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  1. I think one overlooked harm of this bill is environmental. This unused land provides a home for all sorts of wildlife. So planting bananas or whatever recourse is taken to avoid the consequences of this law, can result in great environmental harm.
  2. You make a good point. But the thing is, it's so tempting to ridicule her. She's such an easy and clueless target. I will grant you though that the very ease of it means it's really not sporting. Bluespunk should be ashamed of his conduct.
  3. So controlling pollution isn't within the remit of a Prime Minister? Does that go for all PM's or just Tories? And you posed a question so I answered it.
  4. In Arizona, Trump backed Blake Masters. Masters supports privatizing Social Security. That worked out real well for George W. Bush. Just what seniors want...risking their retirements.
  5. Japan doesn't have nuclear weapons. And it has a relatively small military, to boot.
  6. And what about Trump's backing of Herschel Walker. The guy who criticized black fathers for abandoning their kids. It turns out he had 3 of his own and has remained uninvolved with all of them. And in the latest juicy tidbit: Georgia Republican Senate nominee Herschel Walker is criticizing the sweeping climate, health-care and deficit-reduction bill signed into law by President Biden, arguing that it includes wasteful spending to combat global warming and asking, “Don’t we have enough trees around here?” The former NFL football player, who was encouraged to run by former president Donald Trump, has made head-scratching comments that have drawn ridicule. In a July 9 appearance, he spoke about climate change, suggesting that Georgia’s “good air decides to float over” to China, replacing China’s “bad air,” which goes back to Georgia, where “we got to clean that back up.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/08/22/walker-georgia-senate/
  7. You would think that Fetterman would have acquired enough manners during his upbringing to send Trump a thank-you note for backing Oz to be the Republican candidate.
  8. But you'll not that the most of the eu countries with fully developed economies have lower inflation rates. Can you explain to me the connection between covid vaccinations and the economic consequences of brexit. And while you're at it can you explain to me why the vaccinate rate is lower in the UK than in most of the https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/united-kingdomother EU nations with fully developed economies?
  9. But what you failed to notice is that it didn't say it's sinking. Because it's actually been rising lately. And I've got some news for you: Biden is not on the ballot. And polls of how voters intend to vote have been shifting towards the Democrats. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/generic-ballot/ That's still not enough to stop a Republican majority in the House but the Senate is looking better for the Democrats. Even if we have to take the word of that radical leftist, Mitch McConnell.
  10. Complacent? Really? Here he is hard at work with his unpaid advisers: https://www.randrlife.co.uk/boris-johnson-rests-on-vacation-here-he-enjoys-his-political-pension/
  11. Actually, on the corruption perceptions index, Russia was rated 29 and Ukraine at 32. The lower the number the more corrupt the country is rated to be. In fact over the last 5 years Russia has been consistently rated to be more corrupt than Ukraine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_Perceptions_Index
  12. Here's a report on raw sewage pollution from those lefties at the Telegraph: Water companies are 'releasing raw sewage into rivers more than 1,000 times a day' Telegraph analysis shows over a third of sewage discharge occurred when there was no heavy rain, suggesting firms breached their permits More than a third of sewage discharge occurred when there was no heavy rain in the areas, according to the research, which suggests firms are breaching terms of their permits. And here's another: Sewage spills by water firms have risen 29-fold over the last five years The number of times raw sewage has been dumped into rivers and lakes across the country has risen from 12,637 in 2016 to 372,533 last year, according to the Environment Agency. The figures, obtained by Labour under freedom of information requests, also show that the duration of the spills have vastly increased over the same time period. Five years ago, 100,533 hours worth of spills were recorded compared to 2,667,452 hours of spillages last year. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/08/18/sewage-spills-water-firms-have-risen-29-fold-last-five-years/
  13. No. The way GDP is determined for the price of the goods or services someone paid for them.at, not the difference between the price a vendor paid for them vs the price the buyer paid. The GNI would be determined by the payment the vendor received. They should be in balance. Neither of these 2 statistics references the difference between what a vendor paid for something and what a vendor sold it for.
  14. Clearly the NBER believes a recession should be determined not only by its effects as it occurred but by the damage it leaves behind. After those disastrous 2 months unemployment stayed every high at levels that would ordinarily be expected during a severe recession. In April of 2020 the unemployment rate zoomed up to 14.7%. In Sept of 2020 it would still be at 7.9% Just because things started getting better after those 2 months, that doesn't mean things were good. Starting from a low baseline it's easy to improve. And just because the economic decline was due to what economists call an "exogenous shock" whether that shock is a pandemic or war, that doesn't mean there isn't a recession underway. What I would tell the economic experts at NBER is "Keep up the good work.".
  15. That's just what his supporters were saying in 2020. How did that work out? And it's a dead giveaway of paucity of thought when someone starts making predictions. Especially when the prediction is about events that are over 2 years in the future. Unless of course you have a genuine time machine or functioning crystal ball.
  16. He doesn't need to drive around and look and no one has suggested that he do so. The reports on that pollution have been ample. Action is long overdue.
  17. GDP is far from telling the whole story. In this case far far from it. Has there ever been a recession where job growth has been so supercharged? Ever? Maybe you think the job market is a technicality, but I don't think most folks would think so. GDP is an abraction, jobs are real. In addition, while GDP was down by 0.9%, GNI was up by 3.1%. GNI is the counterpart of GDP. In other words GDP tells how much is produced and GNI tells how much is earned. Usually, the 2 are very closely balanced. For some reason, lately not. We do know that in the first quarter GDP was down because Americans were buying so many goods from abroad. In the 2nd quarter it was down because retailers let their inventory run down. So, if you want to call it a recession, it's a recession with a huge asterisk.
  18. First, that's false. A recession was declared during the covid epidemic that lasted 2 months.
  19. And here's one from July 22-24. The most recent one I could find https://morningconsult.com/2022/07/27/jan-6-hearings-independents-trump-gop-november-elections-survey/
  20. Cherry picking much? Just because not everything Trump says is a lie, is no proof that he lies massively, frequently and freely. Your citing of contrary evidence is ridiculous.
  21. LOL. No, Congress couldn't give Washington DC the vote if it wanted to It would take an amendment to the Constitution to give D.C.. representation in the Federal legislature.
  22. But you also said Japan had high household savings and it doesn't look like it. It's higher than the USA's.
  23. Even if the documents are judged to have declassified, and that's a big if, that has no relevance to the crimes the warrant refers to. The alleged crimes have to do with illegal possession. No President had problems with the predecessor to this law. You know the one that Trump replaced with a law that made the penalties harsher. Mike Pence didn't have any problems with this law. Just Trump. The documents were apparently not just put under lock since some were retrieved from elsewhere than the padlocked room. And the padlocked room is not an officially designated secure area. In fact, Mar y Lago, being a hotel, is inherently not a safe place to store such documents Videos apparently showed that the document boxes supposedly under lock and key had been moved and possibly accessed The government requested Trump to put the documents under lock and key to at least provide some protection for them while their return was being negotiated. It was in no way a recognition that Trump had any right to them in the first place. Exactly what constitutional privileges apply to an ex-President if it turns out he took documents he had no right to possess which is a crime under a law endorsed and signed into law by him? Just to make sure you understand: the issue of classification is irrelevant to the issue of illegal possession.
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