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  1. The likelihood of a deal is good. But your claims about twitter's liability for fraud are clearly nonsensical. You clearly don't have a clue about the law in cases like this. Twitter has always been careful to comply with SEC regulations in its filings. It always stated that its figures were accurate to the best of its belief. What makes your argument even more ridiculous is that one of the tasks that Musk explicitly and publicly set for himself once he purchased Twitter was to clean up the bots which he claimed was a far more serious matter than Twitter let on. So he's going to sue Twitter for a problem he knew about in advance of the purchase? On what grounds? That he's got a split personality?
  2. Which comment takes no account of the specific performance clause in the contract signed by Musk which guaranteed the premium price that Musk agreed to.
  3. Sure. He's said for months that he wants to lead a mission there and it hasn't yet happened. How disingenuous are you?
  4. What you failed to mention is that Russia is denying the IEAE access to inspect the plants. Are the Wall St. Journal and Reuters mainstream enough for you? U.N. Atomic Agency Chief Presses for Access to Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant U.N. atomic agency chief Rafael Grossi said he is pressing for access to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine, which is Europe's largest such facility containing six reactors. “We hope to go there to be able to prevent...a problem, or we end up finding that there are a few hundred kilograms of nuclear weapon-grade material going missing. This is what keeps us awake at night at the moment,” Mr. Grossi said at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on Wednesday. The Zaporizhzhia plant has been under the control of Russian forces since the early days of the Ukraine invasion but Ukrainian staff continue to operate the facility. https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/russia-ukraine-latest-news-2022-05-25/card/u-n-atomic-agency-chief-presses-for-access-to-zaporizhzhia-nuclear-plant-g7vHkGVBMtlvYgYQPakd IAEA voices concern for staff at Ukrainian nuclear plant, demands access VIENNA, June 6 (Reuters) - The U.N. nuclear watchdog is working on sending an international mission of experts to the Russian-held nuclear power plant at Zaporizhzhia in Ukraine, Europe's largest, its chief Rafael Grossi said on Monday. International Atomic Energy Agency chief Grossi has for months said that the situation at Zaporizhzhia, where Ukrainian staff are working under Russian orders, poses a safety risk and said he wants to lead a mission there. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/iaea-chief-working-mission-russian-held-zaporizhzhia-nuclear-plant-2022-06-06/
  5. The meme is ridiculous and utterly false. I guess the need to believe in Musk is so strong that any lie, no matter how improbable, will serve to shore up the desperate need to believe in Musk the superhero. I guess the genius also foresaw the collapse in the price of Tesla stock? "Corporate-law experts say Twitter appears to be on sounder legal footing than Mr. Musk. The filing didn’t provide evidence to back up his assertion that the estimate was inaccurate or an alternate calculation. “This isn’t even in the ballpark,” said Zohar Goshen, professor of transactional law at Columbia Law School, adding that the impact on a company’s value needs to be so dramatic that its value would be halved, for example." https://www.wsj.com/articles/elon-musk-twitter-strange-legal-fight-11657488572?mod=hp_lead_pos5
  6. My post was in response to the varying claims of how much of Thai GDP tourism was responsible for. Not to establish that 2020 was a bad year for tourism.
  7. Rarely have I seen so pronounced a case of willful ignorance. Can you cite anyone with expertise in such matters who says differently? Anyone? Anyway, before due diligence became an issue, it was already reported that Musk had waived his right to it. All the way back in April when the deal was announced. This article in Bloomberg appeared a couple of days after the deal was made public. How would it even have been suspected that Musk was going to renege? "It is worth noting that Elon Musk’s offer to buy the company was not contingent on customary due diligence, and given the timeline he basically didn’t do any. Davis and Baker report that “the transaction came together at breakneck speed in part because Musk waived the chance to look at Twitter’s finances beyond what was publicly available.” https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-04-26/elon-got-his-deal https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-04-26/twitter-takeover-was-brash-and-fast-with-musk-calling-the-shots?srnd=premium Keep in mind that at the time he actually was going over the heads of Twitter management to appeal to stockholders directly to accept his offer. This article in Bloomberg appeared a couple of days after the deal was made public. How would it even have been suspected that Musk was going to renege? Keep in mind that at the time he actually was going over the heads of Twitter management to appeal to stockholders directly to accept his offer.
  8. What don't you understand about the fact that Musk waived his right to due diligence? And no, they didn't lie in the SEC filings. They always noted that their estimate could be substantially off. And to make his case, Musk would have to prove that these figures had a "material adverse effect" on the deal. The Delaware courts set a very very high bar for something to qualify as a material adverse effect. . And please, tell us where it's been contradicted that musk waived his rights to due diligence. I don't need a good nose for BS to smell that your comments are full of it.
  9. As I noted in my reply, I quoted myself. But apparently for some inexplicable, the person I replied to doesn't not read all my posts. So for their benefit, I quoted it.
