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  1. Not entirely. The price of offshore wind energy is capped. That was part of the deal with the government when leases were granted. If the price exceeds the caps, that portion is refunded.
  2. Your colleagues disagrees with you, Dr. EVENKEEL Fetterman’s debate flubs appeared ‘purely linguistic,’ Tufts chief neurologist says Dr. David Thaler, neurologist in chief at Tufts Medical Center, said the Pennsylvania Senate hopeful’s issues with speech did not necessarily reflect cognitive issues. https://www.bostonglobe.com/2022/10/26/nation/fettermans-debate-flubs-appeared-purely-linguistic-tufts-chief-neurologist-says/ Neuroscientist, stroke survivor weighs in on Fetterman's debate performance https://www.yahoo.com/video/neuroscientist-stroke-survivor-weighs-fettermans-222512420.html
  3. What does it mean that "twitter seems to be going along the same as it ever was"... ? Have you taken a look at its financial situation. Twitter gets 90% of its revenue from advertisers. They are fleeing.
  4. But foreign exchange only matters when you are trading it against other currencies. For most Americans, say, a 10% drop in the value of the dollar in respect to a basket of world currencies, doesn't mean a 10% drop in its purchasing power. But if that same American is holding bitcoin and it drops 10% in value, then it has also lost 10% of its purchasing power.
  5. I think you need to be recertified for or your neurology practice. Just because someone has problem generating speech doesn't mean they have a problem with thinking.
  6. Trump has already scammed his supporters out of tens if not hundreds of millions which he's mostly held on to.
  7. At this rate there won't be a Twitter to come back to. And it's not like they can't go elsewhere, is it?
  8. Your observations about Russia triumphing reminds me of Mark Twains joke about his prowess in a fight where he smashed an opponent's fist with his face.
  9. I got news for you: It wasn't just beachfront homes or even only coastal towns that got flooded: Hurricane Ian’s Path Goes Inland With a Long Tail of Flood Risk Tropical storms strengthened by climate change are creating new flood seasons in regions far from the coast https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-30/hurricane-ian-s-path-goes-inland-with-a-long-tail-of-flood-risk?leadSource=uverify wall
  10. Clearly a plot by Dems.... GOP push for hand-counting paper ballots is latest effort to cast doubt on elections After more than a year of baselessly questioning the results of the 2020 election, some Republicans are casting doubt on how ballots are counted, part of a broader movement inspired by former President Donald Trump’s lies about election fraud that is undermining confidence in America’s vote. In at least three states – Utah, New Hampshire and Texas – Republicans have pushed for banning traditional ballot scanning machines in favor of hand-counting paper ballots, an antiquated process that experts fear could inject error into an election system where very little has been found. Critics also worry that the inevitable delay in results from hand counting would be an opportunity for those looking to sow doubt about the outcome of future contests. https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/10/politics/republicans-push-for-hand-counting-paper-ballots/index.html
  11. You know the truism lawyers cite that you shouldn't ask questions you don't know the answer to? High Tide Flooding 400 to 1,100% Increase The U.S. Southeast Atlantic and Gulf Coast regions saw an increase of over 400 to 1,100 percent, respectively, in high tide flooding days compared to the year 2000. Assessed over several decades, the national trend in high tide flooding frequency is accelerating, and is more than twice as likely now as it was in 2000. The rapid growth is in response to relative sea level rise, which is occurring along most U.S. coastlines. https://coast.noaa.gov/states/fast-facts/recurrent-tidal-flooding.html
  12. Not as long as the threat of a criminal prosecution hangs over him. Let's just hope it mobilizes the GOP voters to support him again.
  13. "Democrats have denied elections just as much as the GOP." And your evidence is that Biden once agreed with some woman's comment? He didn't even raise the issue himself. Do you understand that a majority of GOP members of the House voted not to certify the 2020 election? What alternative universe do you live in?
  14. If anybody wants to read the analyses of crypto scams offered by the guy above, here is a link to his stuff: https://dirtybubblemedia.substack.com/
  15. “They Are All Equally Risky” The guy who saw the collapse of FTX coming has a warning. https://slate.com/technology/2022/11/ftx-collapse-sam-bankman-fried-dirty-bubble-cryptocurrency.html?sid=5821dfff1e56036d7f8b45ce&email=e8d4846d7d550e7a2ca1c44e79cbe5e5798fa910b915cd577e18eca13b628274&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=traffic&utm_source=newsletter&utm_content=TheSlatest
  16. Maybe you should have a talk with this person: Stefanik endorses Trump for president in 2024, as some push him to delay announcement No. 3 House Republican Elise Stefanik says it is 'very clear' former President Trump is leader of Republican Party House Republican Conference chairwoman Elise Stefanik of New York on Wednesday became the first member of congressional GOP leadership to endorse a 2024 White House run by former President Donald Trump. In statements to the New York Times and Breitbart News, the No. 3 House Republican said she is "proud" to endorse Trump for 2024 and that it is "very clear" he is still the leader of the Republican Party. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/stefanik-endorses-trump-president-2024-some-push-him-delay-announcement
  17. Ivanka apparently intelligent? A Journalist Compiled A List Of All The Words Ivanka Trump Has Used Incorrectly https://www.huffpost.com/entry/a-journalist-compiled-a-list-of-all-the-words-ivanka-trump-has-used-incorrectly_n_59f230f6e4b03cd20b80519e
  18. How is it you don't know that is exactly what he's been doing? It's been prominently featured in the media.
  19. Actually, if the Democrats win in Nevada, the nail biting will be over. And the results of that race will be known well before the Georgia election.
  20. Or maybe because he's still so vociferously supported by Republicans? Remember their outrage, and yours, when the FBI searched Mar a Lago?
  21. Now, if Al-Jazeera was owned by one of the world's 2nd leading exporter of natural gas, I might be dubious about their reporting on climate change. https://www.google.com/search?q=leading+exporters+of+natural+gas&oq=leading+exporters+of+natural+gas&aqs=chrome..69i57.5926j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  22. False. Actually, a retreating army usually takes its munitions with them. And this retreating army had plenty of time to prepare for its withdrawal.
  23. Yes, definitely "genius". ‘Twitter Blue’ launch suspended as ‘verified’ account impersonators surge: report Elon Musk’s troubled social media site reportedly suspended the launch of its $8-per-month “Twitter Blue” plan in order to crack down on a surge in verified “troll” accounts impersonating famous figures — including Jesus Christ — and companies. In an internal announcement, Twitter said it is attempting to block new subscriptions for the time being “to help address impersonation issues,” Platformer’s Zoe Schiffer reported. Additionally, Twitter re-added an “official” label for verified accounts belonging to advertisers — just days after Musk had nixed the tag. https://nypost.com/2022/11/11/twitter-blue-launch-suspended-as-verified-account-impersonators-surge-report/
  24. The case can legitimately be made the George Bush and Barack Obama disappeared after their terms were over. But claiming that Trump disappeared is nonsense.
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