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  1. Sure. Given his stance on vaccines and the 2nd amendment to the constitution, he'd be a shoo-in...as a Republican.
  2. As has been pointed out already, a sharp decline was noted in the past several months by Europeans. Not dating back to 2019. And George Clooney, who held a big fund raiser for Biden on June 15 noticed a sharp decline from a few months before that. And given the extraordinary achievements of the Biden administration during the first 2 years, maybe Trump could have used some of that alleged dementia given the paucity of his achievements.
  3. Typical. Making it about someone's alleged motivations rather than the arguments raised.
  4. Right. He got passed huge legislation during his first 2 years despite the the Democrats holding a very narrow margin of legislation. Far more successful than his predecessor was in that regard.
  5. Imagine 4 years of the Presidency being held by someone who claims he has absolute immunity from any acts he has committed while in office. Someone who castigated his attorneys general for putting allegiance to the law ahead of their allegiance to him. Now that's scary.
  6. So, you're claiming that Biden doesn't have the right to retire from the race?
  7. Your caricature is ridiculous. As the following artilce in Rupert Murdoch's wall st. journal article noted it's only over the past several months that people who know Biden have noted a sharp change: European officials had already been expressing worries in private about Biden’s focus and stamina before Thursday’s debate, with some senior diplomats saying they had tracked a noticeable deterioration in the president’s faculties in meetings since last summer. There were real doubts about how Biden could successfully manage a second term, but one senior European diplomat said U.S. administration officials in private discussions denied there was any problem. https://archive.ph/CC3hP The major measures I noted were all products of his first 2 years in office.
  8. As promoted by Project 2025. The program that Trump falsely denies any knowledge of.
  9. Donald Trump was convicted of a felony. Therefore he's a felon. Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more fel·on1 /ˈfelən/ noun a person who has been convicted of a felony. https://www.google.com/search?q=what+is+the+definition+of+a+felon&sca_esv=6205b46f4b2e847c&sxsrf=ADLYWILWVCHLzKxbLpJUF_WI3VP8qJS2MQ%3A1721616365815&ei=7cedZsGrMbnk5NoPpKawuAM&ved=0ahUKEwiB1rHf0LmHAxU5MlkFHSQTDDcQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=what+is+the+definition+of+a+felon&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiIXdoYXQgaXMgdGhlIGRlZmluaXRpb24gb2YgYSBmZWxvbjIPEAAYgAQYQxiKBRhGGPkBMgoQABiABBgUGIcCMgUQABiABDIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yCBAAGBYYHhgPMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHjIIEAAYFhgKGB4yBhAAGBYYHjIpEAAYgAQYQxiKBRhGGPkBGJcFGIwFGN0EGEYY-QEY9AMY9QMY9gPYAQFIgwpQ-gVY-gVwAXgBkAEAmAFgoAFgqgEBMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCAqACbMICChAAGLADGNYEGEfCAg0QABiABBiwAxhDGIoFwgIpEAAYgAQYQxiKBRhGGPkBGJcFGIwFGN0EGEYY-QEY9AMY9QMY9gPYAQGYAwCIBgGQBgm6BgYIARABGBOSBwMxLjGgB50O&sclient=gws-wiz-serp If a higher court a higher court reverses his conviction then his status as a felon will be erased. So, instead of falsely accusing others of lying, why don't you stop living in denial?
  10. Clearly, he hardly achieved anything...except a trillion dollar infrastructure bill (Trump repeatedly promised one but never delivered on it), a major upgrade to Obamacare that made it affordable to the middle class and paid for itself through taxes (Trump now claims he supports Obamacare and never tried to kill it), giving enough funding to the IRS so it can, among other things go after the rich who have been evading taxes (Trump starved it) and instituting a program to let taxpayers have their taxes figured by the IRS for free), establlshed an industrial policy to bring manufacturing back to the USA (all Trump did was raise tariffs) and deny China access to advanced chip technology ((all Trump did was raise tariffs), cut back on the deceitful use by companies like McDonalds to classify low paid workers as managers in order to deny them overtime, and lots more.
  11. So one statement of yours that says Trump's victory is inevitable and another one of yours that says it's not are both true? What does the word "contradictory" mean to you? It clearly doesn't mean to you what it means to rational thinkers: "con·tra·dic·to·ry /ˌkäntrəˈdiktərē/ adjective mutually opposed or inconsistent." https://www.google.com/search?q=contradictory&sca_esv=b8228427afa87245&sxsrf=ADLYWIKIAnHmIPTsLPiIU3EAaCobYALCKA%3A1721614743979&ei=l8GdZvK1O5Xi5NoP6c6OsAM&oq=contradictory&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiDWNvbnRyYWRpY3RvcnkqAggAMhMQABiABBiRAhixAxiKBRhGGPkBMg0QABiABBixAxhDGIoFMg4QABiABBiRAhixAxiKBTIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBTIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBTIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBTIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBTIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDItEAAYgAQYkQIYsQMYigUYRhj5ARiXBRiMBRjdBBhGGPkBGPQDGPUDGPYD2AEBSKRoUKcJWOg3cAF4AJABAJgBb6ABnAKqAQMyLjG4AQHIAQD4AQGYAgWgApAYwgIJEAAYsAMYBxgewgILEAAYsAMYBxgeGA_CAggQABiABBiwA8ICBxAAGLADGB7CAgkQABiwAxgeGA_CAgQQIxgnwgILEAAYgAQYhgMYigXCAggQABiABBiiBMICBhAAGAcYHsICLRAAGIAEGJECGLEDGIoFGEYY-QEYlwUYjAUY3QQYRhj5ARj0Axj1Axj2A9gBAZgDAIgGAZAGCroGBggBEAEYE5IHBzMuMS44LTGgB5gg&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
  12. It's bizarre how those on the right claim to be defending the west's Judeo Christian heritage but clearly haven't a clue about what that entails.
