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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Anyway, the disclosure won't amount to much since the judge agrees that the most pertinent info be withheld 1)witnesses' names 2)information about where the investigation is headed 3)grand jury info
  2. Such a load of nonsense. For one thing, he claims Biden knew about the raid because waived executive privilege for Trump. And even that allegation that he waived it not true. He left it up to the acting director of the Archives to decide if it was necessary. This guy may have a law degree but here he's acting as an agent of disinformation.
  3. Are you sure about that? I looked for it on Fox News but couldn't find any mention of it.
  4. I guess you find their lack of hypocrisy on this score amusing. You have a very recherché sense of humor.
  5. Is it the Democrats who are ranting against loan forgiveness?
  6. First off, almost 90% of the debt forgiveness is going to people who make less than $75,000 per year. Those who received Pell Grants tend to start out a lot poorer and remain that way. High social mobility in the USA is a thing of the past. And by your way of thinking, any program that doesn't benefit everyone, or everyone in a certain economic group, is somehow being implemented at their expense. How exactly is this a wealth transfer from working classes to middle classes? If this debt forgiveness hadn't occurred, would there be more money in working class people's pockets? I haven't seen any protests coming from right wingers like yourself about how government policies and laws that benefit the wealthy are taking money from working class people.
  7. Are you aware that students who were eligible for Pell grants are entitled to another $10,000 in loan forgiveness?
  8. Got some exciting news for you. 92% of student loans are held by the U.S. govt. https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/loans/student-loans/student-loan-debt
  9. So where should my gratitude end? If the wealthy pay 5 million? 1 million? 100 thousand? Can you share with me your gratitude table so I can know at what level I should stop feeling grateful? Now, apparently, you think taxes are akin to charity. As though these wealthy people were making a voluntary donation. Now, maybe you know something I don't. Maybe the wealthy actually don't have to pay anything and whatever they contribute to the Federal Treasury is done out of the goodness of their hearts. If that's the case, gratitude would be very much in order. Is that the case? Clearly, you have a problem with the logic behind a progressive tax system. You also don't seem to understand how deleterious it is to the state of a nation when a small percentage of people own a hugely disproportionate share of the wealth. The last time this much wealth was concentrated in the hands of so few, was during the 1920's. The tax policies that have helped them become so wealthy have contributed hugely to the hollowing out of the middle class. The last refuge of the middle class was savings realized from ownership of a home. Now hedge funds, flush with cash from the .1%. are buying homes and renting them out to middle class people. And given the sophistication of the AI programs they are undoubtedly using, they are able to squeeze the maximum amount out of them. There goes middle Americans last refuge for retirement. This same disporportionate distribution of wealth means that America no longer has a high degree of social mobility. So, please, spare me the ridiculous lecture about gratitude.
  10. That's 300 billion over the next ten years. On a yearly basis, that comes to about .08% of consumer spending. As for spending to support higher education, conservatives have consistently slashed that back. What makes you think they would support spending on training people to pursue a career in trades?
  11. Except that there are a few a huge problem with that calculation. For one thing, it considers only the 1 percent. Not the 0.1% or the 0.01%.The IRS only counts income earned on assets when they are sold. Like stock shares. The thing is, that tax bill gave a big stimulus not to the economy but to the price of stock shares. So, what people like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and the superwealthy do, is to borrow from a bank against those shares. That loan does not count as income so no taxes are paid on it. That's why people like Bezos or Musk can have years when they pay no income taxes at all. (What makes it even worse is that when these multibillionaires die, any potential capital gains tax is eliminated. The assets pass to the inheritors with a blank tax slate). “It is a simple fact that billionaires in America can live very extraordinarily well completely tax-free off their wealth,” law professor Edward J. McCaffery writes.[17] They can borrow large sums against their holdings (i.e., their unrealized capital gains) without generating “taxable” income. Larry Ellison, Oracle’s chief executive officer and one of the world’s richest people, pledged part of his Oracle stock as collateral for a $10 billion credit line.[18 https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-tax/propublica-shows-how-little-the-wealthiest-pay-in-taxes-policymakers-should America’s richest 400 families pay a lower tax rate than average taxpayer https://www.cnbc.com/2021/09/23/americas-richest-400-families-pay-a-lower-tax-rate-than-average-taxpayer.html
  12. Because you say so? Thanks for not sharing your reasoning. So that means that the evidence I cited from the first and second decades of American is okay? And where is your evidence to the contrary?
  13. Both free market economies with relatively low leves of taxation. But I did also cite a report about the UK economy.
  14. And yet you confidently assert that cuts in corporate taxes will boost the economy.
  15. You claimed that cutting taxes raises investments. I offered evidence of why that's not the case. But if it's UK centric evidence you want, here's some: "Despite cutting the UK corporation tax rate by more than 10% in the past decade, Britain has not seen a significant improvement in growth, says The Wall Street Journal, citing figures from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. “British investment as a share of GDP is actually lower than before 2007 and productivity growth - the ultimate determinant of living standards and where higher investment should leave its mark - averaged 0.6% from 2010 to 2015,” the newspaper reports." https://www.theweek.co.uk/89848/fact-check-the-truth-about-corporate-tax-cuts
  16. In the US the republican party has been pushing this nonsense for years. It didn't work for Reagan, not for Bush 2, and not for Trump. No evidence of an increase in economic growth. Just a way if making the wealthy and powerful even more wealthy and powerful. In fact the evidence is clear that too much cash has accummulated in the pockets of 2 few. Not so long ago, some governments were offering bonds with a negative interest rate. They had no problem finding takers. Even now, government bonds lag inflation rates. Yet no problem finding investors.
  17. Today is day 582 of the Biden Presidency. Biden's average favorability is at 41.3%. On day 582 of the Reagan Presidency, Reagan's average favorability was at 40.9%. A lot can change in 2+ years. On the other hand Biden still has a bit of catching up to do with Trump. At day 582 Trump was at 41.5%. So, he's ahead of Biden by 0.2% https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/?cid=rrpromo
  18. It depends on who those tax cuts go to. The less you earn, the more likely you are to spend whatever additional funds come your way. Economists call this "marginal propensity to spend". So if such a cut was targeted to those who earn less, it would have a far greater effect. Of course, for those who earn too little to be taxed, such as a married coupled who each earn less than £12,570, there would be no benefit at all. Yet these are the people who need it the most.
  19. Actually, not at first. Those who were 65 and older when it was instituted were eligible for benefits without paying anything into the fund.
  20. I know what you mean. Social Security was such a slap in the face to all those senior citizens who suffered an impoverished old age before it was created.
  21. The right wing in AMerica has been consistently slashing funding for higher education. There was a time when state universities offered cheap, sometimes free, tuition. That's long gone. One more reason why high social mobility in the USA is a thing of the past.
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