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  1. Did you bother to read past the headlines? You really would trust the headline from Rupert Murdoch's newspaper> "The May 10 missive by Acting Archivist Debra Steidel Wall to Trump attorney Evan Corcoran — published late Monday by JustTheNews — confirms that the White House counsel’s office, “affirming a request from the Department of Justice supported by an FBI letterhead memorandum,” asked the National Archives on April 11 to “provide the FBI access to the 15 boxes for its review within seven days.” https://nypost.com/2022/08/23/biden-called-in-fbi-to-look-at-classified-trump-documents/ In other words, the White House responded to a request. What's more, you seem to have some trouble dates. This is dated Aug 23. And yet you claimed the information was revealed in the recent reveal of some redacted text..
  2. What you are referring to is old news. Namely that the acting head of NARA asked Biden if she could waive executive privilege for Trump. He gave her permission. It has nothing to do with revealing any new information from the warrant. And that's what you claimed.
  3. These people were guilty of a misdemeanor. The govt separated small children and infants from their parents. And the Trump administration actually lost track of lots of them. What's more this wasn't a bug. This was a feature. And if it was such a worthy program and what the majority of America wants, why did Trump back down?
  4. You got any evidence that there was anything in the redaction that established in any way "bidens overt complicity"? And no, abusive language directed towards Garland and others doesn't qualify..
  5. Actually, your interpretation of what garland did is exactly wrong. He gave the Judge a chance to redeem herself. She must have seen the huge amount of criticism she got from some very right wing legal scholars. And exactly how will Garland be gone after the midterms? Even if the Republicans gain a majority in both the House and Senate, and decide to pursue impeachment, it's dubious that they would have the votes to succeed. And even if they did succeed, why would that stop the investigation. Your bile seems to have overexcited your imagination.
  6. Your opinion seems fueled more by bile than by understanding the situation. Judge Cannon won't be passing judgement on these documents. This is in the hands of the Special Master now. A special master that the Justice Dept. approved of. If Cannon's decision isn't overruled, he'll get to decide. Not Judge Cannon. You think that all or most of those documents will be judged to be legally held by Trump? That seems very unlikely. The law signed by Trump is very clear about that. What Trump's team has done is to delay the almost certainly inevitable.
  7. That judgement is being appealed. Most legal commentators I have read ranging from left to right think her decision is based on extremely flawed interpretations of law. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/unpacking-judge-cannons-order-for-a-special-master-in-trump-search/
  8. According to your way of thinking, no one should be admitted to the United States since all groups whether legally present or not will bring with them some crime. In fact, according to that PNAS study, undocumented aliens have a lower crime rate than US citizens by birth or naturalized citizens. And of course, they're here because businesses want them here. Especially Texas: Texas A&M’s future builders hear uncomfortable truths of immigrant-dependent industry Additionally, FWD.us estimates that more than 1.1 million workers in Texas are undocumented immigrants, representing nearly 8% of the total workforce, the highest level of any U.S. state. With such a large share of Texas’ workforce, undocumented workers have become critical to the labor infrastructure of the state, especially during times of crisis such as the COVID-19 recovery or natural disasters like hurricanes and sudden freezes. Undocumented immigrants are particularly concentrated in agricultural occupations (33% of the total agricultural workforce), construction jobs (27%), and among building grounds and maintenance workers (24%). https://www.fwd.us/news/texas-immigrants/
  9. As you may recall, at the time, the situation looked desperate for the Ukrainians. So, Ukraine was obviously going to try and throw everything it had at the Russians. On top of which, Ukraine was looking for convicts who were ex-soldiers. Men with combat experience. Russia is just looking for convicts.
  10. Northern Mexico manufacturing is very much integrated into the US economy thanks to NAFTA and whatever the unmemorable name is of its successor program. There really is no way to stop drugs from getting through. I wouldn't be surprised if there are some small time entrepreneurs looking to make it big via personal deliveries. But it's just too easy to ship it via legitimately manufactured goods.
  11. Given the enthusiastic support Komsolmolskaya Pravda has always lent Putin, I think we can give him a pass on this one.
  12. Well, yours is one way to not providing proof for your characterization of these migrants as "unvetted". You're not better at answering questions directly than the politicians you criticize..
