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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. The problem for Musk is that it's very unlikely the the Delaware Chancery Court, where such cases are adjudicated, is going to be impressed by his arguments. When he signed that contract, he signed away his rights to due diligence. So arguments that my impress a jury, are extremely unlikely to hold any persuasive power for justices who decide such issues based on actual corporate and contract law.
  2. If Ukraine hadn't agreed to surrender the nuclear weapons, Russia wouldn't have let it go. The nuclear provisions were there to please Russia and not to encourage nuclear proliferation. And spare me your cheap rhetorical trick of deprecating a strong argument by calling it a weak one.. Of course, Ukraine felt threatened by Russia. Ukraine has hardly had a happy experience of Russian domination. Its bid to be a free nation was brutally quashed by the new Soviet govt in the wake of WW1 and Stalin had millions of Ukrainians starved to death in the 1930's.
  3. Whatever one thinks about the advisability of using nuclear and natural gas, that was not the issue. The issue is whether or not they are green. While a sort of case can be made for nuclear, the extraction of natural gas is an ongoing environmental disaster.
  4. Does this mean I get to collect my winnings now? I'm going to take them and splash out for a feast at the fanciest restaurant I can find. And then skip out on the bill.
  5. Really? So NATO was considered to be a threat to Ukraine? Considered to be a threat by whom? If Ukrainians really felt threatened by NATO then why did they overwhelmingly vote to leave the warm protective embrace of its Russian big brother? 90% of those Ukrainians who voted, voted for Ukraine to become independent. You think they felt threatened by NATO?
  6. Depends what you mean by long range. North Korea did fire ballistic missiles over japan that flew 2200 kilometers. And they have a missile that has a range of 3500 kilometers. In addition they've demonstrated the capability to fire missiles from submarines. So that extends the range quite a bit, no?
  7. Including you. So maybe you should be a little less categorical about what a poor nation can afford in the way of nuclear weapons.
  8. Actually it is as if these currencies are doing better than the British pound. They may have declined but they have declined less
  9. And I don't care what other think either because I nearly have an IQ!
  10. What I was pointing out that it's simplistic to say that a cheap pound is a good thing. It would be a better thing if it weren't so cheap because that would indicate that the economy is healthier. I don't care about your personal financial situation and the value of the pound is irrelevant to mine.
  11. So the lower the pound goes, the better the news is? You hoping the that pound achieves parity with the dollar? This reminds of a character in Catch-22 who usually sported a miserable look on his face because of the tension of waiting for the inevitable bad news.. The only time he smiled was when the bad news came and he was slated again for another dangerous bombing run. No more tension. We also have cryptocurrency enthusiasts who are cheering the sharp decline of bitcoin, ethereum, etc because it means that they can buy coins more cheaply..
  12. I said nothing about whether Brexit was a good idea or not . I wrote "Brexit under Boris is an ongoing disaster" If you think Boris was the man to do the job, then you have very low standards for what it takes to do a job properly.
  13. The difference is that under Churchill WW2 was also a disaster for the British economy that couldn't be helped Brexit under Boris is on ongoing disaster that could be..
  14. You mean how the voters booted him and his fellow tories from office after the war?
  15. On what grounds are you confident that "Ukraine owns weaponry that can destroy targets far inside Russia"? Don't you think that if Ukraine had such weapons they would have already used the to destroy, for example, Russian naval vessels docked at Sevastopol in Crimea?
  16. And I have repeatedly pointed out to you that even if it did take 2 extra minutes the crucial factor is how many chargers there are. Moreover, you seem to insist on this being an important consideration even though it's very early days in the EV revolution. Treating the current charging times for batteries as an important consideration when EVs in Thailand are still so few, and charging times are already being cut drastically, actually comparable to time it takes to fill up an ICE vehicle., is disingenuous. Moreover, all the chargers I have seen in Thailand are self service. Which means no waiting for an attendant to take your cash or credit card.. As for your phone nonsense. You're the one who tried to use the cost of a phone now vs. a phone back when to claim that technology doesn't necessarily make consumer items cheaper. So, of course, you were making a comparison. Why else did you bring it up? Because you thought it was a fun fact? And to make it worse, the cost of a mobile phone that you cited would be extremely high end.
  17. I guess 2 of the people who judge Boris by his haircut are Rishi Sunak and Sajid Javid British Prime Minister Boris Johnson facing multiple resignations in blow to his leadership British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's administration was thrown into disarray Tuesday when two top ministers quit within minutes of each other amid a slew of other resignations, just weeks after he narrowly survived a no-confidence vote from his own Conservative party. Health Minister Sajid Javid and Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced their departures in letters posted on Twitter. "The public rightly expects government to be conducted properly, competently and seriously," Sunak said in his resignation letter. https://www.foxnews.com/world/british-boris-johnson-resignations There's this fellow, too, a notorious critic of hair styles British Conservative Party vice-chair Afolami resigns - report One of the vice-chairs of Britain's ruling Conservative party, Bim Afolami, has resigned his position, TalkTV political editor Kate McCann said on Twitter on Tuesday. The news followed the resignation of two key ministers in Prime Minister Boris Johnson's government earlier on Tuesday moments after he apologised for the latest scandal to blight his administration. read more https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/british-conservative-party-vice-chair-afolami-resigns-report-2022-07-05/
  18. I said it would take an electrician to create a line for it. As for current What happens if plug an 110V appliance in 220V socket? The insulation is usually not a problem unless there is a major flaw in the design. It is current that is your enemy, a piece wire that is warm at 110V (120v) will turn into a fuse at 220V (230v, 240v), all other things being equal. Determining the wattage/load is usually performed by the design engineer to meet the performance specs set by the electrical engineer. http://www.gohz.com/what-happens-if-plug-an-110v-appliance-in-220v-socket#:~:text=The insulation is usually not,all other things being equal.
  19. And immediately following that sentence there's one that goe 'Plug in your car in the evening..." That didn't give you clue? And how was your objection relevant to that?
  20. Now it's 2 minutes? Just a few hours ago you were saying 5 minutes. Gas stations have made a lot of progress in service this morning. That said, I have never had an experience where it took just 2 minutes for me to have my gas tank filled and pay for it. Do you understand that calling your iphone or samsung a phone and calling a phone from 1975 a phone is massively misleading? Apart from making a phone call could that 1975 phone do any of the things that a modern run-of-the-mill mobile phone can do? Much less a $1600 one? A modern mobile is not just a phone, is it? So claiming that prices have gone up is not so much comparing apples to oranges as it is comparing bicycles to Teslas. Hedonic adjustment and Inflation Hedonics is the science of trying to work out how much product quality has changed and adjusting inflation to take account of the fact more expensive products are not just inflation, but also improved quality. It is used in the US and UK calculation of inflation https://www.economicshelp.org/blog/603/inflation/hedonics-and-inflation/#:~:text=Hedonics is the science of,and UK calculation of inflation.
  21. If anyone sounds confused it's you. But that may be due to the fault in your translation software. You originally compared this to a bus system that works very differently from most EVs. But this isn't like that at all. Just a battery upgrade.
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