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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. But the question isn't whether what the protesters were armed with, (and it wasn't exactly sticks, was it?), it was their intent. And many of them believed that their attack on the Capitol would precipitate something called The Storm, which would result in government officials and elected representatives judged to be members of the deep state would be subject imprisonment and execution. And of course, even with the weapons they had at hand, that would be more than enough to murder elected representatives.
  2. Foirtunately for America, a huge part of Biden's agenda has already passed. So, given your knowledge of the situation, can you share with us what parts of Biden's agenda are still on the table?
  3. *Deleted post edited out* Not so far back you reproached me for using a poll that was 2 weeks old. The Gallup poll you cited was dated Jul 29, 2022. Guess what, new Galllup Poll results were released on Aug 25, 2022 Biden's Job Rating Rises to 44%, Highest in a Year https://news.gallup.com/poll/398117/biden-job-rating-rises-highest-year.aspx Best not to cherry-pick polls but use aggregates instead.
  4. And there's the fact that Trump ignored a grand jury subpoena. And that his lawyers apparently lied about there being no more classified documents. It seems extremely unlikely that they would make such a claim without Trump's authorization.
  5. So you think that an auto manufacturer isn't going to take into account occasions when their EV is going to have to roll through fairly deep water? Someone should hasten to advise them of this eventuality before it's too late.
  6. The reference is to the civil war that would occur in the times of Vergil who wrote the Aeneid. Ya think he was writing about some kind of environmental disaster where an abattoir spills sheep blood into the river? Here's the quote in full "Bella, horrida bella, Et Thybrim multo spumantem sanguine cerno" I see wars, horrible wars and the Tiber foaming with blood https://www.business-live.co.uk/economic-development/using-virgil-predict-apocalypse-3961872
  7. Wow! a video from 2013 which focused on what the reporter said were a handful of vigilante whose activities were condemned by Muslim leaders Five of them were arrested. 3 were sentenced to do time in jail.
  8. do you think that the difference is significant. If anything it's worse since he specifically refers to the Roman. 'As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see "the River Tiber foaming with much blood."'
  9. It's one thing when you're referring to the future.Quite another when you're referring to the past. And if you scrutine the midterm elections of these various President, you'll find that they jibed closely enough with the polls.
  10. I really don't care how you categorize your past posts or how accurate your description of them is. Here and now you sought to make the issue personal. That's the tactic of someone who has no rational response to offer.
  11. What in my statement of facts available from the public record indicates that I had any personal connection at all. The only one being personal in this exchange is you which is a good indication that you've got nothing.
  12. Enoch Powell was a distinguished classicist. He new ruddy well what it meant. The "rivers of blood" phrase came from the Aeneid in which the prophetess is predicting Civil War. That jibes precisely with what Powell was predicting.
  13. First off, even if the documents were as you described, which is ridiculously unlikely, it would still be a crime for him to have them in his possession, In fact a far more serious crime because he signed a bill that upped the penalties for possessing unvetted government documents. He also apparently committed a crime by ignoring a grand jury subpoena. And by your way of thinking, no document's classification should be taken seriously, as long as something can be found on the internet pertaining to the subject. You really want to continue to subscribe to that position?
  14. Really? Rivers of blood were flowing in the UK before the end of the 20th century?
  15. At the time Powell delivered his speech, it was widely assailed as being racist. Powell actually was dismissed from the shadow cabinet on account of it. So, no, I'm not bringing modern standards to bear in judging that speech.
  16. Do you understand that's just one poll? Biden's Job Rating Rises to 44%, Highest in a Year Biden's 44% approval rating is up six points from July's record low Rise in job approval rating is largely owed to independents https://news.gallup.com/poll/398117/biden-job-rating-rises-highest-year.aspx
  17. After Bannon was arrested back in 2020 Trump claimed he never supported this idea. But... Trump Reportedly Gave 'We Build The Wall' His Blessing And Tried To Steer $1B Contract To Its Builder But Trump and McEnany’s statements belie claims by former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, the general counsel of We Build The Wall, in January 2019 that Trump gave the project his “blessing,” as well as Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr.’s public praise of the project as a “pretty amazing” effort for an “important grassroots issue” at a 2018 fundraiser, according to video unearthed by CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski. Trump also “personally and repeatedly” lobbied for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to award a $1.28 billion wall-building contract to Fisher Industries, a politically-connected firm that was also helping We Build The Wall build a private portion of the wall, according to the Washington Post... The White House declined to comment on whether Trump knew of the connection between Fisher and We Build The Wall. https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewsolender/2020/08/20/trump-reportedly-gave-we-build-the-wall-his-blessing-and-tried-to-steer-1b-contract-to-its-builder/?sh=5f7da6af3904
  18. I think I understood. Most charging will get done in the evening. Also, not everyone is going to have an EV right away. That's going to take time. Thailand does keep on expanding it's power generating capacity. Also, keep in mind that EV drivers, like most drivers, don't actually travel that much in a day. So even if they do use public chargers, it would only be a fraction of them on any particular day.
  19. For those who live in houses, charging can be done at night when rates are lower and the demand for power is less.
  20. https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-drives-in-flood-waters-china-video-2021-7
  21. Certainly that explains the extremely number of high popular vote and its outcome in the 2020 race.
  22. Some members have defended Powell's "whip hand" remarks on the grounds that he was quoting a constituent. That the opinions expressed were not his. First off, these are alleged comments from a constituent. Secondly, even if a constituent did say such a thing, why was it incumbent upon Powell to cite such an repugnant remark in his speech? Clearly, this is the same sort of rhetorical ploy as "People are saying..." or "I've heard that" or even retweeting a comment from twitter. It's a way of saying something while attempting to provide oneself with plausible deniability that it doesn't necessarily jibe with one' opinions. Powell could have left the racial element out altogether to make his point. He could have pointed to the lack of skills and education that many of these immigrants had and what burden that would impose on society. But, of course, the problem with that was that the Indian immigrants actually had a good level of education and succeeded quite well in British society. So painting all immigrants with a racial and cultural tarbrush wouldn't work if that difference was acknowledged.
  23. Given that you apparently find Truss cut taxes panacea intellectually respectable, it's no wonder that you believe that her "tax and spend" comment was classic.
  24. Because the past has nothing to teach us about the present and the future?
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