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  1. You think that fanatics who claimed all sorts of conspiratorial nonsense about covid and covid vaccines would have behaved differently had there been another person in Fauci's place? He was actually very mild mannered. And your comment about his looks kind of gives your game away.
  2. I had that same symptom. The worst sore throat I have ever had in my life. So painful it hurt to swallow water. I thought maybe it was strep. But I tested positive for Covid.
  3. Good thing he has repudiated the claim that Trump actually won the 2020 election or they might have a point. How Pa. state Sen. Doug Mastriano promoted election lies between Election Day and January 6 He spread disinformation through his social media pages over 100 times in this 64-day timeframe. https://www.witf.org/2022/06/09/how-doug-mastriano-promoted-election-lies-between-election-day-and-january-6/ Except he hasn't.
  4. Here's a story that originally appeared in the Wall St. Journal. Hard to reconcile what it reports with a recession. The second link has no paywall. The Surprise in a Faltering Economy: Laid-Off Workers Quickly Find Jobs People losing jobs are rapidly landing interviews, multiple job offers and higher pay, holding down unemployment totals https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-surprise-in-a-faltering-economy-laid-off-workers-quickly-find-jobs-11661333405?mod=hp_lead_pos5 https://jnews.uk/the-surprise-in-a-faltering-economy-laid-off-workers-quickly-find-jobs/
  5. The FBI has a system in place to deal with this issue: DOJ 'taint team' examining Trump Mar-a-Lago documents A Department of Justice "taint" or "filter" team has been reviewing documents seized by the FBI during its raid on former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, Fox News has learned. A senior law enforcement official familiar with the process told Fox News that the review began soon after the search warrant was executed on Aug. 8. The official said that it is standard procedure for the Justice Department to use a "taint" or "filter" team to go through documents obtained during a search — in part to identify records that may be protected by attorney-client privilege. https://www.yahoo.com/news/doj-apos-taint-team-apos-165632335.html
  6. What's that got to do with your generalization about the Federalist Society and where it stands on the issues?
  7. Please. The Supreme Court Justices that Trump appointed are all anti-labor pro corporation. They also believe even extreme gerrymandering is not a violation of the 14th Amendment. They believe that religion is entitled to special protectioni. They endorse the view that limiting election contributions is unconstitutional. Apart from Trump's election lunacy, they and the Federalist Society align very nicely with Trump's stances on the issues.
  8. Trump Flouted Rules About Presidential Records. That’s Not How It Usually Works. Presidents from both parties have followed tightly restricted procedures that conform to the Presidential Records Act of 1978, which was enacted after Watergate. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/23/us/politics/trump-presidential-records.html
  9. Uh-oh. Looks like Biden is facing the consequences of the Mar-y-Lago affair: Biden Approval Rises to 41%, Highest Since Early June, Reuters/Ipsos Finds https://www.usnews.com/news/top-news/articles/2022-08-23/biden-approval-rises-to-41-highest-since-early-june-reuters-ipsos-finds
  10. I'm guessing that Trump twisted John Solomon's arm to publish this letter. I can't imagine Solomon actually believed this would help Trump's cause. But he is beholden to Trump.
  11. Given the number of excess deaths caused by the previous administration's denialism, a good case could be made for the prosecution of those who knowingly abetted it.
  12. I had looked at another Fox article which had a headline and lede far more unbalanced but which ultimately did accurately report on the issues. That was on the homepage. Currently, there is no reporting on this issue on the homepage. Which is a pretty fair indicator that this information doesn't bode well for Trump.
  13. I've been thinking more about this. I guess you're looking for Trump to gain bipartisan support? It's clear he already has been blessed by Satan.
