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  1. I criticized your comments and the obsolete thoughts behind them. That is not a personal comment.
  2. Well that one person would be Barack Obama who warned the Germans about their foolishness way back in March of 2014. Obama urges EU to diversify its energy sources to end dependency on Russia https://www.cnbc.com/2014/03/26/eu-to-press-obama-at-summit-for-aid-in-cutting-russian-gas-imports.html Then there was another fella named Joe Biden who issued a similar warning in 2016 Biden warns Europe against dependency on Russia for heating oil and natural gas https://www.dw.com/en/biden-warns-europe-against-dependency-on-russia-for-heating-oil-and-natural-gas/a-19503334 There was a Johnny-come-lately who issued a similar warning in 2018. I can't think of his name, though. I'll work on that and get back to you.
  3. He predicted 3.5 million Commonwealth members and their descendants in 15-20 years. Doesn't seem like a majority to me.
  4. She may be the most beautiful, but classy? Do you think her claim to being the graduate of an imaginary university makes her classy? Do you think her refusal to specify what portion of her sales of Presidentially-tied merchandise will go to charity is classy? As for her taste in men...
  5. I got it right the first time when I said it was in his rivers of blood speech. But as you pointed out, the speech was made in 1968. Which doesn't change the fact that he predicted horror well before the end of the 20th century.
  6. Because wealthy nations are responsible for generating a disproportionate amount of greenhouse gases.
  7. First of all, just to get the terminology straight, what you're referring to is "agricultural burning" not "slash and burn" which has to do with raising crops in forested areas. And actually, agricultural burning is on the decline: Amounts of burned areas have declined globally, but is it a good thing? "When the researchers overlaid burned areas with population, cropland area and livestock density, they found that intensive farming, from both livestock and crops, is correlated with lower burned area. The only exceptions to this trend were in regions where farming practices include crop residue burning, such as in some parts of India and China. According to the study, transformation from forest and agroforestry landscapes to intensive farms accounts for the decline in burned area. Intensive farming increases as population and GDP increase, which explains the declining trend and means it is likely to continue." https://environment-review.yale.edu/amounts-burned-areas-have-declined-globally-it-good-thing
  8. thaibeachlover's comments are fueled by fossilized thinking about renewable fuels.
  9. And, in fact, he did cite 15-20 years in his rivers of blood speech in paragraph 10. He also said this following up on his rivers of blood comment: "That tragic and intractable phenomenon which we watch with horror on the other side of the Atlantic but which there is interwoven with the history and existence of the States itself, is coming upon us here by our own volition and our own neglect. Indeed, it has all but come. In numerical terms, it will be of American proportions long before the end of the century."
  10. Actually I believe it was in that Dick Cavett interview that he foretold disaster in 15-20 years. The interview took place in 1971
  11. No I didn't make up the 1991 part. He predicted in 1971 that in 15-20 years that would be the state of things. I gave him the benefit of the doubt by using 1991. And in England and Wales for a 12 month period beginning in 2021 and ending in 2022 there were a total of 710 homicides out of a total population of about 59 million. https://www.statista.com/statistics/283093/homicides-in-england-and-wales/ If that's your idea of a river of blood, you are seriously under acquainted with history.
  12. Oh, is that what it implied? Out of all the classical quotations he could have cited, and being a classical scholar there were so many open to him, he chose that one?
  13. Powell predicted that there would be rivers of blood by the year 1991. It's true that the rivers are now more polluted than they've been in a long time, but it's sewage, not blood, that's the problem.
  14. As the article notes, Pakistan also hosts more glaciers in its northern parts than any other country in the world outside of the polar regions.. It's been called the third pole. And the glaciers are melting rapidly. Which only adds to the misery.
  15. Once again, a majority of Republic House Reps voted against certifying the Presidential election based on nothing. I would call that proof of how deranged and dangerous the Republican party is.
  16. Just maybe because the FBI had strong evidence that Trump and/or his lawyers were lying when they claimed that they had returned all the classified documents. And bizarrely enough, it turns out that the FBI was right. Whoever woulda thunk it? And that meeting with the Justice Dept reps in June that was touted by Trump and friends as being voluntary and friendly and marked by cooperation? It turns out Trump had no choice. The meeting was ordered by a subpoena. And it was at that meeting Trump's reps denied the FBI access to boxes that it turns out contained loads of classified documents. What don't you understand about how serious it is that they lied? Denialism much?
  17. Thanks for the chuckleheaded response to my comment about MAGA supporters' resentment. How could they get more outraged? Especially in the wake of the FBI's retrieval of documents stolen from the White House. The already believe that he's not the legitimate President. And the polls show a rise in Biden's favorability and a fall in his unfavourability after these bills were passed. He not only now beats Trump at this stage of his presidency, but also Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/?cid=rrpromo
  18. Clearly, you've learned nothing from previous and similar unfulfilled predictions. The storm that is always predicted to be coming somehow never shows up. It seems that there's a long-term drought in effect. Maybe the absence of storms is another consequence of global warming?
  19. Is it even possible to make MAGA supporters more resentful than they already are? These people are aggrieved over imaginary stuff like a stolen election. The object of their adoration is now "retruthing" conspiratorial nonsense from QAnon fanatics on his social media website. As for failing to address the real problems, Biden has enjoyed a string of popular legislative successes. I doubt the grasp on reality of someone who doesn't-like-Trump-but...
  20. That was clearly sarcasm. But their guest of honor was Victor Orban. Not only is he a kleptocrat, but he has managed to kill off independent media in Hungary.
  21. Another excellent commentary from Andrew McCarthy evaluating the Special Master issue: https://www.nationalreview.com/2022/09/here-are-the-legal-issues-raised-by-trumps-special-master-petition/
  22. Definitely so unfair. From his speech you would think that a majority of Republicans believe the election was stolen. Or that a majority of Republican members of the House of Representatives refused to certify the election. Or that the person that a majority of Republicans support for election in 2024 called for a redo of the 2020 election. and is reposting the equivalent of tweets from QAnon believers. Of course, that's all crazy talk. No rational person could believe that such a state of affairs could exist in the USA. Shame on Dark Biden for suggesting otherwise.
  23. According to the latest Rasmussen poll Biden's favorability is at 45%.. Cherry-picking is so much fun.
  24. And the news keeps getting worse for Powell. Another strong month for jobs. August jobs report: U.S. payrolls grew by 315,000 last month https://finance.yahoo.com/news/august-jobs-report-september-2-2022-220121393.html
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