  10. You kind of left out who Ukrainians blame most of all and by far, didn't you? And the group that Ukrainians blame the least, ultra rightiest, are the ones Russia used as an excuse for the invasion https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/documents/WSJ_NORC_Ukraine_Poll_June_2022.pdf
  11. If 1 billion was all Musk stood to lose, I don't think he'd have a problem paying it. However, to quote myslef: "It's about a clause in the contract called a "specific performance" clause. "How it works: Section 9.9 of the Musk-Twitter merger agreement says that the company "shall be entitled to specific performance or other equitable remedy to enforce [Musk's] obligations," assuming various other conditions are satisfied. The key precedent is IBP Inc. v. Tyson Foods Inc, with Don Tyson of Tyson Foods playing the role of Elon Musk. He tried to back out of an agreed acquisition of IBP, but in 2001 was forced to buy the company anyway by the Delaware Chancery Court." https://www.axios.com/2022/07/09/twitter-elon-musk-specific-performance Keep in mind that Musk's position is even weaker because he gave up the right to due diligence."
  12. You seem to assume that twitter is hiding the real number. If you had bothered to do the least little bit of research on the subject, you would know that nobody really knows the number or can tell. The fact is Musk waived his right to due diligence. A very foolish move. The case will be decided by a judge who has technical expertise in corporate law as it is enforced in Delaware where the case will be adjudicated if it comes to trial. He or she won't be moved by empty allegations that you've frothed up here.
  13. Pregnant woman ticketed for driving on carpool lane in Texas says unborn baby should count as passenger A pregnant woman who received a ticket for driving alone in a carpool lane in Texas said that her unborn child should count as a passenger. Brandy Bottone, of Plano, Texas, was recently driving down Central Expressway approaching the exit for I-635 when she was stopped by an officer checking for high-occupancy-vehicle lane compliance. By law, HOV lanes have restrictions to encourage ridesharing and require drivers to have at least one passenger inside the vehicle, according to the Department of Transportation. https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ny-texas-woman-fined-unborn-baby-counted-second-person-ticket-carpool-lane-hov-20220709-afwcdaekuzbvdgmm3o3242jo2q-story.html
  14. Most lawyers I've seen commenting on the case say it would take about a year.
  15. It's just that as the history of the Delaware Chancery Court stands, the prospects don't look so promising for Musk. And, if the decision goes against Musk, it's not clear that Musk would comply.
  16. If it were only a case of him being liable to pay the breakup fee, he probably would. But that's not the case.
  17. You should do a little research on the question. No one really knows. It's a very difficult figure to ascertain. They gave Musk raw data. And as I have already pointed out, his waiving of due diligence means that essentially Twitter did him a courtesy by releasing the info. They were under no obligation to do so.
  18. Thanks for the rant. I guess it's just a coincidence that prices are going up all over the world? And i'm sure you've done a careful analysis to compare how inflation is doing in the USA vs other developed nations. Can you share with us the results of your research? And what's your evidence that fossil fuel extraction in the US has been hurt by green policies? U.S. Oil Exports Soar as World Works to Replace Russian Supplies The U.S. exported the most oil and petroleum products in history last week as countries across the world work to replace Russian supplies in the wake of the war in Ukraine. Exports of U.S. crude and petroleum products surged to a weekly record of 10.6 million barrels a day during the week ending April 15, according to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The country’s exports also outweighed its imports by the most ever in government data going back to 1990. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-04-20/u-s-oil-exports-soar-as-world-works-to-replace-russian-supplies
  19. US Job Gains Top Estimates; Jobless Rate Holds at 3.6% https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-08/us-job-gains-top-estimates-unemployment-rate-holds-at-3-6
  20. Twitter has always noted that the 5% is an estimate and could be higher. Twitter is under no obligation to release any data to the boy genius since he waived the right to due diligence. But in fact it did release a flood of information to Musk. Musk is using this alleged lack of info to claim "adverse material effect". The Delaware courts have set a very very high bar for such a claim to hold water.
  21. Oh please. This is not news. It's been known for a long time that it's not easy to determine what percentage of twitter accounts are bots. Moreover, keep in mind that it's Elon Musk making the accusations. Not exactly a trusted source. But certainly a highly self-interested one.
  22. For all you legal geniuses out there who believe that the Delaware Court of Chancery can't or won't force Musk to honor his contract:. It's about a clause in the contract called a "specific performance" clause. "How it works: Section 9.9 of the Musk-Twitter merger agreement says that the company "shall be entitled to specific performance or other equitable remedy to enforce [Musk's] obligations," assuming various other conditions are satisfied. The key precedent is IBP Inc. v. Tyson Foods Inc, with Don Tyson of Tyson Foods playing the role of Elon Musk. He tried to back out of an agreed acquisition of IBP, but in 2001 was forced to buy the company anyway by the Delaware Chancery Court." https://www.axios.com/2022/07/09/twitter-elon-musk-specific-performance Keep in mind that Musk's position is even weaker because he gave up the right to due diligence. Of course, if he loses the case in court, he might still refuse to pay. No one knows what might happen if he does this. It would probably thrill his fanboys who tend to love authoritarian figures who disregard the law.
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