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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Well, since you're raising socialism as somehow having something to do with critics of the conservative contenders, it looks like you need another lesson: so·cial·ism a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
  2. Unfortunately, there are millions of fanboys who do.
  3. What's that got to do wiv Liz and Rishi? You mean like calling someone a socialist? Some people prefer to be a know-it-all. Others to be know-nothings. I know where you stand.
  4. Criticizing the ineptitude of a post is not the same thing as telling someone what to post. What don't you understand about that? As for it being a "socialist thing", it looks like you haven't learned your lesson yet. So... so·cial·ism a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. https://www.google.com/search?q=definition+of+socialism&oq=definition+of+&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j69i59l2j69i65l2.5103j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  5. Russia Is Now Openly Threatening to Bomb a Nuclear Power Plant Russia has threatened that it is prepared to blow up Europe’s largest nuclear power plant, the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine, in the latest indication that Russia’s war in Ukraine could be headed towards a nuclear disaster. The head of Russia's Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Troops nuclear power plant, Major General Valery Vasiliev, claimed that Russians had mined the nuclear power plant, according to Energoatam, a Ukrainian state nuclear agency. “There will be either Russian land or a scorched desert,” Vasiliev said, according to Energoatam. https://www.thedailybeast.com/zaporizhzhia-nuclear-disaster-miraculously-avoided-during-suicidal-russian-attack He goes on to say that if the Russians don't get to keep it, no one will.
  6. Just because words are comprehensible, that doesn't mean that they addressed the issue. Why don't you understand that?
  7. And I quote "Oh well, never mind, I can't get a straight answer......????"
  8. I wonder if it's about all the gifts from the grifts Records of foreign gifts given to Trump and Pence in 2020 are missing, State Department says The Trump White House did not provide information about foreign gifts received in 2020, the State Department said. The department said it could not compile a complete list of foreign gifts because of the missing data. The Trump administration has a history of flouting rules about gifts from foreign governments. https://www.businessinsider.com/foreign-gift-records-for-trump-pence-missing-state-department-2022-4
  9. Are the Telegraph and The Times too left wing for you? Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss rule out emergency Budget before new PM chosen Britons will have to wait until Sept 6 at the earliest for any changes to help with the cost of living crisis Mr Raab wrote in The Times: “If we go to the country in September with an emergency budget that fails to measure up to the task in hand, voters will not forgive us as they see their living standards eroded and the financial security they cherish disappear before their eyes.” https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2022/08/08/sunak-truss-rule-emergency-budget-new-pm-chosen/
  10. Another case of "I don't like Trump but..." If we were to make a book out of all the instance's of your criticisms of Trump you've posted to aseannow.com, it would consist of a front cover, a back cover and nothing in between.
  11. Thank you for sharing with us your logically rigorous analysis.
  12. Trump has lots of fans who are neo-Nais, white nationalists, etc. I don't think many of them are Democrats or Republicans. Does that make them neutral observers?
  13. In fact, it's so clear it's invisible. Like the evidence you have presented to support your contention. As I understand it, to be a radical leftie, among other things you would have to support the government taking over all means of production. Can you please share with us the evidence that those who disagree with your subscribe to this. I am sure you have this evidence because otherwise you would just be indulging in empty name calling. And as I understand it, the point of being an antifa member is to physically attack people they deem to be fascists. So, if you have evidence that some members of aseannow.com have engaged in such activity, I think it's your duty to report that to the proper authorities.
  14. So on the one hand you think that suspects are innocent until proven guilty. But on the other "I agree people should go to jail irrespective of their politics. Which makes the Hunter Biden debacle even more puzzling." Confused much?
  15. Can you please share with us all the evidence that the FBI has accummulated in this case. After all, to state so positively that it's politically motivated must mean that you know what all the evidence that's been gathered consists of.
  16. You would prefer a private company raided the premises? How about investigators from another country? Maybe Biden should have asked the Ukrainians to conduct the investigation. After all, Trump as President did push the Ukrainians to investigate Biden.
  17. As you may not be aware, Robert Mueller found grounds for 10 counts of obstruction of justice committed by Trump. But because Justice Dept policy says a President can't be indicted while in office, Mueller suggested other avenues. i.e. impeachment. Barr quashed that by misrepresenting the contents of the report. He was latter castigated by a federal judge for lying about the report.
  18. So Sturgeon was the PM of the UK during Covid? Shame on her for instituting the lockdowns!
  19. I actually already posted a link to a discussion with 3 economists. Here's another https://www.americanprogressaction.org/press/the-reviews-are-in-for-the-inflation-reduction-act/
  20. Well, until Kyrsten Sinema, the Republican-lite Senator from Arizona intervened to protect hedge fund managers amongst others, there was more in taxes being taken out. So too late to change the name. That said, there are plenty of economic analysts who think it will be anti-inflationary.
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