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  1. And it wasJustice Dept Inspector General Horowitz who found that Clinesmith had forged the document. Horowitz referred his finding to John Durham. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/horowitz-finds-evidence-fbi-employee-altered-russia-probe-document
  2. You're right. When Trump steps out of line, his supporters are quick to call him on it. Take this very recent example in Pennsylvania where Trump referred to the Democratic candidate for Senate: "Fetterman supports taxpayer-funded drug dens and the complete decriminalization of illegal drugs, including heroin, cocaine, crystal meth, and ultra lethal fentanyl," Trump said. "By the way, he takes them himself." https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/by-the-way-he-takes-them-himself-former-president-trump-accuses-fetterman-of-abusing-drugs/ In an absolutely wonderful example of irony, in that same speech he said this: 'The former president has his sights set on a likely 2024 rematch with President Biden, saying Biden's Thursday night speech was the "most hateful and divisive speech ever delivered by an American president."' In that same speech he also called the FBI and the Justice Dept "vicious monsters". The condemnations from Trump supporters were so loud you could hear a pin drop.
  3. The wealthiest 10% of Americans own a record 89% of all U.S. stocks https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/18/the-wealthiest-10percent-of-americans-own-a-record-89percent-of-all-us-stocks.html So stock prices aren't much of a factor for most Americans. What do you expect the federal government to do about high rent? One of the reasons that rent is so high is that hedge funds and such have accumulated so much cash that they are now buying up homes and renting them out. They can afford to pay top dollar thus crowding out the middle class. Trump's tax cut bill made commercial real estate investment even more profitable by allowing properties to depreciate over 10 years instead of 20. What do you expect the Federal govt to do about homelessness? Or crime? Or inflation?
  4. You mean they lied and believed that there were no classified documents there and when they searched by an amazing stroke of luck they actually found them?
  5. First you tried to mitigate the significance of "Rivers of Blood" and now you're doing the same with "horror".
  6. Well, since the PRA which I think was enacted in 1978.
  7. Well, considering that it looks like Trump's lawyers lied when they claimed no more classified material was left, can you blame the FBI? These lawyers may wind up being targets of an obstruction of justice prosecution. And the FBI was under no obligation to let them be present in the areas that were being searched. In addition, this article is chockful of lies. It claims that Trump was being cooperative. In fact, the June meeting was in response to a subpoena. So, no, neigher Trump nor his agents were being cooperative. There's a very strong case that in fact they were obstructing justice.
  8. He definitely did give a time frame for that: "That tragic and intractable phenomenon which we watch with horror on the other side of the Atlantic but which there is interwoven with the history and existence of the States itself, is coming upon us here by our own volition and our own neglect. Indeed, it has all but come. In numerical terms, it will be of American proportions long before the end of the century."
  9. Because we can trust what Trump claims? And as for all the details...when has Trump ever shown that he has mastered the details of any subject? Much easier to make things up.
  10. Well, he would get indicted for something most likely. But would it be espionage if, say, the stuff was stolen from Mar-a-Lago?
  11. It's not going to be real hard showing the ridiculousness of Trump's claim that he declassified these documents. His lawyers never even claimed such all through the negotiations. And they acknowledged that there were classified materials there which the Justice Dept removed in June of 2022.. And no one, except Patel, and I think Meadows, ever claimed to be advised about Trump's declassifying these documents or his alleged rule that if a document was taken to his quarters it was automatically declassified.
  12. Actually, it turns out that the Rivers of Blood citation comes from the Aeneid where the prophetess predicts Civil War. So, I think that definitively establishes what Powell's intent was. “As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding,” Powell said, and “like the Roman, I seem to see the River Tiber foaming with much blood”—a classical allusion to the Sybil’s prophecy of civil war in the Aeneid." https://www.city-journal.org/html/what-enoch-powell-got-right-and-wrong-15854.html
  13. This is a line from Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood Speech" "When she goes to the shops, she is followed by children, charming, wide-grinning piccaninnies."
  14. Is it truly inexcusable for one President to be calling some members of the other party semi-fascists? But OK for a different President to be calling members of the other party fascists plain and simple?
  15. Absolutely Impeachment is about "high crimes and misdemeanors". Like pressuring the president of a foreign nation to go after your chief political opponent. Or fomenting an insurrection. Not lying about your sex life.
  16. For someone who claims little interest, you seem remarkably intrigued by the topic.
  17. Well, he did delay the Mar-y-Lago showdowns through his attorneys. It wasn't until June 2022 that the Justice Dept filed for a subpoena to be issued because negotiations were going nowhere.. That June meeting was not, as Trump claimed, a voluntary one. He had no choice in the matter. And of course his lawyers then lied about there being any more classified documents in storage. But until the Special Master motion was filed, I don't think there were any legal motions filed by his attorneys in this case.
  18. I guess we can all that the "It's all about me standard"
  19. What does not being able to do anything about it have to do with a subject being newsworthy?
  20. If all they found were empty folders you might have a point. But it wasn't, was it?
  21. It speaks to what sources of information you use that you seem to have no knowledge of this at all. I almost feel ashamed to pollute your innocence with knowledge. Nonetheless, here are a few links. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/27/us/politics/trump-legal-strategy.html https://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trumps-lawyers-file-motion-to-delay-fraud-trial-trump-university-until-after-inauguration/ https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/6/14/17464766/trump-summer-zervos-lawsuit-defamation https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/trump-files-emergency-motion-block-release-his-tax-returns-n1237718 https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/judges-tosses-out-trump-s-lawsuit-block-house-committee-getting-n1080076
  22. This is not a TV show we're living in. This is about reality. Not nearly enough time has passed for that observation to apply here. But if you want to look at an example of Justice delayed, just consider all the failed motions that Trump's lawyers have filed in the past year and a half to slow investigations.
  23. It took John Durham several years of investigation to finally prosecute someone for a minor offense. Investigations take time.
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