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  1. Here's an election prediction from the Economist via a deep dive into polling. "This year, in partnership with WeThink, a polling firm, The Economist has conducted its first-ever mrp analysis of a British general election. This mega-poll finds that Labour is on track to win 465 of the 632 seats in England, Scotland and Wales, giving it the biggest majority since the second world war. Meanwhile, the ruling Conservative Party, which won 365 seats in 2019, is set to collapse to a mere 76, the fewest in its history." https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2024/06/26/our-new-mega-poll-gives-labour-an-expected-majority-of-280-seats
  2. Your environment concerns about South America are touching. A Growing Movement Looks to End Oil Drilling in the Amazon Activists and Indigenous groups used a summit of South American leaders to highlight a campaign to phase-out drilling in the world’s largest tropical rainforest. When leaders of eight Amazon nations gathered this week in Brazil for a summit on deforestation, they also played host to a growing movement by civil society groups to phase out oil and gas development within the world’s largest tropical rainforest. The Amazon basin has seen renewed efforts to expand drilling into new areas in recent years as governments and oil companies have sought to replace declining production from decades-old fields in Ecuador, Peru and other countries. Existing or planned oil and gas development blocks cover an estimated 250,000 square miles of undisturbed forest across the basin, according to a report last year by the environmental group Earth InSight, an area that is home to more than 12 million people. https://insideclimatenews.org/news/10082023/amazon-nations-debate-ending-oil-exploration/#:~:text=Decades of oil development have,wastewater%2C poisoning people and wildlife.
  3. Making things up much? Got any figures to show how much those heat those a/c unis emit vs how much heat is incoming from solar radiation? Any actual figures on how much is trapped due to greenhouse gases? Give it up already. From the landing page of the World News Forum "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." https://aseannow.com/forum/158-world-news/
  4. Says the party who used the phrase "Biden crime family." A highly motivated House impeachment committee couldn't come up with anything against Joe Biden. Except that phrase.
  5. Actually it's very important for kjds to have the 10 commandments posted in classrooms. The prohibition against worshipping graven images should help keep them from turning into Hindus or Buddhists. Oddly enough, while a commandment prohibits coveting the wives of neighbors, it says nothing about husbands. So I guess that gives permission to little girls to covet their neighbors' husbands. Let the coveting begin!
  6. Because in this situation someone has to have the deciding vote. Both parties make an equal genetic contribution but only one does all the work afterwards. Think of it like a business deal. 2 partners each contribute 50 percent of the capital but one is a passive investor and the other actually runs the business. Sweat equity counts.
  7. Your claim was that "fully viable children" are being aborted. That is not the same thing as late term abortions being permitted.
  8. In what locations are "fully viable children" being aborted?
  9. Experts on hunger say that almost half a million people in Gaza face starvation. In March, the I.P.C. predicted that famine would likely occur in northern Gaza by the end of May. But on Tuesday, it said that the amount of food and other nutrition delivered there had increased in March and April. Those increases “appear to have temporarily alleviated conditions” in the north, the report said, adding, “In this context, the available evidence does not indicate that famine is currently occurring.” https://archive.ph/6HoVC
  10. Had you bothered to read the report, or even skim it, you would know that it only referred to Northern Gaza where about 300,000 Gazans are located. 1.9 million are elsewhere.
  11. I've got graphs and stats. You've got nothing.
  12. That critique would be valid if in fact most of the other economically developed nations also hadn't experienced high inflation. In fact, the US is performing far better than the economies of other economically developed nations.
  13. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1325899/public-awareness-of-net-zero-concept-united-kingdom/ And then there are the useless idiots who believe it's a conspiracy. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/08/09/what-the-data-says-about-americans-views-of-climate-change/
  14. What you didn't note is this: The trend is coinciding with plunging sales of internal combustion engine vehicles as well as falling production. https://www.thaiexaminer.com/thai-news-foreigners/2024/04/26/sales-of-ev-cars-fell-in-thailand-in-february-and-march-2024/
  15. Because the Arctic is warming at a faster pace than the world as a whole. which means that greenland is dumping huge amounts of water into the seas. And the arctic floating ice with a high albedo is decreasing and that means the seas get warmer faster.
  16. Someone else who doesn't understand that it isn't about warming per se but the rate of warming.
  17. Some confused thinking here from a self-proclaimed scientist. For one thing, as a scientist, you should understand that climate change isn't just about change per se, but rate of change. I don't see any evidence that you have taken that into account. Which omission is kind of odd for a scientist. Whatever do you mean by "The Earth is somewhat 'stronger' than our puny species and you can't change a climatic effect that has existed for millions of years." Because there are long term temperature changes that are caused by factors extraneous to greenhouse gas levels, that means that on a shorter term basis reversing the rise would be ineffective? On what scientific basis do you deny that the same surge which was caused by increased levels of greenhouse gases can't be reversed by lowering them?
  18. Take it up with the DA's office. And what happened to your promise to stop replying? I guess it went the way of your promise to keep on producing videos every time I posted a reply to you.
  19. Anyway, as I pointed out average temperatures have risen sharply in Saudi Arabia since then. I also went to wunderground.com to look to see if any July temperatures had risen to 50 C. in Riyadh. July is the hottest month. I couldn't find any but the records only go back to 1997.
  20. I specifically noted "identifiable students"? I didn't see any that were identifiable from the that video. And you repeatedly claimed that being arrested by the police constituted evidence that these people committed crimes.
  21. It was truly an amazing achievement that Russia and China signed on to. Now Iran is getting very close to having high quality nuclear material. Enough to make weapons. It's an entirely rational decision. If Ukraine hadn't given up its nuclear weapons, would Russia ever have invaded?
  22. I never claimed that there was no valid evidence against all those people. You're the one who claimed that the police arrest is evidence that all of those arrested committed crimes. And you claimed to be ablle to show videos that proved that these people had committed crimes despite the fact that the DA's office said that the video evidence was poor. And the videos you linked to clearly supported the DA's office characterization.
  23. "Manhattan district attorney's office told a court on Thursday that they would drop the charges against 31 protesters citing "prosecutorial discretion and lack of evidence". Apparently the Manhattan DA.s office, unlike you, understands that the fact that someone gets arrested does not, in itself, count as evidence.
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