  13. That's a B.S. statistic. Right away, one should be suspicious of an article that doesn't actually link to the federal report it claims to be based on For example, what percentage of these undocumented immigrants were incarcerated for immigration violations? Here's some data from what I believe is the report that Spakowsky bases his claims on. As you will see, there is a huge contrast between what undocumented aliens are charged with and what US citizens are charged with. "Across 20 years, 95% of the increase in federal arrests was due to immigration crimes. From 1998 to 2018, federal immigration arrests increased 5-fold (from 20,942 to 108,667), rising more than 50,000 in one year from 2017 to 2018... The five crime types for which non-U.S. citizens were most likely to be prosecuted in U.S. district court were illegal reentry (72% of prosecutions), drugs (13%), fraud (4.5%), alien smuggling (4%), and misuse of visas (2%). The five crime types for which U.S. citizens were most likely to be prosecuted in U.S. district court were drugs (38% of prosecutions), weapons (21%), fraud (12%), public order (12%), and alien smuggling (6%)." https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdwv/pr/statement-united-states-attorney-mike-stuart-bureau-justice-statistics-report-1 And here's a selection from a massively documented report on crime in Texas: "We find that undocumented immigrants have substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of felony offenses. Relative to undocumented immigrants, US-born citizens are over 2 times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes, 2.5 times more likely to be arrested for drug crimes, and over 4 times more likely to be arrested for property crimes. In addition, the proportion of arrests involving undocumented immigrants in Texas was relatively stable or decreasing over this period. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2014704117
  14. So, are you claiming that these migrants are more likely to commit felonies than are native born Americans?
  15. I have been wondering myself about how China's forces are structured. It seems to be the case that in dictatorships, lower level people are not trusted with information and initiative is discouraged. But information and initiative seem to be crucial elements in modern warfare. As for the equipment being junk, much of that is due to poor Russian quality control in manufacturing. Manufacturing is one area where the Chinese economy excels. So, presumably, they will take care to make sure that any arms based on Russian plans, will perform as they were meant to.
  16. What do you mean nobody is disputing the numbers? All stayed in Florida? Most? Many? Some? What does up and down the coast mean? The center of jacksonville is about 32 miles from Georgia.
  17. Here is what you wrote originally: "Considering that the Biden administration has sent SEVENTY planeloads of the undocumented to Florida this year, a return of 2 seems reasonable to me. " So you cited a thinly and dubiously sourced story as a fact. Second, your claim was misleading since it made no mention of the fact that Jacksonville was a staging area and it's not known what the final destinations of all these passengers was.
  18. Unlike you, I cited an actual source for the news that said precisely that.
  19. It would also be interesting to determine where the funding for this stunt is coming from. The migrants sent to Martha's Vineyard were from Texas. Yet Desantis is responsible for sending them. Did he use Florida govt funds to pay for this? If so, is this a legitimate use of taxpayer's money?
  20. It may be a hoaz or it may not be. But the fact is that Florida wasn't the final destination booked for these asylum seekers. Unlike those from Texas.
  21. Misleading much? "Florida officials were aware that Jacksonville, which is along Interstate 95, was being used as a staging area for the migrants, who were taken by bus to locations up and down the coast, the report said." https://nypost.com/2021/11/06/desantis-office-claims-border-officials-secretly-sent-70-planes-of-migrants-to-florida/ This is like saying someone is taking a vacation in Japan because they switch planes in Tokyo on the way to Thailand.
  22. The one good thing to come of this is now that Durham has failed to find any serious wrongdoing, Donald Trump and his supporters will graciously concede that all their suspicions of a deep state plot to undermine his efforts to make America great again were, after all, absolutely unfounded. They will shed their conspiratorial thinking and return to rationality.
  23. Oops! Trump says 'hats off' to Special Counsel Durham, predicts indictments are 'early building blocks' Former President Trump is touting Special Counsel John Durham's probe, predicting that the early indictments in his yearslong investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe are "just the early building blocks," saying he anticipates the findings are "only going to get deeper and deeper," and that it "all leads back to the Democrats." During an exclusive interview with Fox News, Trump reacted to Durham’s Thursday indictment of Igor Danchenko— who is believed to be the primary sub-source for former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele, who compiled the unverified dossier that served as the basis for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against Trump campaign aide Carter Page. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-special-counsel-john-durham-indictments
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