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  1. TMSC is the world's most advanced manufacturer of high end chips. It manufactures about 90% of the world's most advanced chips https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/22/tech/taiwan-tsmc-talent-shortage-training-center-intl-hnk/index.html In other words, it's crucially important to the American economy. The Biden administration is addressing that problem by subsidizing TSMC to build advanced chip factories in Arizona. But it's going to be a long process. God only knows what Trump means by claiming that Taiwan stole the chip industry from the US. It's true that TMSC is headquartered in Taiwan. What that has got to do with stealing is anyone's guess.
  2. "Musk himself pays attention to taxes, as one widely reported story from a couple of years ago illustrates. Musk’s compensation package with Tesla, approved in 2018, provided nearly all his pay in the form of generous stock options if the company hit certain targets. As Insider reported in 2021: “Musk notably does not take a salary for his work for Tesla, instead taking out loans against his roughly $300 billion fortune to live off of and avoid paying income tax.”5" https://www.taxnotes.com/featured-analysis/many-loves-elon-musk-and-incentives-won-them/2023/03/16/7g77f
  3. Somehow, I think this comment might mean trouble for the Trump/Vance ticket. "Vance, who was an Ohio Republican Senate nominee when the story first came out, said: "This is one of the great tricks that I think the sexual revolution pulled on the American populace, which is the idea that like, 'Well, OK, these marriages were fundamentally, you know, they were maybe even violent, but certainly they were unhappy. And so getting rid of them and making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear, that's going to make people happier in the long term.'" https://www.newsweek.com/jd-vance-donald-trump-women-womens-issues-violent-marriages-abortion-1926228
  4. Get back to us with the whole video. This one has been truncated.
  5. Says the person who mentioned Biden's alleged hair plugs. Apparently, to your way of thinking, Biden's hair plugs are a fascinating issue whereas Trump's scalp reduction surgery is a matter of indifference.
  6. It's a good thing Trump isn't vain enough to do anything similar. Oh...wait a minute... " In a 1990 divorce deposition, under oath, Ivana Trump swore that in a fit of rage, Donald raped her because of the pain he was suffering resulting from his scalp reduction surgery in 1989. Donald's scalp reduction, also known as alopecia reduction (AR), is most successfully performed on patients with balding on the crown on the head, according to HairtransplantMentor.com "The procedure, which essentially cuts out the patient's bald spot, follows these steps: Under anesthesia, the surgeon cuts away the balding area of the scalp... https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trumps-hair-mystery-solved-he-had-scalp-reduction_b_58966965e4b061551b3dff8a
  7. Netanyahu claims he’s sticking to Biden-backed plan. Text of offer suggests otherwise The full text of the latest Israeli hostage proposal, obtained by The Times of Israel, appears to contradict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's claim on Saturday night that he has not made any new demands in the ceasefire negotiations with Hamas... Two officials from two separate mediating countries confirmed that the Israeli proposal obtained by The Times of Israel is authentic. https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-claims-hes-sticking-to-biden-backed-plan-text-of-offer-suggests-otherwise/
  8. Well. apparently, he doesn't believe Trump himself who tweeted that he was shot in the ear. It's certainly useful as a general rule to believe that Trump is lying. It's just that this is the rare case where it's a pretty safe bet he's telling the truth.
  9. As the article points out, lots of crimes are easy to underreport. Homicide, not really. That's what makes it the best indicator of where crime is headed.
  10. Not bad, but I like William Blake's version better: Tyger Tyger, burning bright, In the forests of the night; What immortal hand or eye, Could frame thy fearful symmetry? https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/43687/the-tyger
  11. "Crime is out of control." Really? Murder Rates Are Plummeting. What Should We Make of It? "A murder decline of even half the magnitude suggested by the early 2024 data," writes Jeff Asher, a data analyst and co-founder of AH Datalytics, "would place the US murder rate this year largely on par with or below where it was from 2015 to 2019 prior to the surge in murder in 2020." There are certainly reasons for caution here, chief among them that it is May, not December. The situation could certainly take a turn for the worse. But should the data continue on the current trajectory, then the number of homicides seen in the U.S. will indeed be back to, or under, pre-COVID levels—a concession also recently made by Charles Fain Lehman, a fellow at the conservative Manhattan Institute. https://reason.com/2024/05/06/murder-rates-are-plummeting-what-should-we-make-of-it/
  12. Anyone who calls themselves a conservative in the Classical Liberal sense but supports project 2025, seriously misunderstands what it means to be that sort of conservative..
