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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Why are you being misleading about the Canadian election? Liberals may have only gotten 33.1 % of the popular votes, but Trudeau became PM thanks to the votes of representative of other parties with whom they are quite closely ideologically aligned. In fact, if you total up the number of voters who supported those parties, the popular vote would be close to 60%.
  2. Thanks for citing that eminent scientific source, a company trying to sell its filter. But in fact, there is a big problem with contaminants from plastic acting like sex hormones in the water. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0303720721002598
  3. I guess with all the money they're saving on declining gas and power costs...oh wait a minute You might want to get acquainted with what evidence looks like. Here's a sample: New data shows food insecurity major challenge to levelling up agenda New data released by the Food Foundation shows continued rise in food insecurity across the UK. Compared with July 2021 the figure has risen from 7.3% of UK households to 8.8% (4.7 million adults) in the past month. 3.6% (1 million) adults reported that they or someone in their household have had to go a whole day without eating in the past month because they couldn’t afford or access food. The Food Foundation calls on Government to make food insecurity central to the levelling up agenda. People who are limited a lot by disability are approximately 5 times more likely to be food insecure (in the past six months) than people who aren’t living with a disability https://foodfoundation.org.uk/press-release/new-data-shows-food-insecurity-major-challenge-levelling-agenda#:~:text=New data released by the,adults) in the past month.
  4. Really? "The Trussell Trust has seen a staggering increase in the number of food parcels distributed over the last five years. Food banks in the food charity network provided more than 2.1 million emergency food parcels between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2022. Of these, 832,000 were for children. This represents an 81% increase compared to the same period five years ago. https://www.civilsociety.co.uk/news/trussell-trust-sees-81-increase-in-food-bank-usage-across-its-network.html#:~:text=The Trussell Trust has seen,these%2C 832%2C000 were for children.
  5. That has absolutely no bearing on the comments made by Hanaguma about Trump. Apparently Hanaguma and I agree that Trump and his supporters are trolls.
  6. So, to join, can they pay 7 pence a day? A lump sum of 25 quid is no small quantity to lots of people in the UK.
  7. Thanks for the personal comments. Have you installed some medical spyware on my computer or smartphone. In fact, you know nothing about me or my emotions. Maybe you're projecting? But it's interesting to see that you acknowledge that Trump and his supporters are trolls.
  8. You just claimed that if people who disagree with Trump would ignore him, he would go away. What does anything you've written here have to do with that claim?
  9. Well, to vote you have to pay 25 quid to be a member. So I doubt that many people struggling financially will get much of a say in who the next PM will be.
  10. What a ridiculous comment. You think if the people who don't like Trump ignore him, he'll go away? Do you realize that means in your estimation he's nothing more than a troll? That he's only in this to annoy people? This his supporters mean nothing to him?
  11. False. The reason that a Proclamation of Insurrection has to be declared is that ordinarily the National Guard's commander-in-chief is the governor of the state. The proclamation changes that so their commander-in-chief is now the President. But in Washington D.C. there is no governor. D.C. is a federal zone. The Guard's commander-in-chief is the President. So no need for a Proclamation of Insurrection.
  12. When 99.9% of scientific research contradicts what a nutter believes, maybe it's time for that nutter to return to sanity.
  13. Well, what some of the conspiracy theorists are claiming without any evidence is that not only did the plane at the Pentagon crash but there was in addition a missile or a detonation of some kind. Even though none of that is needed to explain the damage inflicted on the building.
  14. Because his vice-President was calling in saying that it was an emergency. You know, the guy that Trump thought deserved those "Hang Mike Pence" chants. And while the President maybe be prohibited from using the national guard in states unless a Proclamation of Insurrection is promulgated (of course, he could issue one) in Washington DC the National Guard reports directly to him since D.C. is a federal entitiy. so no such proclamation is necessary.
  15. When the obvious answers are ignored, it's clear that such questions are not being asked to elicit illumination but rather are rhetorical in nature.
  16. Over funding? Everything You mean the poor in the cities were just being given more than they could legitimately consume? Or rather is that there's not really enough budgeted in the first place? 'Before the budget squeeze, governments led by both the Conservative and Labour parties achieved progress on childhood poverty. The number of minors living in “relative poverty” fell by roughly 800,000, to 3.5 million, between 1998 and 2012. But the trend began to reverse in 2012, the year Parliament passed the Welfare Reform Act, a central plank of austerity: Since then, about 600,000 children have fallen back into “relative poverty.”' https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/24/world/europe/britain-austerity-may-budget.html
  17. But asking why an airplane didn't punch an airplane shaped hole in a structure, when the answer was readily available online, does call someone's objectivity into question. And does give some insight into the kind of sources they use for information. And the kind they don't.
  18. We've got a live one. "In this case, one wing hit the ground; the other was sheared off by the force of the impact with the Pentagon's load-bearing columns, explains Sozen, who specializes in the behavior of concrete buildings. What was left of the plane flowed into the structure in a state closer to a liquid than a solid mass. "If you expected the entire wing to cut into the building," Sozen tells Popular Mechanics, "it didn't happen." https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/a5659/debunking-911-myths-pentagon/ You know you could actually look this stuff up.
  19. Maybe they'll believe it if it comes from The Express "It’s simply wrong to rule out further direct support at this time as Liz Truss has done and what’s more her tax proposals are not going to help very significantly, people like pensioners or those on low incomes who are exactly the kind of families that are going to need help." https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1651624/rishi-sunak-liz-truss-cost-of-living-crisis-tory-leadership-contest-latest-news-ont Times and Telegraph have it too but they're behind a pay wall.
  20. Just don't rhyme Lizzy with dizzy? I'm guessing "busy" would be OK. What about "fizzy"? Or "tizzy"?
  21. Even worse, I forgot to mention the climate change conspiracy theories which are subscribed to by many members of this forum.
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