up with to oppose him if it's not Biden. Anyway, you apparently know the future. So who's going to be Trump's opponent from the Democratic party?
  3. That's all you've got? An appeal to a crystal ball? Trump is also very unpopular. You've got no germane rebuttal for that. Let's wait and see who the Democrats come up with to oppose him if it's not Biden.
  4. You sure about that? Now Trump is delivering long rambling pointless speeches. Was that a feature of his previous campaign? Or the one before that? His audiences are leaving before he finishes. Clearly, he's suffering from cognitive issues also.
  5. Because Trump is so beloved? https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/favorability/donald-trump/ He's doing better than Biden, but not by much.
  6. Here's more ridiculousness from Trump: ‘I took a bullet for democracy,’ Trump says at first rally since assassination attempt https://www.timesofisrael.com/i-took-a-bullet-for-democracy-trump-says-at-first-rally-since-assassination-attempt/
  7. You notice how impulse claimed that crowdstrike "was heavily involved in the Russian Collusion hoax"? He's just echoing the baseless accusations of Trump. https://www.thedailybeast.com/crowdstrike-the-truth-about-trumps-insane-ukraine-server-conspiracy
  8. All Joe Biden "ever did was take softball questions about ice cream." That's all he did. I found one case where he took questions about ice cream. https://nypost.com/2021/05/27/press-slammed-for-asking-biden-questions-about-his-ice-cream/ Trumping it up much?
  9. What's said is that you find this typical kind of political activity incompatible with being a politician. Did you expect her to discuss the finer points of tax policy with kids? And if she had ignored the kids or tried to discuss political issues with them, it's a safe bet that she would have been lambasted by certain parties for being obtuse and unfeeling.
  10. From the landing page of the World News Forum: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." https://aseannow.com/forum/158-world-news/ So please share with us the names of those government officials who believe that all enterprises should be owned and managed by the proletariat. In other words put up or...
  11. Crowdstrike was heavily involved in the Russian collusion hoax? Apart from the fact that there was no debunking of Russian involvement with the Trump campaign, the only reason that crowdstrike was mentioned is because Trump falsely believed (surprise! surprise!) that the hacking of the DNC came via the Ukraine and crowdstrike, rather than from Russia. That's one of the reason that the big know-nothing still holds a grudge against Ukraine. 'In his now-infamous July phone call with Ukraine’s president, President Donald Trump referred briefly to a long-discredited conspiracy theory that tries to cast doubt on Russia’s role in the 2016 hacking of the Democratic National Committee... In broad outline, the theory contends — without evidence, of course — that the DNC hack was a setup based on fabricated computer records and designed to cast blame on Russia. One key figure in this supposed conspiracy: CrowdStrike, a security firm hired by the DNC that detected, stopped and analyzed the hack five months before the 2016 election.' https://apnews.com/article/aa1f66a1770d4995a6bada960a7d119e
  12. Please share with me the last time I mentioned this. And the time before that. Clearly, you're trying to make it about me rather than about Trump.
  13. Given that there's an election coming up and he's clearly gotten worse since then, I think it's a timely reminder.
  14. Now, be fair. It wasn't bleach that he called for. It was disinfectant. Clearly, a case of super genius insight.
  15. It's clear you're conflating what the rulers of those states want with the views of the vast majority of their populace. Positive views of Hamas receive a jump while remaining the minority opinion among Saudi citizens; most agree that Israel is “weak and divided.” According to responses, the Saudi popular attitude towards the outcome of the war is clear: the overwhelming majority (91%) express agreement with the statement that “despite the destruction and loss of life, this war in Gaza is a win for the Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims.” And as for the role of the broader Arab world, almost all (96%) agree with the proposal that “Arab countries should immediately break all diplomatic, political, economic, and any other contacts with Israel, in protest against its military action in Gaza.” ..." https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/new-poll-sheds-light-saudi-views-israel-hamas-war As for other Sunni countries "While Hamas as a movement remains unpopular among the majority of Saudis—in contrast to a new trend of widespread popular support in countries like Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt—just 16% of Saudis say that “Hamas should stop calling for the destruction of Israel, and instead accept a permanent two-state solution to the conflict based on the 1967 borders.” https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/new-poll-sheds-light-saudi-views-israel-hamas-war
  16. Actually, if you want to see the shocking extent of Trump's mental deterioration, you could do worse than go to this interview he had with Barbara Walters in 1990. She asks him some really tough questions but his affect is subdued and unruffled. He offers his rebuttals in a way that is calm and respectful. What a difference senility makes! Or, maybe, whereas before he was self-possessed, now he's merely possessed.
  17. I guess, given his evident mental deterioration, that whatever Trump used to believe about what he was saying, at this point he probably believes it when he's saying it. Which wouldn't stop him from saying and believing the opposite if that would advance his interests.
  18. That "joke" of yours is the kind of formulaic thing that could have been created by a bot. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on that score and just note that you need to get better acquainted with yourself.
  19. Or maybe you should stop asking rhetorical questions and provide the information yourself.
  20. As you know, the rules of the forum require that you back up assertions with links to a credible source. So please link to the credible source that claims Zelensky has mansions around the world. In other words put up or....
  21. Nonsense. Anyone who accuses Biden of not supporting Israel has an infirm grasp on reality. And where did Obama claim it would take years to defet Isis. Trump just continued with the campaign that was well underway before he took office. I have no idea what you mean by the claim that Trump put NATO together when he was 6 weeks old. And why would any other country be afraid of Trump since he claims he won't militarily intervene in any military ventures outside of the USA. His comment that the US wouldn't defend Taiwan because it stole the chip business from the USA is proof of how dangerous his ignorance is.
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