  13. It's kind of refreshing to see someone presumably from the left who believes in bizarre and elaborate conspiracy theories. That's something that the right enjoys a virtual monopoly over. So, by your reckoning, the NY Times is involved in this conspiracy? And, of course, if we needed any further proof of your imbalanced take on things, you just can't resist insulting Trump by using a moronic nickname even though that virtually guarantees that the mods will remove your post sooner or later.
  14. Maybe there's something to that claim. After all, what Trump callsy the lying New York Times claims to have a photo showing that it was a bullet that hit Trump's ear: Photo Appears to Capture Path of Bullet Used in Assassination Attempt Michael Harrigan, a retired F.B.I. special agent, said the image captured by Doug Mills, a New York Times photographer, seems to show a bullet streaking past former President Donald J. Trump. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/14/us/politics/photo-path-trump-assassination.html?smid=url-share
  15. Trump team argues assassination of rivals is covered by presidential immunity https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4398223-trump-team-argues-assassination-of-rivals-is-covered-by-presidential-immunity/
  16. I wouldn't be surprised if the NRA posted a statement criticizing the would-be assassin's poor marksmanship.
  17. And the sad loon who attempted the assassination also donated to a progressive campaign. "Investigators are still seeking Crooks' motive - despite his Republican leanings, he had donated recently to a progressive voter-turnout campaign in 2021 - but indicated he'd planned the attack well in advance... A classmate remembered Crooks as a frequent target of bullies. Kids picked on him for wearing camouflage to class and his quiet demeanor, Jason Kohler, 21, said. Crooks usually ate lunch alone, Kohler said https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/07/14/trump-shot-crooks-assassin-sniper/74401755007/
  18. Trump says he was shot in the top of his ear. Are you seriously claiming Trump was mistaken? That his nervous system confused his ear for his head? Try pinching the top of your ear and they try pinching the portion of your head above it. Is it difficult for you to distinguish one from the other? And what's also laughable is to try and distract attention from your claim by making the issue about me personally. You obviously got it wrong.
  19. This is a piece of tripe. I doubt that quote from the unnamed security expert is even real. Can you imagine how easy it would be for a would-be assassin to launch a couple of drones to join other drones circling overhead? And then targeting the President. Who apart from a few wingnuts is calling for Trump to be shot? HOw is calling for Trump to be stopped a call for assassination? The only point I do agree with him on is the issue of giving Robert Kennedy secret service protection. Not to grant him that protection is just stupidly petty. That said, it's not a sure thing whether Kennedy's removal from the race would benefit Biden or Trump more.
  20. Trump may not know his a$$ from his elbow, but i think he knows the difference between his ear and his head: Trump safe after rally shooting, says bullet struck his ear; gunman and audience member dead Former President Donald Trump was rushed offstage after shots were fired in an assassination attempt at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, Saturday evening. Trump said in a social media post that he was injured when a bullet pierced the upper part of his right ear. The Secret Service says Trump is now safe, and he was checked at a local hospital before leaving a few hours later. Trump's son, Donald Trump Jr., told CBS News' Robert Costa that his father is "doing fine." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/possible-shots-fired-at-trump-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania/
  21. If it was a setup, which it clearly wasn't, the only way that works is if Trump is in on the plot and somehow had participated in having himself wounded by some other means or by outright fakery and there was no wound at all. The only plot was the one the belonged to the would-be assassin.
  22. What does your explanation that "politics and law mean.nothing to you" have to do with this: "give me control over a nations finance and i care not who makes its laws."? It's clear you're either backpedaling or you don't understand the meaning of this statement about control. Your explanation is about the inconsequence of politics and laws to the very wealthy but what it purports to explain is about control. Just being extremely wealthy does not give one control of a nation's finances. There are lots of extremely wealthy people out there. Are they acting in concert to control a nation's finances? Does being extremely wealthy give one the authority to set interest rates? Determine deficits? Being extremely wealthy may offer immunity from the consequences of violating laws political decisions but that's not the same thing as having "control over a nation's finances."
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