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  1. How come there are no Hasidim in this video? That's just not right.
  2. What follows is a much better version of what I attempted: Trump Says Biden Could Never Take the Fifth as Many Times as He Did NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—After pleading the Fifth Amendment more than four hundred times in his deposition to the New York State attorney general, Donald J. Trump boasted that Joe Biden could never take the Fifth as many times as he did. “I’d like to see Sleepy Joe sit in a chair for six hours and take the Fifth four hundred times,” he told reporters. “It’s not gonna happen.” https://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/trump-says-biden-could-never-take-the-fifth-as-many-times-as-he-did
  3. Given Trump's propensity to take a golf cart rather than walk, one is tempted to say that he's not physically fit. But taking the 5th 440 times? Now, that's aerobic!
  4. Trump now claims he's being treated unfairly because Obama was allowed to take documents. It is to laugh.
  5. Not just that. For example, his claims that the 2020 election was stolen.
  6. And the big majority of Republicans who believe that the election was stolen aren't? Only on the grounds that once would have been considered rightwing lunacy in now mainstream in the Republican party.
  7. Well, it comes from those who invariably support Trump's actions as President but just say they disapprove of flaws in his character or personality. Big deal.
  8. Utterly false. There was a kerfuffle back then about groups using "tea party" or slogans related to it in their names being discriminated against by the IRS. Ultimately a report was issued by the Inspector General of the Treasury that these kinds of shortcuts had been in use by the IRS from 2004. I don't think, but you might have other information, that Obama was President then. Here's a link to that report. https://www.treasury.gov/tigta/auditreports/2017reports/201710054fr.pdf And just to make one thing clear: never was there produced any evidence that Obama had any knowledge of this at all. Never.
  9. If you mean by those here who claim "I don't love Trump but...", give it up.
  10. Yes the respect that Trump supporters have shown to Joe Biden has been truly inspirational!
  11. So, why are you calling on the FBI to release information if you don't know the real reasons.
  12. "The Embassy of Uzbekistan in Russia cautioned the Uzbek diaspora that any form of participation in the Russian invasion of Ukraine is punishable by up to 10 years in Uzbek prison, effectively denouncing Russian volunteer recruitment efforts among Central Asian immigrants. The Embassy noted that Uzbek law prohibits all citizens from engaging in mercenary activity and warned Uzbeks to stay clear of any “provocations.”[16] https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-august-10
  13. And Trump couldpossibly help answer that question by releasing the contents of the warrant. Shame on him!
  14. Funny. You still won't forthrightly declare that Trump should release the text of the warrant. Hmmm...why is that?
  15. First off, what you don't seem to understand is that as long as someone is President, it's the Justice Dept. position that they can't be criminally prosecuted. Robert Mueller did find 10 instances where he felt Trump could be prosecuted for obstruction of justice. He did suggest that other routes were available. i.el impeachment.Robert Barr flagrantly misrepresented what Mueller found. For that, he was roundly castigated by a federal judge. Since Trump left office has has teams of lawyers delaying the judicial process. That is his right. But it doesn't mean that there isn't a valid case or aren't valid cases to be made against him. And as for ascribing certain standards to OneMoreFarang, even if your characterization of his standards is correct, these are also the standards of Donald Trump who has called for the imprisonment of Joe Biden amongst others.
  16. "The Democrats are notorious for using state institutions to attack their opponents as Obama harnessed the authority of the IR to harras people." Are you saying that this is a fact or that it's "hysterical nonsense"?
  17. Then you should make that clear in your replies. Yours definitely didn't.
  18. Because an explanation from the FBI or Justice Dept would definitely be accepted by those who are now so incensed? Now if these people were prone to believe in conspiracies I would say that releasing some kind of explanation early on would be pointless but since they...oh wait a minute.
  19. Right. I'm sure that those incensed over the action would be placated by an explanation from the FBI.
  20. Possibly due to immigrants from Pakistan? "Pakistan is one of the two remaining countries[1][2] in the world where poliomyelitis (polio) is still categorized as an endemic viral infection,[3] the other one being Afghanistan.[1] As of August 2022, there has been 14 documented cases in Pakistan in 2022.[4][5] " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polio_in_Pakistan
  21. But why trust someone like John Solomon who has a long track record of being, shall we say, parsimonious with the truth?
  22. What I find interesting is the fact that the Trump supporters here are pressing for the FBI or Justice Dept to release information but don't seem in the least interested in why Trump hasn't released the text of the warrant. Presumably that might go a long way towards explaining their interest.
  23. But is it the truth? It's by John Solomon who got bounced from thehill.com for his very truth-challenged articles about the so-called Biden scandal in the Ukraine. In fact, justthenews.com was founded by John Solomon.
  24. That is what Eric Trump claimed. But he also claimed that Trump's lawyer didn't get a copy of the warrant. That was false. Eric also complained that the FBI didn't give advance warning of the search!
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