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  1. And it might also be possible to conclude that someone wearing body armor was prepared for a fight and knew that the flagpole could be used for more than flaunting a flag.. And he probably didn't help his believability by claiming that he was acting in self-defense. In fact, pleading not guilty in the face of so much evidence against, might not have been the brightest move.
  2. I got news for you. The proud boy who was recently convicted got the sentence he not just because of the crime he was convicted but because Federal sentencing guidelines impose a stricter penalty on those who've been previously convicted of crimes. And on the other side, if a convicted person expresses remorse, that is also taken account into sentencing. And if you plead guilty, instead of fighting charge, that is also taken into accouont. So, no, a convicted party doesn't just get sentenced on the basis of the crime. There are actual Federal Sentencing Guidelines. They exist even though it's clear you didn't know that.
  3. Especially ridiculous, because as John Cadogan the expert car salesman. has repeatedly predicted, EV manufacturers such as Tesla, are doomed to fail. Why bother to prepare for the futue when it's clear that EV's don't have one: https://www.iea.org/data-and-statistics/charts/global-sales-and-sales-market-share-of-electric-cars-2010-2021
  4. Really? Do you have access to federal guidelines for sentencing? Can you please share a link to them with me because I can't find them.
  5. Even if your version of events was correct, which it isn't, you really think that his claim that he was acting in self defense at any point was believable? " As Rathbun backed away, Webster tackled him and then pulled at the officer's gas mask. Rathbun testified that he began to choke on his chin strap as Webster pulled at the mask. Video shows that Rathbun hit Webster's face while trying to push him away." https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/nypd-officer-thomas-webster-sentenced-10-years-storming/story?id=89181223
  6. Tell that to a bare knuckle fighter. Unlike a slap, in a punch the force is concentrated into a much smaller area and can have a lot more body weight behind it. A punch has much more destructive potential than a slap.
  7. Do you think she conforms to Powell's paradigm? Which can be summarized as east is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet.
  8. More bad news for Powell. Jobless claims declined. Jobless claims unexpectedly fall to 232,000, lowest since June https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/jobless-claims-unexpectedly-fall-232000-lowest-since-june
  9. Jordan Peterson and Enoch Powell both had their areas of expertise. That didn't prevent them from demonstrating their ignorance outside the fields in which they were knowledgeable enough to make valid judgments..
  10. There's a terrific article from Andrew McCarthy who was a Federal Prosecutor and very right wing in his political orientation. He was vociferously opposed to Trump's impeachment trials. But as he notes in the article, it should be a slam-dunk to convict Trump of obstruction of justice. Here are few excerpts (but it's worth reading the whole thing to see how precarious Trump's legal position is): "Moreover, we already knew that after Wall’s letter there followed (a) an initial grand-jury subpoena for classified documents, served on May 11; (b) a meeting at Mar-a-Lago on June 3, which, contrary to Trump’s public depiction of an amicable negotiation session between his lawyers and DOJ officials (into which Trump himself popped in), was actually compliance — or as it turned out, non-compliance — with a grand-jury subpoena in an active criminal investigation; and (c) a second grand-jury subpoena, served on June 22, for Mar-a-Lago surveillance video. These events dovetailed with the FBI’s interviews of Mar-a-Lago employees and Trump’s post-presidency staffers, as well as the bureau’s review of the surveillance video... Consequently, even without the new submission, we already knew that the Justice Department believed the unprecedented execution of a court-authorized search warrant at the home of a former American president was fully justified because: (a) the government had exhausted other options, after not just 18 months of trying to reason with Trump but, especially, his flouting of a grand-jury subpoena (i.e., even though he knew things had been elevated to a criminal investigation, he nevertheless engaged in conduct punishable by imprisonment); (b) there was a high likelihood that Trump was continuing to direct the movement, concealment, and perhaps destruction of classified documents which, as the Trump camp’s June 3 machinations showed, the former president had no intention of surrendering to the government; and (c) there was a vital need for U.S. intelligence agencies to re-acquire any highly classified intelligence that had been mishandled (and was still being mishandled), in order to assess the damage that mishandling had done to national security." https://www.nationalreview.com/2022/08/why-yesterdays-doj-filing-suggests-a-trump-indictment-is-coming/
  11. How's this instead? As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see "the River Tiber foaming with much blood." That tragic and intractable phenomenon which we watch with horror on the other side of the Atlantic but which there is interwoven with the history and existence of the States itself, is coming upon us here by our own volition and our own neglect. Indeed, it has all but come. In numerical terms, it will be of American proportions long before the end of the century. https://anth1001.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/enoch-powell_speech.pdf
  12. It's funny that Brexiters claim Enoch Powell as a precursor to Nigel Farage. Does anyone think he'd be happy about this? Huge rise in non-EU migrants to Britain The implementation of a more liberal points-based immigration system after Brexit has resulted in soaring numbers of workers and students from Africa, India and the Philippines. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/huge-rise-in-non-eu-migrants-to-britain-037qpx3x0
  13. His prediction was that there would be rivers of blood and the black man would hold the whip hand over the white man. And according to him that should have been the state of things starting in about 1991. He was forecasting a race war. Has that occurred?
