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  1. No compulsion to go to university. I guess you could choose to be poor for the rest of your life. As has been pointed out, the program mostly targets people on the lower end of the college graduate spectrum. This loan forgiveness should help give them a boost up. Which benefits all society. And there are plenty of programs that subisidize people such as farmers or those who live in flood plains. I don't see anything close to the same level of the indignation about them that I see here. Hmm...maybe it's because of the people who are proportionately overrepresented as recipients of loan forgiveness?
  2. And not everybody is excited that their states use their tax dollars to subsidize universities. Or, for that matter, that people with no children have to pay taxes to support public schools.
  3. And yet it's the word that's used. And as has been repeatedly pointed out, there are all sorts of government expenditures that go to segments of society but not society as a whole. Why does this one draw so much outrage from an angry minority?
  4. First it was lesbian ballet, now its baristas. Just another dumb right wing talking point. You have any numbers to back up your barista allegations?
  5. And you don't seem to understand that society as a whole might benefit if these loans were forgiven.
  6. The usual silly right wing talking point. First off, about 40% of college students in the US attend community college. I doubt there are many offering Lesbian ballet courses. But can you share with us what percentage of students graduate with a BA in Lesbian ballet or similar pursuits?
  7. A big problem in America that Biden's loan forgiveness is aimed at amelioriating is the fact that the more debt people graduate with, the less likely they are to be entrepreneurial, to take chances. A big reason that social mobility in America has cratered.
  8. So, how is it relevant if a college graduate earns $35000 a year that that would be earning more than a high school graduate earning $13000 a year. You don't seem to grasp what "median income" signifies.
  9. I read further into that article and I saw this listing the best paying careers for recent graduates. Computer engineering: $74,000 Chemical engineering: $70,000 Aerospace engineering: $70,000 Electrical engineering: $70,000 Computer science: $70,000 Not everyone is cut out to be an engineer. So some people are going to be earning considerably less than $52,000.
  10. But what you didn't note was how much the median college graduate earned. That number is $52000 per year. And that's the median.
  11. Bankruptcy laws are a government way of facilitating failure to not pay loans and to protect the borrower.. Interestingly enough, in 2005, the Republicans passed a law that made it virtually impossible for student loan recipients to use bankruptcy as a reason not to repay loans.
  12. Really? Tell that to people who regularly declare bankruptcy.
  13. First of all, that's the average college grad. These graduates tend to be poorer. The kind that don't have rich parents with all sorts of connections. Second, even if on average they will earn more than a high school graduate, what that figure doesn't take account of is skew. In their careers people generally start out earning less and over time earn more. But these loans need to be repaid when the borrowers are in the early phase of their careers. When they earn a lot less Third even if on average they make more than a high school grad does that mean that they earn a lot? How do you think the working class has fared since the 1980's?
  14. He's not exactly a genius at long or even medium term planning.
  15. What nonsense. A tiny minority of those beneficiaries might have attended Harvard. Ivy league borrowers constitute under 1% of all borrowers. Biden’s Student Loan Plan Squarely Targets the Middle Class The big winners from President Biden’s plan to forgive hundreds of billions of dollars in student loans are not rich graduates of Harvard and Yale, as many critics claim... According to independent analyses, the people eligible for debt relief are disproportionately young and Black. And they are concentrated in the middle band of Americans by income, defined as households earning between $51,000 and $82,000 a year. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/25/us/politics/biden-student-loans-middle-class.html?smtyp=cur&smid=tw-nytimes
  16. I think he took them because basically he's infantile and a compulsive troll. This was his way of getting back at his perceived enemies.
  17. Electricity Grids Can Handle Electric Vehicles Easily – They Just Need Proper Management One of the most frequent concerns you will see from electric vehicle haters is that the electricity grid can’t possibly cope with all cars becoming EVs. However, they haven’t done the math properly. The grids in most developed nations will be just fine, so long as the demand is properly management. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesmorris/2021/11/13/electricity-grids-can-handle-electric-vehicles-easily--they-just-need-proper-management/?sh=721683f57862
  18. Clearly, you're a not an Independent/Libertarian but rather a member of the Sore Loser Party who believes in whatever conspiracy theories explain political defeats that displease them. Nullifies the electoral college? Really? All it would do is require electors to follow the majority vote in their state. And clearly you are, to put it charitably, somewhat lacking in knowledge about the electoral system. The vote for senators never had anything to do with the electoral college. Never. It's only purpose was to select the President and vice-President
  19. Did you ever think that on the important issues Trump wasn't so popular? That Americans, including most Republicans, mostly favor raising taxes on the rich, instead of cutting them? That he promised that he had a better health plan, which was a lie, and that he tried and nearly succeeded in eliminating Obamacare? That his threats to deport DACA kids was very unpopular? That he separated babies from illegal immigrant parents, and that adminstration lost track of thousands of them so that he had to reverse himself? That his plan to build a wall along the southern border was unpopular? Do you see that Biden's popularity is going back up because the bills he backed are popular with the American people?
  20. But when Trump hit his low point the world economy including the US was mostly doing well. Despite that, he managed to get a low score. That takes a very rate talent.
  21. On fivethirtyeight.com's polling average, Biden and Trump are now tied on their respective 584th day in office: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/?cid=rrpromo
  22. The majority of women who want an abortion have low incomes. Do I need to spell out for you what the consequences of that are? Gas, food, and a hotel: Americans seeking an abortion out of state already shell out up to $10,000 for the procedure. Experts warn that cost could rise. The Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade will force Americans to travel across state lines to access abortions, experts say. Checkered access to abortions will increase the cost of travel, among other expenses. The potential legal costs for people seeking abortions, as well as wage loss, will also add to the burden. https://www.businessinsider.com/abortion-costs-roe-v-wade-out-of-state-supreme-court-2022-5
  23. Ukraine's New Black Hornet Drones Can Spy on Russian Military Undetected Norway and Great Britain are jointly providing Ukraine with "Black Hornet" military micro-drones that can be used to spy on Russian forces due to their minute size. The drones can fit in the palm of one's hand and are described by The Debrief news site as the "smallest operational military micro-drone in the world," measuring about 4 inches by 1 inch from tip to tail with a 4-inch rotor span, and weighing 16 grams. They are manufactured by Prox Dynamics of Norway, which was acquired by FLIR Systems in 2016. https://www.newsweek.com/ukraine-black-hornet-micro-drones-reconnaissance-undetected-1737135
  24. One big factor that could stand in the way of this is the Supreme Court. Given their blatant partisanship it's not at all unlikely that they will forbid Biden's order from taking effect. Of course, they may have learned from the elector consequences of their abortion ruling that they've already done more than enough to help the Democrats' prospects in the midterm.
  25. Then I guess you know that the... Price Of College Increasing Almost 8 Times Faster Than Wages Many Baby Boomers and Gen Xers remember working their way through college and graduating with little to no debt. Sadly, that feat is virtually impossible for the current crop of students and recent graduates. https://www.forbes.com/sites/camilomaldonado/2018/07/24/price-of-college-increasing-almost-8-times-faster-than-wages/?sh=1746820e66c1 And no doubt you are aware that... State Higher Education Funding Cuts Have Pushed Costs to Students, Worsened Inequality https://www.cbpp.org/research/state-budget-and-tax/state-higher-education-funding-cuts-have-pushed-costs-to-students and I'm sure you know better than these folks: Most Americans don’t realize state funding for higher ed fell by billions https://www.pbs.org/newshour/education/most-americans-dont-realize-state-funding-for-higher-ed-fell-by-billions
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