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  1. Rather, you can't be bothered defending the repugnant notions that lie behind your insinuations.
  2. "In the book, Ms Truss wrote: "If only the words attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild of the famous banking family had been heeded: 'Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.'" There is no evidence that Mr Rothschild said this, and the quote first appeared in print long after his death. It has long been used in antisemitic conspiracy theories which falsely accuse the Rothschild family and other Jewish people of secretly trying to control global finance." https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-68853672
  3. And it happened while Donald Trump, who knew Epstein, was President. And William Barr was the Attorney General. And Barr was in a Federal prison.
  4. The fact is they want to go back to the spoils system in the civil service. There was a reason that was abandoned. Given given Trump's insistence that there was some kind of conspiracy in the Justice Department to get him, that makes it sinister. If Trump really wants to make clear where he stands on 2025, then he should specifically specify what he disagrees with. And not wish them luck.
  5. Here's how it's tied to Trump: Trump, in April '22, keynoted a Heritage dinner as it began work on Project 2025: “This is a great group & they’re going to lay the groundwork & detail plans for exactly what our movement will do ... when the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America."
  6. More nonsense from you. The judge in the case repeatedly ruled against Baldwin's lawyers efforts to dismiss the case.. It was only when this extraordinary piece of prosecutorial misconduct was brought to light that she dismissed the case.
  7. "I'm not obsessed with climate change. But..." It is to laugh. In an article that makes no mention of climate change, you somehow managed to find that it was relevant.
  8. No mention at all of climate change in the text or the headline. Obsessed much?
  9. Too much B.S. in that article to answer all of it claims. Let's just go to electric capacity. A simplet single change to upgrade capacity of power lines by 400% is to replace current transmission wires with high grade transmission wires: "Another relatively cheap and quick way to boost capacity: replace existing power lines with high-performance wires. Wide-scale adoption could help quadruple U.S. transmission capacity by 2035, according to a report by the University of California, Berkeley and GridLab, an energy consulting firm." https://archive.ph/Xalcl https://www.wsj.com/business/energy-oil/the-aging-u-s-power-grid-is-about-to-get-a-jolt-144e7fdc There are also devices called Heimdall's sensors. In Minnesota, a pilot project by Great River Energy showed that Heimdall’s sensors could increase transmission capacity by about 40% https://archive.ph/Xalcl https://www.wsj.com/business/energy-oil/the-aging-u-s-power-grid-is-about-to-get-a-jolt-144e7fdc Also virtual networks are now a genuine phenomenon thanks to the large scale growth of home battery storage. That should accelerate as the cost of storage plummets.
  10. More extremist right wing nonsense about the US not being a democracy. It's what's called a representative democracy. That is not inconsistent with the USA also being a republic. Representative democracy (also called electoral democracy or indirect democracy) is a type of democracy where representatives are elected by the public.[1] Nearly all modern Western-style democracies function as some type of representative democracy: for example, the United Kingdom (a unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy), Germany (a federal parliamentary republic), France (a unitary semi-presidential republic), and the United States (a federal presidential republic).[2] This is different from direct democracy, where the public votes directly on laws or policies, rather than representatives.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representative_democracy
  11. The point is that EVs are rapidly rising as a percentage of new car sales. From the article "Previously the Economist Intelligence Unit predicted that NEVs wouldn’t make up over half of sales until 2028. And the Chinese Federation of Passenger Cars only predicts a 40% penetration rates for 2024. Based on that prediction sales would be in the region of 12 million this year... Last month Wang Chuanfu, CEO of BYD, predicted that the result would be achieved within the next three months. https://carnewschina.com/2024/04/20/chinas-ev-sales-now-over-50/
  12. From the world's biggest car market: China’s EV sales now over 50% https://carnewschina.com/2024/04/20/chinas-ev-sales-now-over-50/
  13. Are you claiming that volcanoes have been emitting more heat over the past 50 years than previously? Got any evidene to support that? As for the rest of the nonsense you post, the warming effect of CO2 was first established by Foote and by the eminent physicist John Tindall in the 19th century. It's bizarre how unscientific some denialists objections are. In your case, CO2, methane. so minute in quantities, how could they have an effect?. In another. the sun is so big how could anything else have an effect. Apparently, this is your idea of rational scientific evidence. It's not..
  14. Too much of a good thing might not be so good. Vitamin A is essential to good health. But in large doses it's poisonous. Just in case you are ever tempted to ask for a second helping of polar bear liver, you might want to consider this: :Liver is high in vitamin A.The liver of certain animals, including the polar bear, bearded seal, fish and walrus, are particularly toxic (see Liver (food) § Poisoning). It has been estimated that consumption of 500 grams (18 oz) of polar bear liver would result in a toxic dose for a human." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypervitaminosis_A#:~:text=Diet – Liver is high in,toxic dose for a human.
