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  1. Well, it had to do with winds of a sort. SA's statewide blackout was five years ago — here's how energy supply has evolved since then Among the more surreal and enduring images from South Australia's infamous statewide blackout are the photos of electricity transmission towers collapsed and contorted in foggy fields. On the afternoon of September 28, 2016, twin tornados ripped through SA's mid north, damaging critical infrastructure and shutting off power to the entire state. More than 20 of the giant pylons were knocked out, folding in on themselves as if Uri Geller had somehow magicked them into submission. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-28/sa-statewide-blackout-anniversary-energy-impacts/100496564 Something good did come of it however. Tesla built a 100 megawatt battery that can protect the power system. In addition, it helps to regulate power levels within the system and by doing so extends its lifetime.
  2. Well, in the USA, according to that poll, Republicans are far more likely to believe multiple falsehoods than are Democrats oi Independent. So, in the USA and in much of Europe, the likelihood of subscribing to these falsehoods increases in likelihood the more right-wing a believer in them is.
  3. Also, these kind of criticisms about stress on the power grid assume that there will be a tsunami of EV's being purchased by Thais that will overwhelm the system. There's a huge base of ICE vehicles in Thailand. The percentages will gradually shift. Also, just because EVs take a long time to charge now doesn't mean that will continue to be the case. I believe the new Hyundai EV gets to about 80% of its charge in 12 minutes. And solid state batteries will charge a lot faster.
  4. So the reports were accurate from Western Media when they cited a 39% effectiveness but false otherwise? These news reports are about studies extracting data from the database of the Israeli Health system which includes virtually all Israelis. Crying fake news is the last resort of the desperate. And all the nations abandoning the current Chinese vaccines just reinforce how nonsensical your claim is.
  5. Thanks for the article based on a dated study. And even that study showed that the Pfizer vaccine was highly effective in preventing hospitalizations and death. "However, the two-dose vaccine still works very well in preventing people from getting seriously sick, demonstrating 88% effectiveness against hospitalization and 91% effectiveness against severe illness, according to the Israeli data published Thursday." https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-study-covid-booster-shots-92-effective-at-preventing-serious-illness/ Since then, boosters have now been widely administered in Israel. Israeli study: COVID booster shots 92% effective at preventing serious illness A large-scale Israeli study published Friday showed that a third booster shot was 92% effective in preventing serious illness compared to those who received only two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine. The study conducted by Israel’s largest HMO Clalit Health Services, with funding from Harvard Medical School, was published in the Lancet medical journal based on a study of 728,321 people who received the third shot compared to a control group of a similar number who received only two shots at least five months before. According to the report the third dose of 93% effective at preventing admission to the hospital, with the health service recording 231 instances of hospitalization for the two-dose group, compared to 29 for those who got a booster shot. https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-study-covid-booster-shots-92-effective-at-preventing-serious-illness/
  6. I guess you're reduced to offering dodgy and dated videos since actual scientific data shows that Sinovac and Sinopharm aren't as effective as the vaccines being produced by the West. Which is why countries that can afford to purchase vaccines have shifted to using these Western vaccines instead.
  7. If you had bothered to look at the report, you would know that it's broken down by age groups. In all age groups the unvaccinated had a higher mortality rate than did the vaccinated. https://aseannow.com/forum/245-covid-19-coronavirus/
  8. Actually, what's going on is that Florida used to include reports of deaths they day the state agency received them. Sometimes it can take weeks for the report to get there. Now the data is posted for the day the death occurred. The effect of this is to make current deaths seem a lot lower than they eventually turn out to be. Anyway, this thing is, people who cite Florida as some sort of a success story, seem to live in a kind of state of amnesia. What happened a month or 2 ago has no relevance for them. Here's what Florida's daly death count looks like over the past year and a half more or less https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/florida-covid-cases.html Here's another way to look at its recent history. A list of states organized by death rates. You'll see that most of the states with the highest rates are either red or lean red. And Florida is still #14 despite its low cases. Not long ago it was vying for first place with states like Mississippi and Alabama. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/covid-cases.html
  9. It doesn't have to be scientific research. It's mining data from the State of Texas' healthcare system. What don't you understand about that?
  10. It is very effective. Not quite as effective as Pfizer or Moderna, but still an excellent vaccine.
  11. v.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1032859/Vaccine_surveillance_report_-_week_45.pdf Effects of OAS (Original Antigenic Sin)? Worth taking a look at. Need a booster now as protection is waning with J&J down to 3% after 6 months. Moderna and Pfizer protection waning as well. Need a jab every 6 months for an ailment that has about a 98% survival rate. Staying fit is a good idea, especially now. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20211019/Waning-COVID-vaccine-efficacy-especially-against-reinfection.aspx The problem with these statistics is that they depend on voluntary testing by individuals. But death reporting doesn't depend on that, does it? . So tell us, what is the death rate of the vaccinated vs. the unvaccinated?
  12. Given your tortured use of English, I deserve a pat on the back. But how is the fact that 15-20 percent of the population doesn't believe in vaccinations relevant to the statistics in this report? Do you think vaccinations are like Tinkerbell? You have to believe in them in order for them to work? What's your point?
