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  1. There's some very sophisticated statistical rationales behind these polls. Of course, what sticks in peoples' minds is when they get it wrong. Actually, and I'm sorry to say this, the Suffolk Poll which had bad news for Biden, is one of the best.
  2. In fact, the hearings are being reported live. PBS, for one, is streaming them live on youtube. So is the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, C-Span etc.
  3. In fact, ,the Democrats offered Republicans the chance to set up an independent commission. The leader of the House Committee investigating this, along with the Republican leader on the committee came to an agreement about establishing one. McCarthy turned it down.
  4. Well, for one thing, Trump's lawyers have been engaged in major delaying actions. Almost invariably, they lose but it does eat up time.
  5. Do you have the same problem with the polls showing Biden in trouble? Numbers of those interviewed are similar.
  6. I should have written the hearings were planned well before the advent of low poll numbers.
  7. Thanks to the global warming Trump tried so hard to assist, Moscow will soon be balmy in winter and perfect for golf. Problem solved.
  8. The hearing were started well before the Democrats had any inkling of the various woes that might lead to low poll numbers.
  9. Russian journalist's Nobel Peace Prize fetches record $103.5 million at auction to aid Ukraine children Dmitry Muratov, the co-winner of the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize and the editor of one of Russia's last major independent newspapers, auctioned off his Nobel medal for a record $103.5 million to aid children displaced by the war in Ukraine. All proceeds from the auction, which coincided with the World Refugee Day on Monday, will benefit UNICEF's humanitarian response for Ukraine's displaced children, Heritage Auctions, which conducted the sale in New York, said in a statement. Muratov's Novaya Gazeta newspaper, fiercely critical of President Vladimir Putin and his government, suspended operations in Russia in March after warnings from the state over its coverage of the war in Ukraine. https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/russian-journalist-s-nobel-peace-prize-fetches-record--103.5-million-at-auction-to-aid-ukraine-children/47690048
  10. Here's an article that is originally from the Wall St. Journal about Russia's attempt to convert the locals into happy Russians In Occupied South Ukraine, Russia Tries To Build Loyalty To Putin "Days after Russian forces occupied the southern Ukrainian city of Berdyansk, residents gathered in the city’s main square with Ukrainian flags to sing patriotic songs and tell troops they hoped they would go home. The protests grew daily. They were soon detained by Russian forces, part of a month-long campaign of coercion, threats, propaganda and violence aimed at crushing the Berdyansk resistance and bringing the coastal city under Russian rule." https://6park.news/usa/in-occupied-south-ukraine-russia-tries-to-build-loyalty-to-putin.html
  11. I guess I'm going to have to use simple words to spell out to you why it is not irrelevant. You make predictions about the future as evidence in support of your arguments. The same way that devout Christians use as evidence prophesies about the return of Jesus. Unless you have a time machine, such predictions are valueless. Unless, of course, you do have time machine. In which case, can you tell me who's going to win the next world cup?
  12. I've forgotten his name but he's the guy who does implants and crowns. He's also the owner.
  13. As anybody who knows anything about Trump should tell you, he put himself, not America, first. One of his first acts on the environment was to change rules regarding fresh water in such a way as to benefit golf courses. How many golf courses and resorts does Trump own? He also proposed and signed a tax bill that especially benefits pass-through corporations and real estate investors. Coincidentally enough, that's how Trump's businesses are mostly structured and where most of his investments are. He also managed not to put his investments in a blind trust because, you know, genuine patriotism requires a willingness to sacrifice one's own interests and Trump is not real gifted at that.
  14. Thank you for revealing to us the nature of your knowledge about the science of climate change. Will you be publishing the results of your research in People magazine?
  15. Really? Colorado River flow dwindles as warming-driven loss of reflective snow energizes evaporation https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aay9187 Loss of Snowpack and Glaciers In Rockies Poses Water Threat From the Columbia River basin in the U.S. to the Prairie Provinces of Canada, scientists and policy makers are confronting a future in which the loss of snow and ice in the Rocky Mountains could imperil water supplies for agriculture, cities and towns, and hydropower production. https://e360.yale.edu/features/loss_of_snowpack_and_glaciers_in_rockies_poses_water_threat
  16. Sure, winter felt chilly, but Australia is setting new heat records at 12 times the rate of cold ones . My new study online in Geophysical Research Letters (with my colleague Andrew King) shows that Australia has been losing out on cold temperature records over the past 55 years. We investigated the frequency of new hot and cold temperature records for months, seasons and years, for each state and Australia as a whole, from 1910 to 2014... Record-breaking hot temperatures have outnumbered new cold records by a factor of 12 to 1 since the beginning of this century. https://www.anu.edu.au/news/all-news/sure-winter-felt-chilly-but-australia-is-setting-new-heat-records-at-12-times-the-rate
  17. No you haven't. It's clear that you get your info from denialist websites. No one who seriously read the science would ever cite a crank like D.J. Easterbrook as an authority on climate change.
  18. You earlier replies have no bearing on what's "really happening". I'd ask you to be vaguer but I don't think that's possible. You've got nothing to offer except clichés.
  19. Ben Carson touts creationism during Nashville speech Republican presidential contender Ben Carson restated his views on creationism Sunday, wrapping up his weekend in Tennessee with a visit to one of Metro Nashville's largest churches. Carson delivered two speeches Sunday morning at Cornerstone Church in Madison. Carson, a retired neurosurgeon who's recently surged in GOP presidential polls, weaved between a litany of different themes during the speeches, including everything from economics to his background growing up in Detroit... "They say, 'Carson, ya know, how can you be a surgeon, a neurosurgeon, and believe that God created the Earth, and not believe in evolution, which is the basis of all knowledge and all science?'," Carson said during his second speech. https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2015/11/01/ben-carson-preaches-visits-at-madison-church/75005896/ Ben Carson: If You Accept Evolution, "You Dismiss Ethics," Can't Believe In God And Evolution Republican presidential candidate and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, a noted creationist, once said those who believe in evolution "dismiss ethics" and believe you don't have to abide by a moral code. "Ultimately, if you accept the evolutionary theory, you dismiss ethics, you don't have to abide by a set of moral codes, you determine your own conscience based on your own desires," Carson told Adventist Review, the magazine of the Seventh-day Adventist Church of which Carson is a member for a 2004 cover story. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/andrewkaczynski/ben-carson-if-you-accept-evolution-you-dismiss-ethics
  20. And rain has always happened. And snow etc. The issue is how widespread, how rapidly they develop, how severe, and how frequent.
  21. More nonsense from you. Obviously since the global mean temperature continues to rise, more places are getting warmer than are getting cooler. This is just basic arithmetic.
  22. CO2 doesn't cool the planet. Some regions will get cooler due to local conditions. But on balance the planet will keep on getting warmer thanks to CO and rising levels of other warming gasses. You persistently try to foist this notion that because some regions get cooler, therefore that debunks global warming. It doesn't.
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