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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. I should have written but didn't was that the drugs or being shipped along with legitimate goods rather than the shipping themself was legitimate. Doesn't change the fact that drugs are not coming over mostly via drug mules but rather along with manufactured goods. And if it didn't make economic sense for undocumented aliens to pay smugglers to transport them over, then there wouldn't be a business. And the only way it would make economic sense is for these people to be earning many times over what it costs for transport.
  2. A pity you didn't actually read the article. At least your comment betrays no evidence that you did. It's pretty clear why the drug use could be relevant to the defense "Meanwhile, Barbara McQuade, a former US attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan, noted that prosecutors needed to prove high criminal intent for a tax crime case. Tax violations require the highest level of criminal intent, willfulness, that is, the government must prove that the person not only knew what he was doing, but that he knew it was illegal,” McQuade said.: https://nypost.com/2022/10/07/prosecutors-fear-hunter-biden-could-use-past-drug-addiction-as-defense/ This is the same reason why it could be difficult to bring a criminal case against Trump on charges of tax fraud. In Biden's case because his brain was addled by drugs and in the other case because the brain is addled without any outside assistance.
  3. A few reasons why your comment is ridiculous. For one thing, drugs are mostly brought over via shipments of perfectly legitimate shipments of manufactured goods from Mexico. And exactly how out-of-touch do you have to be to understand that the reason there is a people smuggling business is because these smugglers are paid for it by the people that they're smuggling? People who come to the United States so that they can earn money to live and support their families.
  4. You got to love that phrase, "border security." As though undocumented aliens pose some kind of threat to the United States instead of being a crucial source of Labor for the agricultural and construction industry. It's a sure thing we'll be seeing lots of them undermining Florida by working in the reconstruction efforts in that state. Despite which, I doubt DeSantis will be delivering them to New York City.
  5. It's owned by Philip Anschutz, a very right wing billionaire.
  6. In addition to which, when information like this is brought to reporters they generally want to investigate it first to make sure it's true. But these emails were published without reporters performing due diligence. In fact, the reporter that the New York post originally assigned to the story refused to carry through with it on those grounds. Releasing these emails as an October surprise would naturally arouse suspicions of any but the most credulous.
  7. Here she is featured in a poster for the 1945 movie https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=movie+the+picture+of+dorian+gray+angela+lansbury&form=HDRSC2&first=1&tsc=ImageHoverTitle She was just 19 years old when the movie was filmed. Unusual back then to cast somebody who was roughly the age of the character they portrayed rather than casting an actor 10 years older. Her gifts were obviously evident even then.
  8. You mean the deep state that the Durham investigation was supposed to expose? It should be pointed out that while the authenticiy of much of the data has been confirmed, this is not the same thing as saying either that the laptop was Biden's or that all the data is confirmed. Before the laptop became news, it was well known that Hunter Biden's data had been hacked and could be found on the internet. Also, because the right wing possessors of that laptop mishandled it, the integrity of all the data can't be confirmed. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/03/30/hunter-biden-laptop-data-examined/ And it's just weird to witness the doublethink of some people. As for "nobody denies he committed a felony here", would that were true in another case where the evidence is overwhelming that multiple felonies were committed yet lots of right-wing somebodies including yourself continue to deny it.
  9. Hmm...what is there about Australia that makes it different from the United States in regards to its borders? What could that be? Could somebody help me out here?
  10. What makes you think that Texas is spending money to assist undocumented aliens? You're comparing programs financed by the Federal govt in Texas to programs financed by New York City in NYC.
  11. Because if we know one thing about Vladiimir Putin, it's that he's a trustworthy guy. And if we know another thing, it's that he never claimed that Ukraine wasn't a real country but part of Russia. It is to laugh. And if they did come to an agreement, who would you suggest police it? And what sort of penalties should be imposed in case of a violation?
  12. So are clowns. For the last 5 years they've been trying to pin crimes on Joe Biden. And for 3 of those years he didn't have the office of the Presidency or vice-Presidency to protect him. And he didn't hire teams of lawyers to slow the process. Doublethinking much?
  13. Well, since presumably there's only one winner of Father of the Year, that's not much of a criterion, is it? And since being a high quality father and husband seem so important to you in a candidate for governer, can you share with us any information about Chase Oliver in that regard?
  14. Shades of Donbas! For some time now Russian nationalists have been accusing kazakhstan's government of being Nazis because they are oppressing the predominantly ethnic Russian population in the North. China has made it explicitly clear that using Force against Kazakhstan is unacceptable. I don't think that the Russian confederation as presently constituted has much longer to live.
  15. So what was the search term that led you to come up with this remarkable answer?
  16. Extremely unlikely. China is already warning Russia not to invade Kazakhstan and is working with the other stans to make them far less dependent of Russia.
  17. Just confirms my belief that some people posting here are living in an alternate reality. I couldn't find those 24/12 numbers even when I specifically searched for them.
  18. That Senate report from a committee headed by Charles Grassley has not aged well. It was allegedly based on documents that weren't released to the public. You can see what a hatchet job it was via this piece of investigative journalism: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/10/01/fact-check-unproven-claims-hunter-biden-got-3-5-m-russia/3586861001/
  19. The problem with these allegations is that Thibault had nothing to do with either the Mar a Lago search nor the Hunter Biden investigation. https://www.mediaite.com/politics/retired-fbi-agent-knocks-down-right-wing-narrative-he-suppressed-hunter-biden-investigation-after-wild-trump-allegations/ From the article you linked to: "Wray seemed to raise doubts that Thibault was working at any recent time on issues related to Hunter Biden. The FBI chief said that investigation, reportedly focused on tax issues and potential foreign influence related to Hunter Biden’s business ties, is being run by the Bureau’s Baltimore Field Office, which handles matters related to Delaware." https://www.politico.com/news/2022/08/04/fbi-thibault-cover-up-hunter-biden-information-00049922
  20. Actually, not. Belarus is part of the Collective Security Treaty Organization: "The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO)[3] is an intergovernmental military alliance in Eurasia consisting of six post-Soviet states: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan. The Collective Security Treaty has its origins in the Soviet Armed Forces, which was replaced in 1992 by the United Armed Forces of the Commonwealth of Independent States, and was then itself replaced by the successor armed forces of the respective independent states. Similar to Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty and the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, Article 4 of the Collective Security Treaty (CST) establishes that an aggression against one signatory would be perceived as an aggression against all." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_Security_Treaty_Organization
  21. It's just that it's such an ill-considered opinion. I guess i'll have to spell it out for you. Your original claim centered on the fact that a small minority of cars were electric therefore that electric cars weren't going to dominate in the future. I pointed that according to your way of thinking gasoline cars would never have become the dominant form of transport since there was a time when they were a small number compared to horse drawn vehicles. Your last claim in support of your argument was horses were still being occasionally used. And as for my emotional condition, I'll make you a deal: You don't construe my emotional condition from my texts, and I won't construe your intellectual condition from your texts.
  22. Actually, NASAMS have already been sent. Just not yet nearly enough. Zelenskiy confirms delivery of NASAMS air defense systems to Ukraine The Ukrainian armed forces have received the first two batteries of the National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems (NASAMS) from the United States. This was confirmed by Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy in an interview on Sunday. Zelenskiy thanked President Joe Biden for the transfer but stressed that the systems so far delivered would not be “even nearly enough to cover the civilian infrastructure, schools, hospitals, universities, homes of Ukrainians.” https://defbrief.com/2022/09/25/zelenskiy-confirms-delivery-of-nasams-air-defense-systems-to-ukraine/
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