  13. First off, it's obvous that you are evading the issue of vaccinations. Overwhelmingly what corresponds to death rates is vaccination levels. Why do you repeatedly avoid addressing this issue. It's known why Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania had a sharp increase in rates. They decided to launch a mini schengen zone where citizens from the 3 countries could travel freely to each others countries. Then Delta came along. Your rant about Scandinavia is pure nonsense. Why not compare Sweden to Singapore? Or Togo? Or Thailand? The answer is simple and blazingly obvious. You compare it to the countries that it's most similar to in order to tease out what effect the differences have on the results. . Sweden, Norway, and Finland are very similar nations. Similar climate, similar lifestyles, similar incomes, similar social services, similar population distribution. Even the Swedes admit their rejection of social distancing and masking had disastrous results. Maybe you should take up your argument with them? As for German states compared to Luxembourg. What you don't note is that Luxembourg's population is concentrated in the south center of the nation close to Belgium and France. Ya think maybe population density has something to do with Covid rates of transmission? What are the rates of the areas of Luxembourg bordering on Germany as compared to the regions of Germany that they border on? As for Germany, it's now rapidly catching up to France. As the German health authorities acknowledge, in Germany it's a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Particularly in the east of Germany where mistrust of govt. runs high and right wing political parties have found their greatest success. The state with the lowest vaccination rate, Saxony, has the highest rate of covid mortality. Germany’s Fourth Covid Wave: ‘A Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’ Germany once set an example for how to manage the coronavirus. Now, deep pockets of vaccine resistance are helping drive daily infections to new heights. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/11/world/europe/germany-covid-unvaccinated.html And your claim that 27 jof 28 EU nations followed stricter protocols than Sweden is utterly false. Eastern and Central European nations were lax. But most importantly, the EU nations that trail Sweden are mostly those with a very low rate of vaccinations. https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/sweden And I'm not going to go into your misrepresentation of the situation in America. But I will note that it characterizes the history of covid by the present situation. Do you think that what happened a month or 2 ago has now entered the realm of legend and is no longer valid for analysis. Not so long ago, for example, Florida had the highest mortality rate from Covid. Hawaii used to have a very high rate of infection. (Now, to enter Hawaii a tourist must present proof of vaccination and a negative PCR test. So exactly why did you bring up the issue of tourists and Miami?) If you want to get a more accurate picture of the situation in the Sates, look at how the varying states have fared since vaccinations became available. You'll find that there is an inverse correlation between vaccination rates and mortality rates. Why is it that you repeatedly dodge the issue of vaccinations?
  14. I have no idea what you're getting at. "about 15-20 percent of population are denying any benefit of Covid vaccines." What does this mean? That 15-20 percent of the population doesn't believe in vaccination?
  15. Clearly you didn't even bother to click on the link. If you had, you would have noted that this is a link to the actual report, unlike the previous link which was link to an article in Axios about the report..
  16. This is laughable The numbers are extraordinarily lopsided in favor of vaccinations. It's incumbent upon you to show why the data is insufficient. Not to just assert it.
  17. COVID-19 vaccine gives 5 times the protection of 'natural immunity,' data show US adults who previously had COVID-19 contracted the disease at more than five times the rate of those who were fully vaccinated, according to data published today in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). Rolling out vaccines during a pandemic is not easy, and people can get confused by evidence that shows COVID vaccines don't work perfectly, including a study yesterday showing that household spread with the Delta (B1617.2) variant still happens after vaccination, albeit not as readily in the unvaccinated and not leading to severe cases (see today's CIDRAP News story). Yet the body of evidence continues to grow that, despite their imperfections, COVID-19 vaccines continue to work very well, and today's study adds to that. https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2021/10/covid-19-vaccine-gives-5-times-protection-natural-immunity-data-show
  18. Also, high ambient temperatures actually lessen the productivity of a solar cell. Of course, in this case, that's not going to be a problem. Which is another plus for a system like this.
  19. Well, first off, as was pointed out, solar during the day and hydropower at night. So they got that covered. And your claim that greatest demand is during darkness is absolutely false. That's why utilities in many countries charge lower rates at night when demand is lower. And even though they're not being used in this system, storage systems do exist and are rapidly declining in price.
  20. The article also stated that vaccinated 70-79 year olds had an even lower death rate than the unvaccinated 70-79 year olds. It said nothing about 50-59 year olds or 60-69 year olds. Some else already pointed out to you that death rate is not the same as total deaths. What don't you understand about that?
  21. The article specifically says that the death rate for the unvaccinated is higher.
  22. It seems you misread the article "Death rates among the unvaccinated are significantly higher. For people aged over 80, the unvaccinated have a death rate of 125.4 per 100,000 compared to the vaccinated 54.9 per 100,000 in the past four weeks. For 70-79 the gap is even wider, with the unvaccinated death rate at 103.8 per 100,000 compared to 16.2 for the vaccinated." https://uk.news.yahoo.com/revealed-thousands-of-double-jabbed-over-50-s-have-died-in-the-last-4-weeks-190548036.html
  23. Maybe that's true for environmental costs, but what about its cost costs? https://www.lazard.com/perspective/levelized-cost-of-energy-levelized-cost-of-storage-and-levelized-cost-of-hydrogen/
  24. You sure about that? Toyota announces the bZ4X: the carmaker’s first mass-produced electric vehicle https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/nov/02/toyota-announces-the-bz4x-the-carmakers-first-mass-produced-electric-vehicle
  25. Good thing that petroleum extraction has been environmentally friendly in Africa..oh wait a minute... Nigeria's Delta attempts cleanup after decades of oil spills, gas flaring https://www.africanews.com/2021/10/20/nigeria-s-delta-attempts-cleanup-after-decades-of-oil-spills-gas-flaring// South Sudan ignores reports on oil pollution, birth defects https://apnews.com/article/united-nations-south-sudan-ap-top-news-international-news-health-f2f06cfa70126ad179445720d7c60b8a
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