  14. Maybe because that's not where the jobs are. Where they have connections. I guess you believe government interference in the free market is the way to go.
  15. We can thank Ivan Pavlov for helping us to understand your response.
  16. Well, each has a lot of entertainment value. The difference being that BJ's are mostly done on purpose whereas Truss's are entirely inadvertent.
  17. Here's a selection from Enoch Powell's infamous speech which he defended in this interview “As I look ahead,” Powell said, “I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see ‘the River Tiber foaming with much blood,’” an allusion to a line in Virgil’s Aeneid. He maintained that it would not be enough to close Britain’s borders—some of the immigrants already settled in the country would need to be sent “home.” If not, he declared, attributing a quote to one of his constituents, “in this country, in 15 or 20 years’ time, the black man will have the whip hand over the white man.” https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2018/04/enoch-powell-rivers-of-blood/558344/ Do you believe that the "black man" starting about 1991, which is 20 years from the date of that interview, that the black man has held the whip hand over the white man in the uk? (For the benefit of Americans it should be noted that in the UK "black" was used more expansively. Not only to categorize people with sub-Saharan African roots, but also Indians and Pakistanis.)
  18. You fail to note what's significant in the difference between Democrats prospects in the Senate and the House. Senate votes can't be gerrymandered but House votes can. That's why the Republicans start out with a big advantage in those races The New National Congressional Map Is Biased Toward Republicans https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-new-national-congressional-map-is-biased-toward-republicans/ And what tax increases are you referring to that are "forcing Americans to pay handsomely in the form of taxes for their socialist spending spree"? The 1% tax on corporate stock buybacks?
  19. Powell may have quite a battle ahead of him. It turns out job openings actually increased in July. Job openings top 11.2 million in July, well above estimate and nearly double the available workers There were nearly 1 million more job openings than expected in July, an inflationary sign that the U.S. labor market is still extremely tight, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Tuesday. Available positions totaled 11.24 million for the month, well in excess of the 10.3 million FactSet estimate, according to the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey. The total was about 200,000 higher than the 11.04 million in June, a number revised up from the initially reported 10.7 million. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/30/jolts-july-2022.html I was shocked at not being able to find this story on foxnews.com
  20. From the Maya Clinic Tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils, two oval-shaped pads of tissue at the back of the throat — one tonsil on each side. Signs and symptoms of tonsillitis include swollen tonsils, sore throat, difficulty swallowing and tender lymph nodes on the sides of the neck. Most cases of tonsillitis are caused by infection with a common virus, but bacterial infections also may cause tonsillitis. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/tonsillitis/symptoms-causes/syc-20378479#:~:text=Tonsillitis is inflammation of the,the sides of the neck.
  21. This is written by a former Federal prosecutor Opinion | Why Trump’s Documents Case Is Really Just Like a Drug Prosecution He had possession of something he shouldn’t have. It’s that simple. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/08/29/trumps-documents-case-like-drug-prosecution-00054046
  22. The issue was what action the government was taking. Now that's usually the role of ministers in the cabinet not back benchers. But since you claim that I want to know what every MP was up to, I figured that must mean that there are no back benchers in the ranks of the Tories. That they're all in the cabinet. Which actually could explain a lot.
  23. I wasn't aware that every MP is a member of the cabinet. It's no wonder the Tories have so much trouble getting anything done.
  24. "Behind the scenes."Well there's an all-purpose get out of jail free card. All nations have problems. Its just that for some we have evidence that they are actually working on them. So we don't have to tell our selves comforting stories about what's going on behind the scenes
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