  15. Temperatures have stalled since 2016? Really? From the landing page of the world forum: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." https://aseannow.com/forum/158-world-news/ In fact, 2023 had a higher average temperature and it looks like 2024's will be even higher. What you clearly don't understand is that 2016, like 2023 was a year with a powerful El Nino. So naturally it was higher than several subsequent years. This is the same misleading class of nonsense promulgated by denialists in the wake of 1998 which was the year of another super powerful El Nino. It was farar higher than several subsequent years. But now, it doesn't even make it into the top 10. The trend is clear. Average global temperatures are getting warmer. Here's a graph. I've added an arrow and year to distinguish 1998 from the other years listed. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-temperature#:~:text=2023 was the warmest year,F (13.9°C).
  16. I suspect the explanation for the reason some religions disapprove of or even ban its use can be found in H.L. Mencken's comment: “Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.” https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/34745-puritanism-the-haunting-fear-that-someone-somewhere-may-be-happy
  17. I think a pretty good case could be made against Exxon: ExxonMobil: Oil giant predicted climate change in 1970s - scientists One of the world's largest oil companies accurately forecast how climate change would cause global temperature to rise as long ago as the 1970s, researchers claim. ExxonMobil's private research predicted how burning fossil fuels would warm the planet but the company publicly denied the link, they suggest. The academics analysed data in the company's internal documents. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-64241994 The Heartland Institute The Heartland Institute is a free market think tank at the forefront of denying manmade climate change... From 1997-2006, the Heartland Institute received at least $686,500 from ExxonMobil- $140,000 of which were specifically earmarked for climate change programs in disclosure reports by the corporation. Heartland has received over 21 million dollars from Donors Trust and Donors Capital Funds. Both organizations are conservative nonprofits that advertise the ability to anonymously give by moving grant money through them. https://climateinvestigations.org/heartland-institute/ It’s been seven years since journalists first revealed Exxon Mobil Corp.’s decadeslong efforts to undermine the scientific certainty around climate change, despite knowing how serious a problem it was. Now, a new analysis demonstrates exactly how much the company knew — and how its public disinformation campaigns sabotaged the warnings of its own scientists https://archive.ph/D83vs#selection-771.0-775.157
  18. Someone else who doesn't understand the significance of the rate of change.
  19. Changes due to solar activity are well understood but work on millennial timescales. The one exception is a correlation between the sun and temperature that works on a shorter time scale. Basically when the sun is more active on the surface, there's a positive correlation with average temperature rise on Earth. The thing is, until recently for the past several solar cycles, there was very low solar surface activity. So, if anything, that should have had a depressing effect on average temperatures. Despite which, they zoomed.
  20. Maybe you're an American so you think that the USA is the entire world? And as far as US temperatures go... "Many of the high temperature records set that year in the region still hold today, the National Weather Service reported. However, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration data shows that in the contiguous U.S., the first nine months of 2023 were 1.64°F warmer than January through September 1936.Nov 6, 2023 https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2023/was-united-states-warmer-1936/#:~:text=Many of the high temperature,than January through September 1936.
  21. I guess you don't understand regression analylsis. It's about trends. All the yearly averages from the last 9 years are higher than any recorded year before (that includes 2023 which is the highest year on record and not noted on this chart). You may want to count back to 1998, the year of another massive El Nino. It's doesn't even make the top 10 anymore. Of course, that didn't stop denialists from creating graphs with that as a starting point to prove that the weather was actually cooling. Setting an anomalous year as a baseline is obviously deceptive. But that's what they did. However reality eventually exposed their claim to be a cheap piece oftrickery designed to fool the willing ignorant.
  22. Thanks for the unfounded claims in regards to resources For example, take lithium. Lots of noise about it's scarcity. Turns out that the Salton Sea alone in the USA contains enough lithium to power 375 million EVs. WASHINGTON, D.C.—The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced results of the most comprehensive analysis to date quantifying the domestic lithium resources in California’s Salton Sea region. Conducted by DOE’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the analysis found that with expected technology advances, the Salton Sea region’s total resources could produce more than 3,400 kilotons of lithium, enough to support over 375 million batteries for electric vehicles (EV)—more than the total number of vehicles currently on U.S. roads. The analysis confirms the region has significant potential as a domestic source of this critical mineral used in batteries for stationary storage and EVs, both of which are crucial to the Biden-Harris Administration’s goal of a net-zero emissions economy by 2050. And unlike fossil fuels, lithium doesn't go up in smoke. https://www.energy.gov/eere/articles/us-department-energy-analysis-confirms-californias-salton-sea-region-be-rich-domestic#:~:text=Conducted by DOE's Lawrence Berkeley,the total number of vehicles And of course, lithium batteries can be recycled repeatedly. Rare earths deposits are also being found. "Rare-earth deposit discovered in Wyoming estimated to be world’s largest: American Rare Earths Limited announced last week the discovery of an estimated 2.3 billion metric tons of rare-earth metals at Halleck Creek in southeastern Wyoming, potentially the richest discovery in the world. The find has game-changing potential in the China-dominated rare-earth industry, which is vital to emerging technologies such as semiconductors, electric vehicles, and wind turbines." https://www.csis.org/analysis/geoeconomics-bi-weekly-massive-rare-earth-find-another-chips-grant-and-more-sanctions#:~:text=Rare-earth deposit discovered in,richest discovery in the world. And that's just in the United States. And it looks like rare earths soon won't be necessary to create powerful magnets which are crucial to EV's and wind turbines. Must be AI created it in just 3 months—and the implications are staggering. https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/green-tech/a61147476/ai-developed-magnet-free-of-rare-earth-metals/ As for EVs replacing billions of ICE vehicles...are you a believer in magic? You think it's possible to snap your fingers and turn ICE vehicles in EVs?
