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  1. You still haven't explained what advantage having 2 batteries provides over having 1 battery. How will 2 batteries increase the charging rate of the solar cells?
  2. it turns out that the shooter killed Abe because he supported a religious organization, overwhelmingly likely to be the Unification Church, that had bankrupted his mother. Lots of right wing politicians pay homage to the church founded by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. The church that claimed Moon was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. Here's the homage that one shameless politician paid: "In his remarks at the “Rally of Hope,” which was organized by Moon’s widow, Hak Ja Han Moon, who is known in Unification circles as “True Mother,” Trump called her “a tremendous person” and praised “her incredible work on behalf of peace all over the world.” He added thanks to both Moons: “The inspiration that they have caused for the entire planet is unbelievable.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/07/12/unification-church-japan-shinzo-abe/
  3. No. There are HEV's (Hybrid Electric Vehicles) and PHEV's (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles).
  4. What advantage would that bring? 2 batteries mean twice as much weight, and more volume. So an auto is going to have to be a lot larger. And get lower mileage. What's the problem with charging the single battery via solar? Only if the battery is charged to the optimum level would solar charging be turned off.
  5. Actually, you're misstating the case. Neither the orginal Roe v. Wade nor the Dobbs case refers to any right specifically mentioned in the Constitution.
  6. Actually, many were there because of a prophecy by QAnon that by invading the Capitol, the demonstrators would bring on the "Storm". You know, when all those Democratic malfactors and sympathizers in govt would be detained, tried, and executed. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/01/13/qanon-capitol-siege-trump/
  7. Just an innocent nothingburger... Newsmax’s Greg Kelly: Hey, Maybe Trump Just ‘Butt Dialed’ the Jan. 6 Witness Greg Kelly, the Trumpiest host at ardently MAGA cable channel Newsmax, dismissed the blockbuster revelation that former President Donald Trump tried to call a witness set to appear before the Jan. 6 House committee. According to Kelly on Tuesday evening, this was much ado about nothing because the ex-president likely just “butt dialed” that person. https://www.thedailybeast.com/newsmax-host-greg-kelly-says-trump-maybe-just-butt-dialed-the-jan-6-witness
  8. True. But it's one thing coming from those who had no use for Trump, quite another coming from someone like Bannon. MAGA supporters will write the formers' opinions off, but Bannon should be another matter. That said, they probably will find a way to ignore it anyway or maybe accuse Bannon of being a RINO.
  9. Days before the 2020 election, Steve Bannon said Trump is 'just gonna say he's a winner' – even if he loses, report based off leaked audio says In a leaked audio recording, former Trump aide Steve Bannon can be heard saying that Trump was planning to reject the results of the 2020 election, even if he lost, according to the recording obtained by Mother Jones. In the audio clip, recorded during a meeting between Bannon and his associates on October 31, 2020, Bannon says that the former president is "just gonna say he's a winner."... Later in the audio Bannon says to expect "crazy <deleted>" from Trump after the election and that, "at 10 or 11 o'clock Trump's gonna walk in the Oval, tweet out, 'I'm the winner. https://news.yahoo.com/days-2020-election-steve-bannon-012139499.html
  10. As for Trump...it wasn't until Jul 11, 2018 that he publicly opposed the Nordstream 2 pipeline. And then a few days later, he turned to mush on the issue: Trump Softens on Nord Stream 2 Pipeline During the press conference that followed this morning’s U.S.–Russia summit in Helsinki, Donald Trump seemed to soften his criticism of Nord Stream 2, a Russian-backed natural-gas pipeline that would run under the Baltic Sea from Russia to northern Germany.'' But following his sit-down with Putin, Trump was more amenable to Germany’s position. The president now says he knows “where they’re all coming from” and frames America’s dispute with Russia over energy issues as one between good-natured competitors. https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/07/donald-trump-softens-russias-nord-stream-2/ With Trump Going Soft on Nord Stream, Congress Moves to Kill the Pipeline U.S. lawmakers, at least, worry that Europe’s reliance on Moscow for energy could give Russia key leverage. https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/07/19/with-trump-going-soft-on-nord-stream-congress-readies-to-kill-the-pipeline-russia-helsinki/
  11. Actually, you got it wrong. Biden did agree to let Nordstream 2 go ahead. But in return, he got Germany's promise that if Russia invaded Ukraine, Nordstream 2 would die. Pretty prescient move, no? Germany agrees to axe Nord Stream 2 if Russia invades Ukraine The United States and Germany appear to have agreed that the Russia-favoured Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline will not come to life if Russia invades Ukraine, according to statements from the two countries’ officials. The first indication came from the US State Department, which said that Nord Stream 2, linking Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea, will not move forward if Russia invades Ukraine, in a significant strengthening of the West’s previous position on the strategically vital gas supply. “I want to be very clear: if Russia invades Ukraine one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward,” State Department spokesperson Ned Price stated on Wednesday (26 January). https://www.euractiv.com/section/global-europe/news/germany-agrees-to-axe-nord-stream-2-if-russia-invades-ukraine/
  12. This article is dated Nov 30, 2015 Seven EU countries oppose Nord Stream Seven countries, all new members from Central and Eastern Europe, have rallied around the position that Russia’s plans to double the capacity of its gas pipeline to Germany run counter to EU interests and risk further destabilizing Ukraine, EURACTIV has learned. A group of European companies signed an agreement with Gazprom in September to expand its Nord Stream pipeline to Germany, bypassing Ukraine... Slovakia, Poland, as well as the USA have taken position against the expansion of Nord Stream. https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy/news/seven-eu-countries-oppose-nord-stream/
  13. From Aug 25, 2016 Biden warns Europe against dependency on Russia for heating oil and natural gas US Vice President Joe Biden warned European countries against becoming too dependent on Russian oil and gas, saying it would be "bad" for Europe. Biden was specifically referring to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline which is supposed to deliver natural gas from Russia to Germany via the Baltic Sea. He called it "a fundamentally bad deal for Europe," adding that "Europe needs diverse sources of natural gas, not, in our view, a Nord Stream 2 pipeline." https://www.dw.com/en/biden-warns-europe-against-dependency-on-russia-for-heating-oil-and-natural-gas/a-19503334 Biden was actually way ahead of Trump in warning of the dangers of depending on Russia for natural gas.
