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  1. Trump claims army 'took over airports' in 1775 Trump claims army 'took over airports' in 1775Close A speech delivered by President Trump at Independence Day celebrations contained historical errors. At the event in Washington DC, for the 4th of July “Salute to America”, he referred to airports existing in 1775. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-48879825
  2. Trump faces backlash after saluting North Korean general Donald Trump is facing some heat Thursday after he went against presidential norms by saluting a North Korean general. “I’m not trying to be gratuitous or unfair but isn’t saluting a General from an enemy military sort of a big deal?” tweeted Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii). The general first salutes Trump, to which the president salutes back, before shaking his hand. Kim is seen smiling in the background. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/14/trump-north-korea-general-salute-646248
  3. President Trump Displays Altered Hurricane Dorian Forecast Chart Showing It Was Expected to Hit Alabama After sticking by false comments that Alabama was in the path of Hurricane Dorian, President Trump displayed the National Hurricane Center’s original weather forecast chart for the storm on Wednesday. And an apparent Sharpie edit caught the attention of the internet. A closer look at the chart Trump displayed, while discussing the impact and response to Dorian, appears that the original forecast cone that mapped the predicted direction of Dorian on Aug. 29 was altered in black ink to touch a corner of — you guessed it — Alabama. https://time.com/5669115/trump-hurricane-dorian-alabama-sharpie/
  4. Trump claims wind turbine ‘noise causes cancer’ https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/437096-trump-claims-noise-from-windmills-causes-cancer/ President Trump on Tuesday stepped up his attacks against wind power, claiming that the structures decrease property values and that the noise they emit causes cancer. “If you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations, your house just went down 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer,” the president said while delivering remarks at the National Republican Congressional Committee’s annual spring dinner. He offered no evidence to support the claim. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/437096-trump-claims-noise-from-windmills-causes-cancer/
  5. And thanks for your dismissal of the work of the great 19 century physicist John Tindall who proved the power of greenhouse gases. Maybe you're still living in the 18th century?
  6. Of course Trump isn't relevant to this conversation....oh wait a minute... Exit polls show voters divided by Biden, Trump and abortion https://news.yahoo.com/exit-polls-show-voters-divided-132153407.html
  7. That's a fair point. But it does not function like a currency. And its purchasing power depends entirely on the price it commands in the markets. So it is in no meaningful way a currency.
  8. It will probably continue to decline now that rents are on the decline. Although that will take a while to significantly show up since rents only go down once the lease has expired. I think rents account for 40% of the CPI.
  9. Except unlike forex, its real value lies only in relation to other currencies. Whereas the Euro, the Dollar, the Yen, the Yuan, etc are tied to real economies and their purchasing power in their respective countires doesn't fluctuate in proportion to what they're doing in the currency markets. But bitcoin does. Which means it's a share, not a currency.
  10. What you should be sorry about is that you can't explain it away. Your own words: "same as any share". How does that translate to "Not a share. It's a coin" You think calling it by another name is meaningful? You've got nothing.
  11. Hedge Fund Firm Charged for Asset Mismarking and Insider Trading https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2018-81 If they invest in public companies they are definitely liable.
  12. You should take up your case with this guy. He got it right:
  13. As my revised post said, they certainly do. Educate yourself via this link: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/021815/how-sec-tracks-insider-trading.asp
  14. In other words they are committing crimes en masse? Such nonsense. The SEC monitors stock performances very closely and if unusual trading is detected, it investigates.
  15. Actually claiming crytpo is both a share and currency, as you do, makes no sense.
  16. If Mussolini had remained as a socialist who would ever have heard of him? Just because he began that way, doesn't mean that's how he ended up. Socialism is about workers' ownership of the economy via the state. It is also highly anti-nationalistic since it believes that the situation is workers are being exploited by capitalists wherever they may be. Mussolini actually allied himself with capitalists against workers. And of course, he made a religion out of nationalism. Naturally, a right wing rag such as the Spectator is going to try and equate fascism with socialism. But it's nonsense.
  17. You have completely lost the plot. You claim crypto is a currency and compared the performance of currencies over the past 5 years compared to crypto. Forex values are not relevant as to whether something functions as a currency. For example, If I'm living in the country that a currency belongs to, say, the USA, and the dollar falls 25 percent in relation to a basket of major world currencies, does that mean that my purchasing power has fallen 25 percent? Obviously not. But if I'm holding say, bitcoins, and they fall 25% against the US dollar, my purchasing power in America actually has fallen 25 percent. That encapsulates the difference between a genuine currency and bitcoin. A currency has the backing of an entire economy, and most economies are not primarily dependent on foreign trade. But the purchasing power of bitcoin is everywhere defined by it's value against currencies.
  18. You're referring to investments and I'm referring to standard of living. Most Americans spend most of their money. Most Americans enjoy a higher standard of living than they did 100 years ago despite the fact that the purchasing power of the individual dollar declined. Dollars are not analogous to shares.
  19. And people who have nothing germane to answer with often decide to make it personal instead.
  20. Reallly. You think Americans today are richer than they were 100 years ago because they hold shares, etc? It's mostly because the total amount of dollars they earn can buy them a lot more than what they earned 100 years ago.
  21. But the reliability of blockchain in a business network has no bearing on the reliability of crypto as an investment or the trustworthiness of crytpo exchanges.
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