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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Because if the issue is bullying a kid because they are gay or perceived to be so, you don't think the Florida law is going to have a chilling effect on discussing this kind of bullying?
  2. xxxx I guess I can't do anything about your extremely fallible memory but to cite this study from Lazard Freres, one of the worlds pee-eminent financial advisors and asset management" https://www.lazard.com/perspective/levelized-cost-of-energy-levelized-cost-of-storage-and-levelized-cost-of-hydrogen/ Of course, this study is out of date. For example, it posited a natural gas price of 3.85 mmbtu. In the USA, where gas prices are much lower than in most of the economically developed nations, the cost today is over 6 dollars and in the EU and UK many times that. And the price of coal has since zoomed upwards. So the situation today is far worse for fossil fuel powered plants.
  3. Because there is no history of bullying kids because they were considered to be gay? And schools should just shut their eyes to it?
  4. Believe it or not, there are now vehicles that can come to where your EV is and recharge it. Do you really think that EV companies hadn't thought of this? And there are such things as tow trucks, are there not? Also, portable charging units are now available. So I imagine a condo could have one of those that along with an extension cord, could solve that problem.
  5. A silly and transparent face saving response.
  6. You don't think the practicality of ICE vs EV's is relevant? Maybe you don't care about environmental effects of autos, but it seems to me to be a perfectly legitimate consideration in comparing the 2.
  7. Because there's a certain baseline cost imposed by the actual mining of it.
  8. Did you ever wonder where the transformers are that provide the power for electricity in a shopping mall? On the roof. So, where do think the transformers will go to provide power for chargers? Try putting gasoline tanks on the roof of a building Superchargers are self service including billing. In fact, a Tesla charger will automatically do the billing, in the cases where there's billing to be done without involving the customer at all, And even if that weren't the case, you think that a couple more minutes would be a significant inconvenience for most people?
  9. Pedantic much? Fine. CATL said its batteries could provide a vehicle with a range of 620 miles and a charging time of 5 minutes.
  10. So, on the one hand you cite a ridiculous personal example, and not confirmable, that apparently says that as technology advances products become 200 time more expensive. And then you pivot and claim you never said EV prices will always be too high. From the example you offered, it seems your actually claiming that they will get more expensive.
  11. As has been pointed out to you repeatedly, 20 minutes may be the charging times now, but already the biggest battery manufacturer in the world has created a battery with five minutes of charging time. And others have created prototypes with fast charging times, too.
  12. Is this a frequent problem for most automobile owners? If it is, I think they should seek help and not the kind that provides gasoline.
  13. As has been pointed out to you repeatedly, and apparently to no avail, most new power plants being built today, are either wind or solar based. In addition, I have repeatedly cited research that shows EV's still save on emissions of greenhouse gases over their lifetimes as compared to ICE vehicles. And since the batteries are largely recyclable for their minerals, as time goes by, their contribution to the amount of greenhouse gases will be less and less. And why exactly do you think there has to be a choice between heat pumps and EVs? Is the manufacturing of EV's getting in the way of the manufacturing of heat pumps?
  14. I don't know about you, but if this was a recurring problem in my life, I'd get myself checked out by a neurologist.
  15. Actually, coal is on its way out because of economics because of economics. It's too expensive. Gas peaker plants are now being outcompeted, too. In addition, there's nothing stopping states from regulating power plants within its borders.
  16. Which is lucky because crypto is so thinly traded that its price would collapse if a larger than normal number of holders sold.
  17. And yet Turkey has been selling drones to Ukraine. Which in the past have been very effective.
  18. So, that's just an additional example. How does that support your case that the US is making the same mistake in Ukraine that it made in Iraq and Afghanistan? And Bin Laden was not the leader of the Afghanis against the Russians. He was one of many fighters.
  19. Don't know what you mean by "the circumstances are entirely different". Militarily speaking, not so much. An indigenous population is opposing invaders and is being aided by outside powers. That pretty much sums up the situations in Vietnam and Iraq.
  20. What are you on about? Bin Laden may have plotted the attack on the USA from Afghanistan, but he certainly didn't lead the resistance against US troops in Afghanistan. Afghanis have a long history of successful resistance to foreign invaders.
  21. What's clear is that you are avoiding the question of Ukrainian popular support for the war. Russia denies that there is even such a thing as Ukrainian culture. How do you think Ukrainians feel about that. Especially when they see replacing Ukrainian language schools being replaced by Russian language schools in Kherson, an ethnic Ukrainian region?
  22. Who exactly are these predators? Is there evidence of a sexual predator problem in primary schools?
  23. As noted, CATL now has a battery that can be charged to 80% in 5 minutes. There are plenty of other competitors working on charging times. So even if long distance driving did pose a problem, it won't shortly. And there are plenty of other competitors working on charging times.
  24. I'm not sure what your point is? I do agree that ICE vehicle owners have gas in their cars at all times. I will even concede that EV owners never have gas in their cars. But why wouldn't they have charged batteries in their cars at all times? In crowded urban areas are gas stations never far away? When you're driving a car in bangkok, given the driving conditions, just about everything is far away. And if the condos offer parking, why can't they set up some chargers? A lot easier than installing a gasoline pumps.
  25. Do condos provide gasoline/petrol for those who own autos? How do urban dwellers who own an auto connect their car to fuel? And, of course, there's a lot lower rate of car ownership in urban areas than there is in the boonies.
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