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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. As I've pointed out earlier, lots of these loons believed that breaking into the Capitol would precipitate what the Qanonists call "The Storm". Which would result in the imprisonment and mass execution of govt officials both elected and appointed, and restore Donald Trump to the throne. Actually, it seems that Ginny Thomas, the wife of Clarence Thomas, was one of those believers. Although she didn't break into the Capitol.
  2. Oddly enough, I'm gonna take the word of the executive of the Port of Dover over the report of your anonymous friend.
  3. It's inspiring that you and your fellow believers are rejecting materialism. In your own way, you turn out to be Greenies.
  4. Actually, for quite a long stretch the French were employing quite brutal means to break up those encampments and haul away the residents. But apparently they lost their appetite for the cruelty.
  5. It's funny. The EU country that Brexiters seem most fond of is Hungary, which on a per capita basis is the biggest receiver of EU cash.
  6. As someone else pointed out, there's a saying that Brexit is a mood, not a policy. People ruled by emotions tend to do unintelligent things. It doesn't mean that they are basically unintelligent.
  7. I have no idea what you're on about. Is this some displaced reference to drones from another post? If so, is Iran the only manufacturer of them?
  8. Who says they haven't? https://www.thelocal.fr/20211112/what-is-france-doing-to-stop-migrants-crossing-the-channel/
  9. I don't think all Brexit voters actually voted for that. Remember that the Tories claimed that trade would be frictionless after Brexit and that the EU would back down. Lots of voters believed that.
  10. How do you know that they aren't using drones already? It's still 150 kilometers of coastline. Can drones be constantly watching all of it.
  11. So you're claiming that all the illegal immigrants could enter the UK legally? Really?
  12. The port of Dover's chief executive disagrees with your categorical denial: "The Port of Dover's chief executive Doug Bannister accepted that Brexit had resulted in delays, telling LBC on Saturday his team were "recognizing that we are in a post-Brexit environment, which means the transaction times through the borders are going to take longer."" https://edition.cnn.com/2022/07/23/uk/uk-france-dover-delays-brexit-gbr-intl/index.html
  13. Apparently, you are impervious to understanding that this is an open forum. If you want privacy, that's what the PM system is for.
  14. "The Project Fear" campaign, which is how Brexiters characterized Remainers warning about what would ensue after Brexit, was about what would happen in the future. Well, the future is now the present. So it's no longer about fearing the future, but rather mourning the present. And of course, there is the dubious consolation of schadenfreude as in "I told you so".
  15. Actually, they're living in a dismal present which they predicted.
  16. You expect 100% protection. Maybe the UK should up its payments. Although the law of diminishing returns does apply What is France doing to prevent illegal small boat crossings to UK? “It is very difficult for the police to stop people from crossing. We are talking about 150km of coastline, not a port,” he said. “The more money the UK gives to France to militarise the border, the more migrants will turn to traffickers to try to make it across – because they have no legitimate way of doing so.” https://www.thelocal.fr/20211112/what-is-france-doing-to-stop-migrants-crossing-the-channel/
  17. Here's a link to the video which shows the battery swapping procedure. If you want to skip the introductory stuff, start at the 4 minute mark. It takes about 3 minutes to swap a battery. https://insideevs.com/news/591837/nio-battery-swapping-station-norway-5-minutes/
  18. And the law is very unclear. It only applies if you can claim that being 10 years old is a medical condition.
  19. I've got some alarming news for you. Somebody has hacked into your account:
  20. Actually most of the water is consumed by agriculture. Including crops that consume a lot of water like cotton and alfalfa.
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