  14. Just maybe, just possibly perhaps the reason the word unprovoked is mentioned so often is that the defenders of Russia like you for example often describe the war as being provoked, as though Russia bears little or no responsibility for the present situation. Or that the responsibility is somehow shared equally between Ukraine and its allies on the one hand and Russia on the other
  15. Michael Shellenberger is a notoriously unreliable source of information. Book review: Bad science and bad arguments abound in ‘Apocalypse Never’ by Michael Shellenberger https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2020/07/review-bad-science-and-bad-arguments-abound-in-apocalypse-never/ As he didn't note, 15 years ago the Netherlands were the EU's biggest producer by far but have since depleted most of their gas reserves. https://www.bloomberg.com/professional/blog/europes-biggest-natural-gas-producer-running-fuel/ Shellenberger claimed "we now think there is strong evidence" that Russians are supporting environmentalists.. The evidence is so strong that he only thinks it exists? He doesn't offer evidence to prove it? The truth is that fracking is unpopular with the citizenry of Europe. You don't need claims of Russian support to understand that.
  16. As the article pointed out, only these troops reported that prisoners went for weapons when they accompanied soldiers back into the house. No where else in Afghanistan was this reported. Forensic experts also noted the downward trajectory of bullets fired on homes. Not consistent with a firefight. But I'm sure you read the article and noted these peculiarities.
  17. A US proxy war that not only Ukraine, but countries on Russia's borders such as Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland enthusiastically support. How condescending can you be? You might ask yourself what these border nations know about Russia that you don't.
  18. From the article: "But senior officers became concerned by the frequency with which the squadron's own accounts described detainees being taken back inside buildings and then grabbing for hidden weapons - an enemy tactic not reported by other British military forces operating in Afghanistan."
  19. The current spike in temperature is unprecedented for millions of years. So, no, it hasn't been borne out by scientiric records. Paleoclimatologists have come to exactly the opposite conclusion of what you claim. As for using that ridiculous photo of Sidney Harbor. Have you ever heard of something called "tides". Unless that is accounted for, that photo is completely worthless as evidence of anything. In addition, land rises or sinks at different rates around the world. So unless that is taken into account, data is lacking to come to conclusion. It's amazing what garbage people with an axe to grind and no use for science will fall for. Fact Check-Side-by-side comparison of two photographs cannot accurately determine sea level change "It is not possible to gauge sea level rise simply by comparing two images of a location side-by-side, experts told Reuters, despite claims made online. A widely shared post compares two images of Fort Denison, Sydney, with a caption that reads: “Unprecedented climate change has caused sea level at Sydney Harbour to rise approximately 0.0cm over the past 140 years” (here)." https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-sydney-sea-level-idUSL1N2RL1Q4
  20. Is this from the same incident? Another General Killed as Russian Leak Admits ‘Big Shot F***ing Command’ Was Obliterated Ukrainian forces took out yet another Russian general in a massive counterattack in Kherson, local authorities said Tuesday. A general and five Russian military officers were killed in a Ukrainian strike on Russian headquarters using the U.S.-supplied M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARs), according to Serhiy Bratchuk, a representative of the Odesa regional military administration. “After a strike by HIMARS on the headquarters in the Kherson region, Major General [Artyom] Nasbulin, the head of the 22nd Army Corps of the Russian Armed Forces (military unit 73954, Simferopol), was killed https://www.thedailybeast.com/another-general-killed-as-russian-leak-admits-big-shot-<deleted>-command-was-obliterated
  21. Because it's a matter of frequency. Event's viewed in isolation are about weather. Events viewed in context are about climate. But the way you three think, a record hot day is just a day with no significance beyond that. But when viewed in context, that record hot days in Australia now outnumber record cold days by a margin of 12 to 1, it's about climate.
  22. Germany specific? The Euro is not the Deutschmark which no longer exists.
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