  23. Thanks for the unfounded claims in regards to resources For example, take lithium. Lots of noise about it's scarcity. Turns out that the Salton Sea alone in the USA contains enough lithium to power 375 million EVs. WASHINGTON, D.C.—The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced results of the most comprehensive analysis to date quantifying the domestic lithium resources in California’s Salton Sea region. Conducted by DOE’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the analysis found that with expected technology advances, the Salton Sea region’s total resources could produce more than 3,400 kilotons of lithium, enough to support over 375 million batteries for electric vehicles (EV)—more than the total number of vehicles currently on U.S. roads. The analysis confirms the region has significant potential as a domestic source of this critical mineral used in batteries for stationary storage and EVs, both of which are crucial to the Biden-Harris Administration’s goal of a net-zero emissions economy by 2050. And unlike fossil fuels, lithium doesn't go up in smoke. https://www.energy.gov/eere/articles/us-department-energy-analysis-confirms-californias-salton-sea-region-be-rich-domestic#:~:text=Conducted by DOE's Lawrence Berkeley,the total number of vehicles And of course, lithium batteries can be recycled repeatedly. Rare earths deposits are also being found. "Rare-earth deposit discovered in Wyoming estimated to be world’s largest: American Rare Earths Limited announced last week the discovery of an estimated 2.3 billion metric tons of rare-earth metals at Halleck Creek in southeastern Wyoming, potentially the richest discovery in the world. The find has game-changing potential in the China-dominated rare-earth industry, which is vital to emerging technologies such as semiconductors, electric vehicles, and wind turbines." https://www.csis.org/analysis/geoeconomics-bi-weekly-massive-rare-earth-find-another-chips-grant-and-more-sanctions#:~:text=Rare-earth deposit discovered in,richest discovery in the world. And that's just in the United States. And it looks like rare earths soon won't be necessary to create powerful magnets which are crucial to EV's and wind turbines. Must be AI created it in just 3 months—and the implications are staggering. https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/green-tech/a61147476/ai-developed-magnet-free-of-rare-earth-metals/ As for EVs replacing billions of ICE vehicles...are you a believer in magic? You think it's possible to snap your fingers and turn ICE vehicles in EVs?
  24. Thanks for the unfounded claims in regards to resources For example, take lithium. Lots of noise about it's scarcity. Turns out that the Salton Sea alone in the USA contains enough lithium to power 375 million EVs. WASHINGTON, D.C.—The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced results of the most comprehensive analysis to date quantifying the domestic lithium resources in California’s Salton Sea region. Conducted by DOE’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the analysis found that with expected technology advances, the Salton Sea region’s total resources could produce more than 3,400 kilotons of lithium, enough to support over 375 million batteries for electric vehicles (EV)—more than the total number of vehicles currently on U.S. roads. The analysis confirms the region has significant potential as a domestic source of this critical mineral used in batteries for stationary storage and EVs, both of which are crucial to the Biden-Harris Administration’s goal of a net-zero emissions economy by 2050. And unlike fossil fuels, lithium doesn't go up in smoke. https://www.energy.gov/eere/articles/us-department-energy-analysis-confirms-californias-salton-sea-region-be-rich-domestic#:~:text=Conducted by DOE's Lawrence Berkeley,the total number of vehicles And of course, lithium batteries can be recycled repeatedly. Rare earths deposits are also being found. "Rare-earth deposit discovered in Wyoming estimated to be world’s largest: American Rare Earths Limited announced last week the discovery of an estimated 2.3 billion metric tons of rare-earth metals at Halleck Creek in southeastern Wyoming, potentially the richest discovery in the world. The find has game-changing potential in the China-dominated rare-earth industry, which is vital to emerging technologies such as semiconductors, electric vehicles, and wind turbines." https://www.csis.org/analysis/geoeconomics-bi-weekly-massive-rare-earth-find-another-chips-grant-and-more-sanctions#:~:text=Rare-earth deposit discovered in,richest discovery in the world. And that's just in the United States. And it looks like rare earths soon won't be necessary to create powerful magnets which are crucial to EV's and wind turbines. Must be AI created it in just 3 months—and the implications are staggering. https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/green-tech/a61147476/ai-developed-magnet-free-of-rare-earth-metals/ As for EVs replacing billions of ICE vehicles...are you a believer in magic? You think it's possible to snap your fingers and turn ICE vehicles in EVs?
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