  14. Thank you for making this compelling point. I will now seriously reexamine my own understanding of the issues.
  15. I've been wondering about the following for a while: when did Trump's team first claim that Trump had declassified these documents? It turn out that never happened until the latest kerfuffle. Which renders that claim extremely suspect. So even though the Feds don't need the likelihood that Trump misappropriated classified documents to prosecute him, it does add to the likelihood that he will be charged with that as well: Trump lawyer never claimed ex-president declassified documents in correspondence with Biden administration Attorneys for former president Donald Trump never claimed he declassified any documents that were retrieved from his Florida home in January in communications with the Biden administration, and unsuccessfully tried to use claims of executive privilege to prevent the National Archives and Records Administration (Nara) from allowing FBI agents access to the records... Mr Trump’s team also tried to delay providing the FBI with access to the boxes for an Intelligence Community review of the materials. At the time, attorney M Evan Corcoran wrote that Mr Trump would be making a “protective assertion of executive privilege” if the requested delay was not granted. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-white-house-counsel-classified-documents-b2150954.html
  16. Well, what Trump and his supporters have been claiming is that Biden initiated the FBI search of Mar y Lago. Nothing in this letter supports that assertion. It is true that the Acting Director of the Archives asked Biden if executive privilege would be invoked for Trump. Biden said that whatever was decided by the investigators would be approved by him. As for the "great reporting of John Solomon." John Solomon used to work for The Hill. At the time Solomon worked there it was owned by Jerry Finkelstein, a friend of Trump's. Despite which, because of the biased nature of Solomon's "reporting" his job title was changed from "reporter" to "columnist". His coverage of the so-called Ukraine scandal was so biased that he ultimately lost his job. In Solomon's reporting on Trump, I have never seen it disclosed that he is actually an authorized representative of Trump's with the National Archives. Disclosing such ties would be standard practice for a reputable journalist.
  17. Here's another good article that examines Trump's botched strategy, although, as the headline suggests, "strategy" may dignify Trumps flailing more than they deserve. Trump, without the presidency’s protections, struggles for a strategy https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/trump-without-the-presidencys-protections-struggles-for-a-strategy/
  18. Everybody should read the article that this is linked to. Among other things, it reveals the consequences of being being a deadbeat when you are looking for competent legal counsel. But there's much much more to it than that: Judge gives Trump until Friday to better explain why he wants a special master for Mar-a-Lago documents "When Trump’s lawyers did cite the court rules they said gave the judge the authority to grant the request, they cited the rules of civil procedure, without any explanation for why those rules should be applied in a context concerning a criminal search warrant. Trump also did not file with the complaint the kind of separate request — such as a motion for a temporary restraining order or a preliminary injunction — that would have sped up the timeline for the judge to consider what Trump was asking for. Nor did Trump’s legal team file any declarations — i.e. statements from the lawyers who were said to have interacted with the Justice Department in the lead-up and after the search — to back up the complaint’s factual assertions. https://whdh.com/news/judge-gives-trump-until-friday-to-better-explain-why-he-wants-a-special-master-for-mar-a-lago-documents/ And, this judge was chosen by Trump and is a member of the right-wing Federalist Society.
  19. I remember not long ago when some folks were talking about "The Storm" that was going to be a day of reckoning for politicians and government bureaucrats undermining the USA. How I look forward to a future when no one says silly things like "How i look forward to the future............... when the reckoning comes." However, unlike the folks who say stuff like that, I know I will be disappointed.
  20. Not a good enough salesman Those parts of the country more likely to reject vaccinations also had a much higher death rate from covid
  21. From the article: "Merrick Garland, the attorney-general, would have anticipated that. He is a painstaking former prosecutor and judge—too painstaking for many Democrats who, just as Republicans claim, are quivering to see Mr Trump prosecuted. If Mr Garland made the decision himself to proceed, as seems likely, he must have concluded that legal considerations left him with no choice."
  22. Ukraine may already have them and be using them: Why Ukraine probably has long-range missiles https://news.yahoo.com/ukraine-atacms-himars-missiles-161843626.html
  23. Trump claims he wants the documents back so we can give them to the National Archives. The fact is that it was the National Archives that sicced the FBI on him in the first place because they suspected that he hadn't given them all back. And this apart from the fact that even if the documents were declassified, he wasn't entitled to take them.
  24. Easier because she's cluleless. And we know she's clueless because of the foolish comments she consistently makes. And foolish comments invite ridicule.
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