  13. Maybe he doesn't but I do. "The original decision to use military force in Iraq, by contrast, remains contentious. While 48% say the United States made the right decision to use military force in Iraq, nearly as many (46%) disagree. And more than eight years after the war began, that decision continues to be politically divisive: 72% of Republicans support the decision to use force compared with just 44% of independents and 37% of Democrats." https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2011/11/17/section-4-views-of-iraq/?src=prc-number
  14. Well, that would be Jesus or some similar party responsible. Not Trump. Although I wouldn't put it past Trump to assume he was a blood relation of God.
  15. One piece of wisdom mostly subscribed to by courtroom attorneys is not to ask questions you don't know the answer to. Violating that rule is foolish enough. What's even more foolish is providing false answers to those questions. Trump's Financial Documents Reveal Hundreds Of Millions Owed To Lenders As a young man, Trump's father co-signed his loans. Once he became famous, banks rushed to lend him money. But they became skeptical about Trump following his many bankruptcies. So his main lenders became Deutsche Bank and Ladder Capital, but both securitize his debt to spread the risk. https://www.npr.org/2017/06/19/533556211/trumps-financial-documents-reveal-hundreds-of-millions-owed-to-lenders Donald Trump’s Business Failures Were Very Real https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/donald-trumps-business-failures-were-very-real
  16. What's really shocking is the finding from the court that Israel practices apartheid in the West Bank. Clearly this is a corriupt decision untethered from any reality. Only anti-Semites could endorse such a characterization. Like this guy, for instance. Israel is enforcing an apartheid system in the West Bank A former head of Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency told The Associated Press on Wednesday that Israel is enforcing an apartheid system in the West Bank, joining a tiny but growing list of retired officials to endorse an idea that remains largely on the fringes of Israeli discourse and international diplomacy. Tamir Pardo becomes the latest former senior official to have concluded that Israel’s treatment of Palestinians in the West Bank amounts to apartheid, a reference to the system of racial separation in South Africa that ended in 1994. Leading rights groups in Israel and abroad and Palestinians have accused Israel and its 56-year occupation of the West Bank of morphing into an apartheid system that they say gives Palestinians second-class status and is designed to maintain Jewish hegemony from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. https://archive.ph/x9Qkq
  17. Trump destroyed his father's business and then went through several more bankruptcies. He only held on to any cash at all because of the protections afforded by bankruptcy law. Basically, banks gave up trying to get their money back from him. But it's not insignificant to note that the NY banks which fueled his father's rise, ultimately refused to do business with Donald Trump.
  18. And the passage of time has revealed the truth. Whereas a massive amount of money and time was devoted to trying to debunk the elections and the loons and liars came up with nothing.
  19. You've got a point about it being heavily involved. But why mention at all unless in support of Trump's claim that it was part of a hacking effort in conjunction with the govt. of Ukraine. That's just nuts
  20. You mean he was defending Democracy when he was shot? Lady Liberty was standing next to him and he bravely shoved his ear between her and the bullet? Apparently, all you can do is repeat his claim but not explain how it works.
  21. Apparently, you believe that a zombie movie is actually a documentary. Epidemiologists know what goes wrong when people don't get vaccinated. They know that viral infections can not only linger, but that symptoms, sometimes fatal, can emerge later.
  22. It's not just about the debate Trump Confuses Biden With Obama, Again—Here Are 8 Other Recent Times https://archive.ph/V6pHj https://www.forbes.com/sites/anafaguy/2024/03/03/trump-confuses-biden-for-obama-again-here-are-the-other-times/
  23. What seems to be a really nasty and low tactic from you is your personal comments. Instead of merely claiming that I have a problem, prove it. Let's see if you can rationally reconcile your 2 statements. Reconcile "While I am very confident in a Trump win, It Ain’t Over Until It’s Over. Never underestimate the stupidity of the American electorate. All 81 million." with this: "Time to wake up from your nocturnal emissions. Nobody can beat Trump, Nobody!"
  24. RNC Day 4: Trump delivers longest acceptance speech in history https://abc7.com/live-updates/rnc-day-4-donald-trump-gives-longest-acceptance-speech-in-history-melania-makes-appearance-hulk-hogan-rips-shirt/15067553/ He beat his own record.
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