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  1. Yes I do RAFAH, Gaza Strip/CAIRO, March 6 (Reuters) - Heads turned as the masked men with clubs walked down a Rafah street, part of a vigilante public security group set up by armed factions in Gaza after the civil police force went underground saying it was targeted by Israeli strikes. https://archive.ph/Qt9RM
  2. Actually, no. Putin’s ‘Eurasian’ fixation reveals ambitions beyond Ukraine The nine-thousand-word concept starts by describing Russia as “a unique country-civilization and a vast Eurasian and Euro-Pacific power.” It adds that Russia “brings together the Russian people and other peoples belonging to the cultural and civilizational community of the Russian world.” In the Kremlin’s formulation, then, Russia is not so much a nation-state among nation-states as it is a civilizational world unto itself. .. Their culture is something they call "Eurasian" and quite distinct from Western culture. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/new-atlanticist/putins-eurasian-fixation-reveals-ambitions-beyond-ukraine/ "Neo-Eurasianism is the most elaborate of the various conservative ideologies that emerged in Russia in the 1990s," according to Marlene Laruelle, Research Fellow, Central Asia and Caucasus Institute, Johns Hopkins University, and former Fellow, Wilson Center. Eurasianism can be defined as an ideology which affirms that Russia and its "margins" occupy a median position between Europe and Asia, that their specific features have to do with their culture being a "mix" born of the fusion of Slavic and Turko-Muslim peoples, and that Russia should specifically highlight its Asian features. Eurasianism rejects the view that Russia is on the periphery of Europe, and on the contrary interprets the country's geographic location as grounds for a kind of messianic "third way." https://www.wilsoncenter.org/publication/russian-eurasianism-ideology-empire
  3. Trump's idea was to irradiate one's insides with UV light. Now maybe your body is transparent to UV radiation. Not the case with most of us.
  4. You should write up an article for The Journal of It's 'All About Me and My Son.
  5. If the question you're referring to is "Has it happened in Rafah?", then I have answered it. What's relevant isn't whether or not it has happened in Rafah but has it happened in Gaza. Ya think the Israeli armed forces are in one location are fundamentally different from another? What makes Rafah special? Actually, it can't happen in Rafah because there is no police presence there, as the NY Times article pointed out. And why would there be? Israel has never acknowledged it targeted the police much less whether or not it is still targeting police. That sends a message.
  6. Since Israel has never ackknowledged that it was targeting the police, why should I assume that it still isn't? At that time, was the gate at Rafah open? Has anybody said it's not happening? Why is it relevant that it was at that gateway? At the time of that report, that's was the only functioning gateway? I guess, the argument against what I'm saying could be that the Israelis acknowledged that they attacked police escorts. And now they're promising not to do it anymore. Except that the Israelis never acknowledged that they were targeting police. In fact, at the time they claimed that the problem was that it was the fault of organizations inside gaza failing to get get those supplies to where they belonged. In other words, they lied. There is no evidence of a police presence now in southern gaza. Why would the police expose themselves to an attack by the Israeli armed forces that never acknowledged that the police were a target in the first place? Aid groups say thousands of tons of supplies remain stranded in southern Gaza because conditions are too dangerous to move it. "There are now thousands of tons of food, medicine and other supplies stuck on the Gaza side of a border crossing mere miles from Palestinians who need them, the officials say. The grim scenario is part of the domino effect of the Israeli campaign in Gaza, which has toppled much of the Hamas government without installing an alternative. In much of Gaza, there are no police officers to prevent chaos, few municipal workers to clean up heaping mounds of rubble and trash and only the bare minimum of public services." https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/06/19/world/israel-gaza-war-hamas
  7. You're the one who cites isolated events as some kind of proof. In a country with a population of about 70 million, that's not hard to do. The question is, does it actually have a measurable effect on policing? You've offered nothing to support that.
  8. Another unbacked assertion. And still standing by an irrelevant post about Hampshire.
  9. But they're not the ones railing against immigration. What does the unemployment rate tell you? And what about this? Immigration Is Fueling US Economic Growth While Politicians Rage Goldman boosts GDP growth forecast amid immigration surge HSBC says no advanced economy is benefiting like the US https://archive.ph/1jPBo
  10. The big problem with your hypothesis is that high inflation was virtually rampant in all of the developed nations and lots of developing nations as well. Was Biden responsible for that? And, of course, before the covid pandemic, government spending had increased yet inflation remained very low.
  11. You think Gaza police are likelyto expose themselves to possible (likely?) Israeli attacks? In an area where warfare is ongoing or just recently ceased?
  12. The topic is about a community in London. Here's what you originally wrote: You offered an hypothesis contrary to fact and to support it you cite an incident in Hampshire. You've still got nothing.
  13. So what? What evidentiary value does it have? What percentage of arrests and/or convictions have to do with this kind of crime?
  14. If they were serious about stemming the flow of illegal immigration, all they would have to do was to pass laws making it a felony to hire undocumented aliens. Of course, there goes a huge portion of the labor force that is responsible one way or another for getting Americans fed. And, oddly enough, dairy farmers, other farmers, and meat packing companies tend to favor Republicans. Hmmm....
  15. It's a good thing that Israel hasn't target the Hamas police force because otherwise the Israelis might be to blame...oh wait a minute Gaza aid delivery hampered by Israeli attacks on police, rising chaos https://archive.ph/kKz5W#selection-535.0-535.69
  16. Actually, the question is did the reviewer whose words Skipaloncassidy plagiarized actually read the book?
  17. Basically, it's what's called a meme stock. No substantial monetary value. Owning or buying a share is a way of making a statement. At last report it was down to $31.31. https://www.google.com/search?q=djt+latest+stock+price&oq=djt&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBggDEEUYOzIGCAAQRRg7MgYIARBFGDsyBggCEEUYOzIGCAMQRRg7MgYIBBBFGDsyBggFEEUYPTIGCAYQRRg8MgYIBxBFGD3SAQg0Mzg2ajBqNKgCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Expect more baseless complaints from the company that traders are pulling all kinds of illegal maneuvers to lower the price.
  18. Fauci got royalties for what exactly? And as noted in an earlier post, the pangolin hypothesis is far from dead.
  19. You meanthat Obama was too intelligent and knowledgeable to fool but Trump was an easy mark?
  20. Nonsense. Not only did I provide a rebuttal, but youlre the party who made the original claim. Here's your claim again: And here is a basic rule of this forum: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." https://aseannow.com/forum/158-world-news/ In other words: put up or...
  21. That's better. You should try and make a habit of that.
  22. Since that bill was passed last July it also applies to the present.
  23. But, apparently, the links are so difficult to post.
  24. So, was Trump pi$$ed of with Fauci about the masks? Only the masks?
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